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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Mobile cover is incredibly exploitable. For good players, it's beyond cheap.
  2. Its pretty similar to any APB discussions... a subject gets brought up, and everyone talks about it. Though for anyone wondering, there are enough differing points of view within SPCT that pretty much all bases are covered. LO may or may not listen to us, but they also read everything on the forums as well. So yes, we do get to chat with a few staff members, but for them we are only one of several sources of info. First and foremost our job is testing.
  3. Keep in mind, that nothing is ever written in stone. If a change really isn't working, it can always be changed again in the future. Best advice I can give if you want to do something is to write something up for the changes you'd like to see, and post it where LO can see it.
  4. Oh please dont. I am just a player like you. All I do is test things for LO. Makes me uncomfortable to even have the SPCT tag, since we are just testers.
  5. I feel your frustration. I now have a locker full of RFP that are useless. Though I try to remind myself that if the game shuts down I lose everything I've paid for. So I just hope that these changes are good for the game, and that maybe I can enjoy playing a bit longer.
  6. I there are enough reason for people to make fun of APB without adding tracers back.
  7. LO has hard data. Hex and the rest of us do not. Sorry, should have been more clear.
  8. Tracers are corny and gross. #notracers
  9. Imagine using anecdotal evidence in an argument with someone that has hard data.
  10. Sounds like we are playing different games again.
  11. Then why does it allow for 5 star players to stomp into any mission they want? That means now a player who might already be getting stomped also has to now deal with some rando 5 star not even involved in their mission.
  12. OCSP Joker is literally the same as the other OCSP, but goes for several million more
  13. No idea on the demographics so no comment, but 190ms seems high... though I suppose poor routing on the way could do that
  14. I dunno... New Glory still goes for a lot... that gun sucks OCSP Joker as well... worse than the FBW can be sold for millions
  15. Yeah, same for Key to the City as well as the no longer available Designer VIP pack.
  16. This is a weird post. Are you saying the upgrades benefit gold players only?
  17. I wont tell you all of them are bad. I will tell you the best EOL is the OPGL.
  18. So long as you can't interfere in my mission, go nuts.
  19. Tried and failed. Im quite over having missions ruined because some knob outside my mission got to stomp some noobs... which for some reason now gives them the ability to ruin my fun.
  20. That is definitely what makes balancing them difficult, I agree.
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