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Everything posted by Szambi

  1. By reading all of this one thing pops into my mind - previous gamersfirst staff said that character merge is not possible due to engine limitations or customization idk... So seeing that you're transfering EVERY character on Han to Jericho means that you could possibly handle transfering single characters over different servers for people who moved out to different countries or continents for example?
  2. @Sedustic and Awaken. Definately.
  3. Okay. I'm cool with you guys balancing the game and stuff but I think you forgot to add one weapon to the balacing pile that needs a change ASAP - Harbringer. It is overshadowed by every other sidearm in the game.
  4. I'd just like to point out that the idea of damage resistance was brought up by @Siamsol and I just added my 2 cents on top of it.
  5. I am... normal... ish?
  6. My idea on buffing kevlar? Instead of adding health make it add you some bullet resistance... but with a twist! It would be ammo type dependent - so for example (random numbers, just to show what I mean): -FBW with its normal pistol rounds would deal 60% less damage -RSA uses magnum bullets so 30% -NTEC? 20% -HVR - 10% ...and so on. So pretty much the bigger the rounds, the less of a damage reduction you get. And like I've said these were just random numbers to show you what I mean.
  7. People saying "Oh just get good, you shouldn't be in shotgun range then anyways" don't seem to realize that APB is a fast paced game. They can just rush you with a pioneer or a vegas in the middle of the street and pop every shot from behind the cover without even getting any bruises. So that shotgun buff is definately too much.
  8. Damage will be linked to your accuracy though so it won't deal full damage when doing that.
  9. Do whatever you want but just don't touch my Deep Impact! But yeah, The Hammer is the worst one as it is a direct downgrade to The Kickback. They should do something about it.
  10. Am I the only one that's missing 'Old Glory' on OTW?
  11. Can I get ummm... MAX RANK characters please? Szambi TotallyNotSzambi Thanks in advance
  12. It's not unlocked, it's still locked - this time to 145 though. And yes, it will be on live servers as well.
  13. I'm in the middle of upgrading my PC and internet so sadly I will not be able to make it this week. However, I think the next one will be fine for me.
  14. It ain't stronger, it's just more versatile.
  15. Szambi

    (GAME) 144 fps cap

    Humans can only see 14fps anyways lol. 7 fps per eye ofc
  16. I do know about it existing, I even leased it from Joker Store a couple of times. Didn't try to mod it though.
  17. Sight mods do not affect any of the shotguns.
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