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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Can you DM me the name? It will stay between us, Im just curious.
  2. You lost me with the subtle insinuation that the players beating you were cheating. Think like a silver, end up being silver. Seems legit to me.
  3. Friendly reminder that APB once had a streamer with no hands that used his feet and a console controller. (played with a cam as well) This man was perma gold, and never banned. So if you cannot achieve gold, you are literally less skilled than a man with no hands.
  4. Prior to Little Orbit, players involved in the free Tiggs box scandal were allowed to pay money for the boxes opened in order to get their accounts unbanned. In some cases this amounted to hundreds of dollars. Same happened with the players who bought cheap packs from third party sites. Though undoing a ban for cheating (in exchange for money) is something Ive not heard of.
  5. wym, we're all out there banging out missions
  6. Just move closer to the data center. ez
  7. Luckily I use subdermal kevlar implants to mitigate the damage irl.
  8. Then yeah, phasing wont really help NA players at all.
  9. I mean lets face it, no segregation on Jericho was the same as Phasing for Jericho... we only had one populated district most days, spread across all threat levels. I guess adding EU players to Phasing might help, though the differences in ping will be interesting. What would a Brazilian vs Russian match even feel like? (I realize some of you really want to make a joke here... but can you don't?)
  10. Protip: state your case as effectively as you can and move on LO reads the forums so they will see your post, and you are unlikely to change another players mind through discourse anyways. This advice will save you a lot of headaches.
  11. I'd rather LO did anything about dethreating. Wait, that wasn't an option was it?
  12. Do I get paid for this? Because its definitely not MY job.
  13. Sometimes I get locked out for 15 minutes for 2 days. APB is a time lord confirmed.
  14. You are told what the cost is before you pay though, right? If so, isnt that enough?
  15. $100 says I know what stream you got all this nonsense from. Also, if you are in fact off of your meds, please alert someone in your support system.
  16. I wonder that too. People get a kick out of contests like that.
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