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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I wish I could have been there when they finally unplugged the PuckBot.
  2. that's burst firing btw tap firing is one shot per tap semantics, I know... but should help avoid further confusion
  3. It would work exactly as clothing works now. Designers make cool stuff, and players who either cant make it for themselves, or cba to...trade for or buy it. Only in this scenario those cool things can encompass all of the clothing in-game, not just the items unlocked through normal in-game progression. If anything this would lead to an increase of sales, as players might finally spend the IRL$ in order to get in on trades or sales like this.
  4. Which is why like he said, it should only be possible if both players have purchased the item on ARMAS.
  5. I'd recommend the OCA-EW 626 'Whisper' PR1 over the PR2. That bandolier mod is such a pain in the patootie as its adds 75% to the resupply time, and without it you still get 210 rounds.
  6. On Jericho at least, you would never be able to fill a district with only gold players. Lately you were lucky if 1/3 of a silver district was Gold. As bad as no segregation is (and it's bad), many players still want it to be an option during off peak hours. Hard locking threats to their own districts (bronze/silver/gold) would just mean more hours during the day that you wouldn't be able to play at all.
  7. ATAC. Its a mouse 1 weapon that isn't terrible vs a lot of the weapons a new player will face. APB has an abysmal new player retention rate, why new players aren't given a fun and easy gun right at the start is beyond me. "Welcome to the game. Not only are you going to be fighting players with thousands of hours, but you have to use a gun that at worst is useless if not used right, and at best is meh if used perfectly." -APB: Reloaded Seems you should start by letting players have fun before they have to worry about getting good. Then hit them up with the "Now that you have the hang of the ATAC, lets move on to the STAR/Far/Ntec... an assault rifle more capable than the ATAC, but not as easy to use".
  8. You can ask staff. (that's what I did) Think of it this way, APEX has tens of millions of players. Any time you hop on there are at least thousands of players for matchmaking to choose from. ... I still get bad matchmaking at times in APEX. APB is trying to do this with 40 people (50 in your example).
  9. Gold does not take up most of the curve, silver does. Full pop matchmaking is the only way to get better matches. Imagine playing any other PvP game, but no matter what the game can only find you opponents from a pool of max 40 players. Changing the point at which silver turns to gold will have no effect on matchmaking. You are still just as good as you were before, and so is your opp. You will still be fighting the same players. The only real difference would be a little extra ego stroking for players still gold after the change.
  10. Felt great using the CSG and getting kills again. Please give.
  11. I cant speak for anyone else, but for me its less about winning, and mostly about hitting that flow state where your brain just kind of shuts off and you play on auto pilot. Thats the whole reason I game. Im here for a break, Im here to escape, Im here to CHILL. The decisions I make are kind of based around that. There ARE mod setups I avoid, there are certain weapons I avoid, and there are certain vehicles I avoid. These ARE all sub-meta items, but along with being less useful in a fight they also make the game feel clunkier, less smooth, and more frustrating... making it that much harder to slip into and remain in the aforementioned state. The same can be said of config and or advanced launcher use. Yes these thing often offer higher FPS, and yes higher FPS does provide an advantage especially in cases where the disparity is huge (say playing at 30fps vs 120fps). But they also offer partial relief from stuttering, frame drops, and or micro freezes... of which all can snap you out of that nice chill state quite jarringly. (see image at the end if you want to see the benchmarks on my personal rig) So really, what me and possibly many other players are doing, is not so much trying to win at all costs so much as wanting to play with as few frustrations as possible. Cuz let's face it, APB has many issues. Not all of them are massive, but any of them can ruin the enjoyment of a match.
  12. To use terms most people are familiar with, your "threat" is akin to your "elo"... a value. Its this underlying value that is used for matchmaking, where colors decide to change is completely arbitrary. You could go from the 10 levels of threat per color we have now to 100, or add 5 more color classes, but none of that would change your underlying elo meaning it would have no effect on matchmaking or your in game experience.
  13. (that's a config joke for anyone wondering)
  14. Bold of you to assume this wouldn't quickly make things worse.
  15. No segregation is a disaster I agree. I wonder if disabling grouping as well would have helped or hurt. Since the "golds" everyone is talking about wouldn' be able to run premades and just destroy players used to struggling in bronze districts, but it'd also mean silvers an bronzies couldn't group either. Plus its hard to say how many players would just decide not to play at all since they couldn't play with their friends. I'm not sure there was a solution this time. Might have been a choice between the shitty situation we have, and abandoning the EU player base altogether until their servers got sorted. Rock and a hard place and all that. Sorry, just thinking out loud.
  16. Honestly, that's the best attitude to have. Some times I wish I could just "have fun" while playing. ...it's not easy for me.
  17. Aside from your misunderstandings on what has or hasn't been done to certain weapons at this point, I do feel that same frustration.
  18. Hex ready to run back to bronze districts because as he says, "silver districts are easy".
  19. I won't deny that playing in a team against a group of randos is an advantage. I don't think anyone would. But APB was designed to be social, to make friends and play with them. Even without winning, there is nothing more fun than playing with friends, For that reason alone it's worth doing.
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