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Everything posted by vsb

  1. he's just a tech savvy player seeing as this whole situation was something that happened before orbit even knew apb existed i doubt they really care
  2. im about 97% certain that this was in fact exactly what the op wanted
  3. prvate only??? btc for inv pls
  4. nothing i’ve said in this thread has been remotely aggressive ive discussed the reasons why “if you don’t like it don’t play it” is a poor excuse youve still not explained your main point
  5. what is your point then ok, facts -we have been told that riot will have 2 month seasons each with unique content rewards, “that may eventually make it to mission districts” -we have not been told of any new content additions specifically for mission districts (unless you include vague “x will be looked into in the future” statements) -riot is receiving its own pay model (riot pass) while premium bundles are being cut back -riot has received development prioritization over several other key areas there’s a pattern here and i feel my concerns, both about being “forced” to play riot for a majority of new content and about how long this situation will last, are valid
  6. apologies players, we’re delaying our delay for another week
  7. been here since 2011 dont feel bad i don’t know most people
  8. he’s a public apb figure, it’s not really some grand conspiracy theres a sizable portion of the apb community that feels the same way about kempington, shini, dogfish, etc
  9. im specifically disagreeing with the inclusion of generic - if distasteful - insults, trash talk, and general text-assholery as harassment while agreeing that things beyond that line (e.g. physically affecting gameplay or potentially breaking laws) are an issue that could be addressed, albeit not very effectively stop being so needlessly pedantic for like 3 seconds
  10. if you weren’t unbanned already it’s likely that your ban was properly documented (orbit only unbanned fairfight bans and manual bans without sufficient documentation), so you’ll either remain banned or orbit may wipe your account and allow you to reuse your character names but your account also might have just been missed in the unban passthrough and a support ticket wouldn’t hurt
  11. this article is a great example of the difficulty involved it took the fbi 1 year to track down the ddoser, it took 6 years to extradite him to the US for charges, and it took 1 year for court proceedings if if we apply the same time schedule for apb, will the game even be alive by the time the ddoser is in court?
  12. what are you looking for we got the announcement last week “eac/riot patch is next week”
  13. thanks for bringing up another issue with riot it’s not really as simple as “if you don’t like riot don’t play it” because at this point we’ve moved on to “if you want access to 90% of the new content added to apb then play riot” ive spoken at length about chasing after new players while ignoring veterans/catering to veterans while ignoring new players so i won’t repeat myself too much, but riot’s been in development for about a year now and as of the last public test it was probably 60-70% finished as a mode - the basic mechanics are (mostly) all there but it’s an unpolished mess if riot continues to get a majority of focus and i choose not to play, how long will i have to wait before there’s a significant content addition to action districts? i guess we’ll have a rough estimate wednesday (assuming there isn’t another delay) when we see how much has been done to riot since the last public test
  14. holy crap there’s a lot of misinformation in this brick of text
  15. did rtw have a faster top speed? iirc we’re locked to the current top speed because of how the districts are built; going too much faster causes extreme loading issues
  16. taking your (hopelessly naive) statement to the logical extreme in order to highlight how ridiculous it is you don’t seem to understand how difficult, if not impossible, it is to “catch” a ddoser - it’s not like someone sending anthrax through the postal service, or making threatening phone calls, or sending spam emails about nigerian princes with cash flow problems trawling through the hundreds, if not thousands, if not millions of completely random ordinary computers (probably including yours seeing as how you know nothing) involved in a ddos attack takes a lot of time and resources and will probably just end up leading to some anonymous doofus who rents out botnets to other people (bonus difficulty points if the doofus or the botnet are located in another country), and the actual ddoser will just turn around and rent another from someone else
  17. it’s very popular because a select few games made it big using the battle royale model and now everyone thinks it’s the new easy money guarantee this is like apb quitting it’s full time job to try and become a famous streamer
  18. there is no “when it’s not” in the case of the tutorial, you boot up the game and the tutorial is there end of story so obviously in this case the general public is derisive towards someone who apparently hasn’t even bothered to look at the game they’re playing
  19. default key is T iirc, but since you had to have consciously turned it off you should probably know that
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