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Everything posted by vsb

  1. orbit i get that you’re busy fixing this mess of a patch but there should probably be a pinned thread (or threads) for riot feedback since this is a “beta” after all, seems like a good idea to have it all concentrated in one place instead of scattered across the forums unless you’re only planning on putting in the same amount of work from riot preseason to riot season 1 as you did from public otw testing to riot preseason
  2. yeah i’m against the entire weapon drop mechanic, but i don’t see why legendaries shouldn’t get dropped - they’re a gun just like any other
  3. i’d prefer to keep the train wreck that is riot far away from anarchy/chaos districts the last thing we need is another year of orbit ignoring player feedback
  4. “lose the majority of remaining population” this is is a high priority item boys, lets go go go
  5. yeah the weapon drop can be a fun mechanic but ultimately it kind of throws balance out the window, especially when people actually start trying to abuse it
  6. i’m not really sure there’s a good answer here ideally players shouldn’t be spawning in any location that’s further then 150-200m from a safe area ideally there shouldn’t be a cooldown (before and after hazmat use) that can be “exploited” for more time without toxin damage ideally players shouldn’t be able to last so long inside toxic areas ideally there shouldn’t be 4 or 5 hazmat suits at every pickup location, it should be a rare(ish) item that allows a lucky player to get an edge over others ideally hazmat suits (and every other pickup) shouldn’t spawn in the exact same place every riot match so without all these other fixes, i’d say just drop the cooldown to 30 seconds
  7. there were a few small tweaks not mentioned in the patch notes for instance, objectives now specifically list what the target is underneath the interaction type
  8. i think it has less replayability as far as i'm aware the pickups spawn in the same places every match - premade 4s gathering as much cash as they can get, spawning preset loadouts, and then toasting everyone else in the district is going to be the way riot goes most times altho i guess thats not really much different from mission districts now that i think about it
  9. i dont think orbit can afford to refund me
  10. i was also playing today and encountered no one that i thought was suspicious at all i did get hackusated tho :^)
  11. servers appear to be having trouble i just logged out when i realized there was about 12 people on NA servers, not even worth playing at this point
  12. nah i actually agree with you this time tbh this is an embarrassment, "beta" or not
  13. actual staff GMs have gm powers volunteer player GMs shouldnt have any powers except the ability to flag a player for review by an actual GM
  14. infinite "contacting world server" here too
  15. almost nothing has changed since the last public otw test really great work orbit im glad you pinned our hopes and dreams to this mode
  16. i like how they made the fbw the starting secondary weapon and now i never have to spend money to buy my preset secondary again (because its an fbw too) really adding lots of depth to riot /s
  17. 5stk until 50m, 8stk at 60m, 16stk at 70m ads has basically no bloom (but slight recoil) full auto due to the mod mechanic, hipfire will likely hold up in cqc due to accuracy (and possibly slightly faster ttk?) over all it seems like a very versatile, easy gun, but i think a regular 3slot ntec will do better in the long run edit: ads accuracy is slightly worse than hs3 ntec lul, gl bud
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