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Everything posted by Knite

  1. Other side of the coin being if LO made a totally new model, people would say "what about the weapon models that haven't been released yet?"
  2. Everyone in here attacking OP be like Let 'em have their feel good moment, y'all
  3. "Jewelry Pack" doesn't necessarily limit it to earrings; watches are jewelry, for example. At least I was able to use the Pestilence suit and snowball head to make a spaceman; I'm still thinking about what can be done with that cow skull mask.
  4. Toxicity in district chat is reduced from a few years ago. I rarely get truly insulting whispers anymore, too. GTA Online public lobbies are honestly more toxic more often than /d in APB.
  5. Just on the subject of shotguns, when they're implemented such that they mirror real shotgun performance, they basically edge out every other weapon out to 50m. Police and military commonly use 12ga. 00 buck shotshells; 00 buck (on unarmored targets) is lethal out to 50 yards. Remember also that a single 00 buck pellet is ballistically similar to 9mm Parabellum, so being shot with a single 12ga. 00 buck would be similar to being shot a bunch of times with a 9mm Glock. Shell spread IRL is determined by choke and shotshell construction; for the most part, only choke really determines shell spread, as basically only one shell is designed to keep the shot relatively grouped (Federal Flight Control). With an open choke and regular shells, average spread is 40 inches at 25 yards. Federal Flight Control gives a 6 inch group at 20 yards with an open choke. Imagine if shotguns acted like this in APB. Would you really want to use SMGs at all? Sorry for slight off topic.
  6. I'm selling the Crab Rave theme on Jericho for 35k https://streamable.com/nn8or
  7. It's 9:45am PDT, LO main office is in California, hold your horses
  8. Spamming the MP with multiple pages of symbols?
  9. RIP pre-dropoff RSA/ACT44, able to compete with primaries at range.
  10. Tuesday? What Tuesday? I think you need to lay off the herbs, bud
  11. Someone made one of these in APB!
  12. We can be more creative than that
  13. LO is in a "damned if you do, damned if you don't" situation here. The initial balance passes were a show of good faith, at the very least, but I would prefer waiting until the EU drops for further balance changes.
  14. Yep, permanent 0 slot JG, whatever clothes/symbols/songs/themes you had. Nothing else. There was talk of a title at one point, IIRC, but that never materialized. Also, all of the clothes from RTW that were unique are now available either on ARMAS or in JT store.
  15. Worth something for the files on the disc
  16. Whatever the reason someone plays without premium, it shouldn't penalize them in a way that directly affects gameplay; the doubled cooldowns when F2P are just painful to deal with, which is why I feel bad for the F2P populace. It's not meant like I pity them out of some sort of superiority complex.
  17. I've had premium pretty much always, and whenever it runs out I immediately feel bad for the F2P population; the doubled cooldowns are just painful. I've been advocating for a cooldown timer equalization for years, and am glad that it's finally happening.
  18. OP's join date: 2012 Trolling?
  19. Yeah, those look pretty good, not gonna lie
  20. You're on point here; a lot of the community has a lot of different desires for the most desired fix, so LO probably feels like they're being pulled apart by horses. Just refer to them as RP, since that's who they were
  21. Knite


    Given the issues many people experienced with FF, I'd rather we have an anti-cheat that has a good reputation regarding false-positives; we know BE works, and I'll wager it gets better as it has more data to work with and /report is more frequently used. And remember that 3.5 is coming.
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