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Everything posted by Szambi

  1. Szambi

    A classic version

    Gib moar kits plox ^new T-25 kit.
  2. Kills don't feel satisfying. The tactics that you used in order to kill someone do.
  3. 1. Add challenger grille option for criminals. It's such a nice grille, c'mon! Just delete those police lights or swap them out with just normal light and voilà! 2. Add Fast Track roof and hood option for enforcers. It's a bit weird - you get those by buying Nightrider kit yet those don't fit the theme of the kit at all! Why shouldn't we have those available on enforcers? Or add more parts labeled as Fast Track in the future and release it somewhere; maybe as a contact reward or on ARMAS.
  4. I think if anything cash penalty should be based on rank of the player. 'Cause if you're a newcomer and you accidentaly TK, those 5k gone may hit a bit too hard. On the other hand for most of 255s 5k is next to nothing.
  5. Szambi

    Melee Weapons?

    Why would you want a melee weapon in a game where most of the weapons have TTK sub 1 sec?
  6. Either this: https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us Or PM Matt Scott/Lixil on forums.
  7. You shouldn't have posted that in the forums. Now people are gonna see this and use it to troll the entire districts.
  8. #BringBackTheOldVegasEngineSounds Also, please fix the suspension on the RWD version. It's soooo stiff...
  9. Szambi

    On-Eye VR Glasses

    I know that but CRIM MALES can't buy that shirt.
  10. Szambi

    On-Eye VR Glasses

    Don't forget about the short sleeved buttoned shirt that only enf males can buy!
  11. Szambi

    Snowball bug?

  12. You're an Xbox player, right? So why would you want to have snow which would most definately decrease your fps?
  13. Thanks for the update, really appreciate it! While we're on subject of SPCT... Will there also be a come back of SPCM? @MattScott
  14. I don't have any car, but what I can tell you is what I'd love to have... Ex-police 2013 or newer Ford Taurus! I don't know why but I just... uughhh! It's sooo cooool
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