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Everything posted by vsb

  1. to be fair orbit was very upfront that both of the new seasonal events were made using riot code nice feedback altogether tho, very to the point
  2. isn’t this a post from a cheat site forum? and you wonder why the admins didn’t allow it lmao nice brain
  3. haven’t you been arguing that weapon drops aren’t fair because other people can use your “premium” weapons? because the original post from mattscott doesn’t mention that at all
  4. what? there are plenty of shitty companies that offer garbage in order to make money im not saying orbit is intentionally tanking apb - in fact i’m sure they’re trying very hard not to - but ultimately what they want out of this game is money, this isn’t some deep wisdom or anything
  5. money probably you know, like most businesses
  6. im pretty sure a large portion of the community called riot as a br (before it was announced even) and was against it for me a lot of the "where is riot" stuff was more about orbit keeping the schedule they set rather than actually looking forward to the new mode
  7. apparently all jericho players are middle aged female accountants
  8. i dont think anyone can, jericho has been having (even more) connection issues today
  9. i think riot is dogshit (partly for the same lack-of-variety reason), fc is just mindless quick action so its not really necessary for it to be varied i understand the reasoning behind a potential pve mode with the dying pop but im a little cautious of devoting another year (being extremely generous for comparison's sake) to get another disaster like riot
  10. DAY 7 dear journal, the food has run out and my discord companion has gone afk, im on my own from here on out. if only i could gain access to an instance if only i could escape these damned TESTING markers somehow. i fear im on a steady fall into the depths of insanity. if anyone finds this please, please check on mr snuggums his litterbox must be full by now signing off, [REDACTED]
  11. not everyone wants to look like they’re wearing knockoff preset clothing people wear what they want to wear, that’s literally the whole point of the extensive customization system
  12. wow i’m sure glad we’re discussing identity politics here on the apb forums who would have thought this is where century old debates get solved
  13. there were 2 public otw tests and not much has changed at all from those to the current riot “beta” g1c is still g1c because gamersfirst still exists oh and we’ll be getting another version of premium too hurray
  14. at this point we’ve been through almost half a dozen server solutions and none of them have shown much promise, i think it’s safe to say that there’s something else behind the scenes that causes this poor performance
  15. yeah ever since the riot patch i’ve gone from 50-80ms to 150-200ms theres a reason i don’t live in australia, id like a fix for this
  16. ah yes, the infamous “don’t hold me back”
  17. still no pinned feedback thread btw :^)
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