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Everything posted by vsb

  1. good thing thats not what the engine upgrade is for is that you alonzo? why do you change your name so much?
  2. yeah i think r85 would be fine, keeps in line with nitro 3
  3. weapon role 13/14 mods aren’t unlocked until you get 20k kills, yet people are allowed to buy them off the mp and use them - the grind is still there and if you want to skip it you have to pay, why should r195 mods be any different? the joker store leases aren’t really a good substitution imo, aside from a newer player probably not even knowing the joker store exists, farming out joker tickets will probably allow players to rent 1 mod a week (partly due to skill, or lack of skill, and partly due to the hard cap of contact dailies) and its also another recurring apb$ expense on top of weapon leases
  4. i honestly can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not
  5. without premium each item of clothing is limited to 3 symbols of up to 25 layers each iirc, not really close to infinite i go back and forth on this tbh, as someone with both premium and f2p accounts you definitely feel the difference - but isnt that the point? and customization is a pretty large draw (or it was, when this game wasn’t at rock bottom) for new players, so limiting it feels counterproductive, but at the same time every increase in f2p access directly devalues premium ultimately i guess premium isn’t really a big moneymaker (further supported by orbits intentions to lower the price of premium when/if the riot pass is implemented) and the game is in a pretty bad state anyway, giving something to f2p players probably won’t hurt
  6. i don’t want to derail the thread too much but i enjoy balancing discussion it’s entirely possible to bring all the modifications in line imo, although the first thing that needs to happen is the removal of rank restrictions spitballing here but: -high burn fuel changed to lower explosive damage by x% / lower acceleration or top speed (specialized fuel, not optimal for performance?) / lower vehicle health (specialized engine, more fragile?) -blowtorch changes to only repair x% of vehicle health / slower repair time (gas station speed) -spotter (and tagger) changed for increased cd / more visible for the tagee im unsure about adding too much new stuff tbh, as you said the last round of mods are kind of forced, i think it would be better to get what we have balanced before slamming new stuff on top
  7. really? id go with blowtorch or high burn fuel, since they both alter car gameplay for the worse not sure about just deleting them all tho, wouldn’t it would be far better for the game in the long run to balance them?
  8. there’s a good chance that a cheater is inherently dishonest, but surrounded by their peers on their website what reason would they have for dishonesty?
  9. we were never told exactly what was wrong with ff, but it was confirmed (by mattscott himself) that ff was falsely banning players and that it was relatively easy to get falsely banned
  10. not to downplay the problem, but health hacks don’t exist afaik - if you land the shots a cheater will die like everyone else
  11. high mag scope is easily a contender for worst mod, maybe only tied with heavy barrel with a render distance of 100m (and the rsa only having a 70m damage dropoff) there’s just no reason anyone needs so much magnification the “scoped” view is clunky (poor UI design, poor to no visibility in certain areas, extreme tunnel vision) at best it’s a redundant mod, with the same accuracy modifiers as hs3 the lack of hipfire crosshairs is just an unnecessary extra nerf to whatever you put hms on the rsa itself struggles to kill in 3 shots, as it has low overdamage, a high ttk and ca3 exists the same low overdamage prevents the rsa from being used much past it’s dropoff range, iirc it’s an extra shot to kill for every meter past 70m
  12. where exactly is the misinformation here? i didn’t mean realistic in the sense of obeying every law of physics, we have kevlar plastic surgery mods and magical healing gas after all - that’s why realistic was in quotes, the idea is to have carsurfer be a little more immersive and polished rather than the half-assed value change it is now animations don’t have to slow down gameplay; the initial pump shotgun animation, any objective animation, switching shoulders, all these have pretty much no effect on gameplay - something like your character bracing themselves in a more stable position, or visually swaying slightly with vehicle movement wouldn’t interfere with gameplay at all and since carsurfer is locked to r195, a mechanic could be added to certain vehicles (trucks/vans/SUVs) to allow heavy weapons to be used from the trunk/bed, almost like a 5th seat - iirc this has been asked for a lot over the years i’m aware that all this is unnecessary, carsurfer is “fine” as is, but that’s why i suggested it way in the future
  13. i assume their mindset is that cheaters cause real financial harm to companies and therefore, even tho it’s impossible to calculate the actual number of dollars lost, it should be treated as stealing?
  14. new mitigation working great now all you have to do is get the servers to stop crashing xDDDDDDDD
  15. if i don't agree with you on the process im not going to just blindly throw my vote in for it honestly don't use those much, i find them kind of useless especially for any post with more than 2 opinions also just saying "nah" isnt very constructive yeah there's nothing stopping little orbit from starting or stopping such a program at any time, but i think the damage will be done no matter how on top of the situation they are - there are still people who think sov is a protected cheat clan even tho apb doesnt even have the same owners anymore for a concrete example when lixil streamed playing with an alleged cheater from the g1 era, the forums legitimately exploded - there were so many people spamming variations of "orbit prioritizing cheaters" that the site bugged out
  16. im not opposing the solutions im opposing you the manual bans thing kind of ties in to how it goes sour - examples being revoemag's "i decide who cheats", or sovereign's "pocket GM" byrt/jobs or since orbit uses player GMs the examples would be the old SPCC member that claimed triggerbots weren't cheating, or the forum mod that was a blatant cheater ingame im not saying i don't want it, but its silly to pretend there isnt a risk associated on this we seem to agree
  17. lets be honest - its both but i guess he's saying that he doesnt want to use an amateur website? seeing as how the apbdb is not official (altho it does use official data sent by orbit afaik) he might also be saying that all this info needs to be ingame, which i actually do agree with
  18. ive barely praised them at all, what are you on about where have i said things are okay? didnt i list out like half a dozen problems i have with orbit earlier? i dont want to straight up deny this because its likely true, but there are several ways increased GM presence could go sour where do you see a minimum? we sure aren't hitting months of silence like with g1 what would my hard stance be? not playing? not paying? i think thats redundant and im not waffling or ambivalent at all, i just don't condemn the entire company because they arent handling a single issue the way i want
  19. at this point its whatever however maybe in the future after most of the major issues this game suffers from are fixed the carsurfer mod could be reworked to allow for more "realistic" implementations, through animations, mechanics, and other stuff
  20. sort of but with worse accuracy, less damage, more shots to kill, less range, and less hard damage basically it’s still duki, just slightly less than the other guns in the pack
  21. little orbit sends a big thanks to your wallet
  22. i’m not sure this relates to what you quoted unless you’re addressing things out of order, this portion was about your strange stance of where somehow there is no middle ground - a way to be critical of some aspects and not others if you truly believe a company is completely incapable why would you want to wait around, the most likely outcome is remaining incapable no dumbo, that means we’ve both spent money on apb - if anything i’ve spent more than you why am i not allowed to commit to both? the problem with your black and white viewpoint is that it would have me continue to tear down little orbit over increasingly small issues even if/when they begin turning things around, or continue to blindly praise them even as the population dwindles and the servers go dark meanwhile in a reality where the community is “allowed” to criticize and praise and equal measure, wouldn’t accurate feedback help orbit understand successes and apply that knowledge to failures?
  23. but you’ve said that i either have to fully support a company or believe them completely incapable, surely you aren’t saying that no two people have opposing preferences which are impossible to both satisfy? its entirely reasonable to be critical of certain aspects of little orbit without casting the entire company into the void i’ve no idea, as what i regard as good is subjective the parentheses were just vague examples, not specifically apb related sorry bud, being a paying customer doesn’t differentiate us good thing i’ve never said otherwise, in fact i believe i explicitly stated that GMs being unable to ban is not my stance
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