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Everything posted by Szambi

  1. I mean hey, it's APB, what did you expect.
  2. Szambi

    Roadmap Talk

    Gimme tha Mirage
  3. Inb4 they release that UE3.5 on OTW but you gotta have premium to access it :troll_face:
  4. Imagine a motorcycle gettin' pushed by a vegas (for example) into a wall...
  5. This is off-topic section and your posts here don't really count.
  6. https://gyazo.com/9fe7d9302f2f0a9ee0b840dc71a1cb89 What in the tarnation...
  7. I know, I was just memeing. I've been a proud owner of SWARM for a long time now and since the buff I've been using it pretty much all the time.
  8. Hey, it's Szambi here, hope you enjoyed, AND DON'T FORGET TO SMASH THAT LIKE BUTTON
  9. Working as intended. Closing.
  10. Gimme tha buffed SWARM with 83.5m drop off range and no fire rate decrease!
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