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Everything posted by Szambi

  1. NL9 - 40m pikaboo stuns. SWARM needs to be buffed tho. I like that it can be used at longer ranges because of how accurate it is but on the other hand the recoil of it - absolutely terrible.
  2. >names the video "worst teammate" >puts me on the thumbnail HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  3. Speaking of testing on live servers... What about these boxes that we were given for playing in those test districts? Are they gonna be used for anything? Recompensation? Completely useless?
  4. It's still better than Norsemen just sayin'
  5. One of the EU servers was called Patriot so no, we can't call NA server that.
  6. IGN: Szambi https://gyazo.com/66489507102c5a5cf9c7a7539e014c66
  7. Warping around 4x4 trying to ram you? Hell naw. Just don't.
  8. It's not gonna do much. Why? Because then you'll have two meta ARs but what about the others? What about FAR, Frenzy etc ?
  9. LIES! On a more serious note though, good luck.
  10. C'mon, Varzuga's better than Calabria... I also think that you should put either Growl to good tier or put it AND Bishada into average one. Jericho is pretty much a straight upgrade to Bishada so maybe top? But at the same time it's less meta than 4x4 and Pioneer... It's something in between...
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