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Everything posted by vsb

  1. OVERVIEW Focused on additional fixes to RIOT with emphasis on improving the overall experience based on player feedback CHANGES/FIXES Added in 5 more contact levels for RIOT BETA with the new �Dragon� weapon skin as the reward for getting to Rank 10 Players now appear on the radar of the final zone of RIOT Players can no longer see opposing player names through a RIOT gas emitter or RIOT van Updated max survival revive cost in RIOT to $5,000 instead of $4,000 RIOT now always plays in peak daylight hours Arming a gas emitter in RIOT will not get interrupted when starting to arm during the last remaining seconds of having the arming code Fixed a bug related to arming a bomb during missions Minimum amount of players for RIOT is now 8 players RIOT now require 16 participating player in order to maintain pre-made teams Gas Masks equipped on respawn in RIOT now last 45 seconds (instead of 30) and have no cooldown when they expire (only on respawn) Arrests now correctly count as a single death in RIOT Improved HUD Messages for RIOT Spectating players are now reminded that their teammates can revive them in RIOT The message for when you are spectating in RIOT should now always be shown Players will now see their bribe amount, even if they are not leading Now correctly updates the winning bribe amount when a team that was leading the bribe is eliminated Added the title "Firecracker" The following guns now have permanent unlocks in the Joker Store Colby .45 AP now sells for 6,000 JT and 60,000 APB$ AR-97 'Misery' JT1 now sells for 6,000 JT and 60,000 APB$ AR-97 'Misery' JT3 now sells for 10,000 JT and 100,000 APB$ KNOWN ISSUES Dragon Weapon Skin does apply correctly to the N-TEC 5 weapon model Yakuza Weapon Skin does apply correctly to theISSR-a PR3 'Artemis' weapon model discuss? ---- my thoughts on these changes adding 5 more levels for one extra reward is just doubling a problem riot already had, especially if contact standing continues to increase every level this will certainly force people to actually play the final round, but i worry that it will further enhance the skill gap - no more sneaking up on players for surprise attacks im curious why this was added, was there some issue with night matches that im not aware of? both good changes i remain skeptical of allowing premade groups at all tho good change, altho i think i would have preferred some work on the spawns themselves this will at least help nice to see the joker store changes getting such a quick follow up any eta/news on the new ways to gain JT? overall its good to see steady work being put into riot, but i have to wonder at what point does it stop being worth the time? we've already been told that the mode was mainly created as a practice run for the devs, does this still hold true when the systems created are already in place? im willing to try it (assuming riot doesnt remain dead on jericho) but i think the final zone radar change is for the worse - hide and seek may have been annoying but with the way that standing is rewarded (and i see no mention of changes to that) players are now forced to risk dying before the match ends and getting almost no standing, a problem only made worse by the addition of 5 more contact levels assumedly with higher and higher standing requirements
  2. you are just committed to shitposting all the sudden i approve
  3. t-shirt launcher nl9 legendary reskin when?
  4. then i guess we're back to "if you don't trust the ceo of the company why are you here?", unless you're implying that the transcript thread is a fake that links to a fake twitch q&a stream in which case im flattered anyone thinks i'm that devious either we take the only official information on the matter as truth or having any of these discussions is pointless because everything we know so far could be lies correct "fairfight is not working correctly" isnt really that ambiguous, thats pretty definitive imo - im not sure how else i could take that statement indepth info probably wasnt given out because at the time ff was still in limited use and the plan was to move forward with both ff and battleye as anticheats i guess so we (or at least i) have no idea about easyanticheat's supposed server side components, is it a heuristic anticheat similar to ff?
  5. thought i posted that in this thread but i guess not edit: if you want a source for that
  6. its not misinformation, but i guess there's no way to prove that to you so whatever
  7. i dont really enjoy misinformation floating around either, taking 3 seconds to screenshot discord seemed like a decent tradeoff
  8. im bxnnxd dumbass oh i guess that could be the case i dont really have a vested interest in proving ff was wrong since i quite like the idea of a heuristic (?) anticheat, but you're free to believe or disbelieve whatever
  9. my name isnt in that wym i mean if you don't trust the ceo of the company then why even bother to stick around at all?
  10. it wasnt being updated or paid for by the time orbit bought apb also used for manual bans and non-cheating bans despite several lies to the contrary from g1
  11. i’m pretty sure it’s just thousands at this point, if you count all the people that log in every 6 months to relive the nightmare
  12. sounds about right since the new measures don’t work well
  13. pretty sure that depends on sony, should probably ask them
  14. i figured you were arguing against using steam population numbers, if not then my bad btw why do you keep pointing to “other threads” without actually linking to them?
  15. do you have any specific methods or just some vague demands?
  16. steam stats have always been accurate to within maybe 100 people, there’s simply not enough people playing without steam running to make a noticeable difference in any case the steam numbers alone can still be used to see trends, do you really think the nonsteam players behave any differently from the steam players?
  17. lol that’s not happening you think they’re going to prioritize the less populated server?
  18. in total would be net player gain/loss from the date orbit purchased apb to today, which would be comparing ~550 to ~500 according to your chart i won’t deny that the game is going through a very rough patch, but using players that showed up and left within 3 months (during which orbit seemed to be firing on all cylinders) seems a little disingenuous - imo nothing short of the engine upgrade would have made these players stay any longer, they were just old players popping in because either the news of g1 selling or the news of unbans piqued their interest
  19. there is a mission where completing each stage will only add 2min to the next stage instead of each stage having its own separate timer
  20. support has consistently been lowering response times, iirc last update was 3 weeks which is on par with old g1
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