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Everything posted by Knite

  1. Anubis has enough going for it without the terrible crosshair to qualify it as a legendary. I sold mine ages ago because the crosshair makes it unusable at longer ranges; why even bother when I can just use a Scout or DMR-AV?
  2. Pardon me for not remembering exactly how something went over 5 years ago. In any case, you're getting off topic, and misattribute consequences with motivations that only a few truly held. The issue of dethreating and giving literal "safe spaces" for green/bronze/silver threat players is a direct result of this threat system and the district segregation; the waiting an hour to get opp wouldn't have happened with the old crazy backup escalation combined with 50v50 (especially since you couldn't straight up reject missions anymore like in RTW), but since reducing districts to 40v40 and making backup really difficult to call in most of the time, we get stale opposition. I would love to get good matchups, be it vs a larger team of golds/silvers, or a similarly sized team of golds. You seem to be advocating for a situation wherein silvers are never forced to play with golds. How is that fun for golds? How is that good for silvers? This elitism and toxicity towards players of differing threats is one reason this system should go; I don't really care what the metal next to your name says, so long as you can play the objective and don't teamkill me; more players share this attitude than you seem to realize. As for Open Conflict, it was supposed to be what RTW promised us with "Anarchy" districts, but that's beside the point; nobody plays there because the population has declined so much, and there's no incentive to play there.
  3. I don't think the current system is good; it's prone to abuse, and I don't like seeing new players get discouraged because a dethreater is running train in a bronze district. I understand that some players are limited to whatever their threat is, but that's not all the people who are staying in green or bronze districts. The population is too small to support segregation, and the way that threat is currently assessed, the skill variances within each threat are wild; one of my good buddies is borderline silver/gold, but he's honestly one of the better players I've grouped with, and some of my solid gold friends aren't quite as good. Then there are silvers that constantly surprise you with how little they understand about the game; part of that is due to the tutorial's lack of clarity and ease of use, but some of these players never venture out of bronze districts, so they're limited to dethreaters and other people sticking to bronze districts, and consequently don't learn very much. We're not just talking about aiming abilities here, though with how the score system affects threat, kills do disproportionately matter. The old threat system (and lack of segregation) was better in this regard, as it was only based off your last 50 missions' W/R with a focus on the most recent 20; the variation in players getting teamed up was better for teaching moments. It is an issue of protecting those players; that's the exact reason that segregation was introduced, and why initially, golds were locked to gold districts. This decision was protested largely by the "gold" community as well, not because anyone wants to stomp noobs, but because it does nothing helpful for new players aside from coddle them indefinitely and give an environment for dethreaters to thrive. Your second point seems like pure conjecture, however; I can't say why the forum population is so small and largely full of what most people would consider "veterans", but I welcome anyone's feedback so long as it's constructive. Perhaps there should be a link to the forums in the game launcher? (there already is, but the link is broken)
  4. I don't want to fight strictly against silvers or bronzes, but limiting me and my friends to gold only districts is not fun because we fight the same people over and over again. The segregation is the root cause of the playerbase skill stagnation and the attitude that bronzes and silvers should be protected from golds, so they have no incentive to improve. And green? What is even the deal with green?
  5. I can't re-name realKesha to just Kesha, because the character with that name hasn't been logged into since before the server merge; if you try to send a gift to it, the character "doesn't exist" Additionally, World of Warcraft did a name wipe on old, unused names at one point, so we should be able to as well. Anybody that hasn't logged in since the server merge should 100% have their character name released.
  6. The current threat system has a good core, insofar as individual score affects threat and it isn't just based on pure winrate (as it used to be), but the thresholds for each threat category need to be adjusted, and the categories themselves should probably be renamed or totally redone. Ideally with the rework, our individual threats will be reset; it's been 8 years for some of us, and our threat should probably be totally re-assessed under the new system.
  7. Check https://db.apbvault.net/ for the most up to date information. Almost all of the mods in the list on APBDB however are used somewhere, except for the Test mods, Bunny Shield, and Air Control. Some are for preset cars (Meteor) or legendary weapons (curved magazine, micro-rockets)
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