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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. It is not even close. The Euryale/Stheno are simply better than the Medusa in every way. The ONLY reason to use the Medusa over the AMG is availability. So if you don't have the loyalty unlock or enough JT, but have money to buy a Medusa, then I guess use the Medusa. Otherwise nah.
  2. Just the Mods really. The carbine and cr762 are the closest to their 3 open slot counterparts, and while I wouldn't use up a slot with tagger personally, you are able to use the other two slots as needed. The STAR might be a preference thing as well, but even then tagger is sub optimal. The shotgun which is fully preset like it's armas counterparts lacks both IR3 and or 3ps3. Scout has no cj3. The m1922 lacks both a sight mod and mobility sling. So either you are left with a sub optimal setup or give up one slot for a tagger that won't be useful. That being said, I dont mind the guns or the prices. I feel like if it's not worth it in your mind don't buy it, and if it is... do. I'm just saying why I think people are salty. tl;dr unless a collector, there is no reason to buy these guns over their non Valentine's counterparts
  3. Very cool video. I play the game. So if you do stuff other than the game, I likely have no idea who you are. But as you said yourself, pop is at an all time low, so obviously this stuff isnt enough.
  4. I do not. But ask him/her to try harder please, pop is lower than ever.
  5. Bruh if you want uniqueness, you are playing the wrong game.
  6. While no list is given...many words that are not allowed are still uncensored. Cost me a temp forum ban to find that out. So I'd just stick with "fuck" if I were you, because no logic applies here.
  7. Are you telling me that if you pay someone to do yard work you should still help them do it? You high? This is a business. I've given them more money than you'd believe... And now I'm supposed to do their jobs for them as well? I don't know who witchqueen is or what they do... But pop is at an all time low so I'm not sure what metric you are using to say it "works"
  8. Modsquad 2.0 won't allow it. And what's with you acting as if it's up to the players to fix things? First we should have created a new Valentine's event for LO, and now it's up to us to make their forum not suck? Bro, they paying you or something? Gave you a GM position? Are you a forum mod? Cuz if the answer to all of this is "no", then I just don't get you at all.
  9. I think the issue is they are worse than the other guns sold for real $, but are sold at the same prices.
  10. It would be cool to know exactly how mm works. There's little information made public so yeah, I think we'd need LO to fill us in.
  11. That is its intent. We all agree on that. What it actually does, isn't that.
  12. The most important skills in APB are prediction and positioning, neither of which you can learn from bounty. You are wasting your time.
  13. You wanna learn to do the thing, you gotta practice doing the thing. If all you wanna do is get better at surviving at bounty, then fine. But if you wanna get better at the game you gotta play the game, homie.
  14. Imagine spending 30+ minutes ram raiding to N5 just to die in 30 seconds. You ARE a special one indeed.
  15. Source? Ive been trying to learn more about APB's matchmaking so this interests me.
  16. Its worth mentioning that if you are getting bounty in bronze, its probably time to start playing in silver. Sure bounty is fun when you just run around punching babies, now try it against big boy gamers.
  17. Maybe you weren't paying attention, but he was saying bounty has kept the game alive, and that removing it is what will finally kill the game. Readings is hard.
  18. There's like 300 people playing APB. Which makes your argument all the more bizarre.
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