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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I think the addition of East/West options is more for the future than the present. APB is a money sink right now. Unless the big changes happen the game is likely doomed. So everything is probably geared towards being able to do a sort of relaunch of the game. Current pop probably doesn't matter so much both because its too small to keep the game afloat, and because the game currently is not in a state in which it can attract enough pop to be profitable. tl;dr keeping 400 players happy is maybe a lower priority than making the game profitable for the future
  2. Hey @Sakebee, I wonder if we could get a pinned message about this? Might go a long way to ease player frustrations about "the Cyrillic problem".
  3. man unless I feel like teasing nerds, I dont even leave chat on
  4. I only speak English. There are many many languages used in APB that I cannot understand. So for me, an alphabet I can't read is no different than a language I can't understand. Not being able to report Cyrillic is, however, a real problem.
  5. If people want desegregation for reasons other than stomping bronzies, they are free to join the rest of us in the silver districts.
  6. I am positive that coming onto the forums and talking completely out of your patootie, repeatedly, about subjects of which you know nothing, is bad for the community, and the game. I'm sorry you are so salty that I have some silly forum badge, but I'm just a player. This makes me as free to speak my mind within the rules of the forum as anyone else.
  7. You put so much effort into this Imma just say A for effort.
  8. My rig was decent... 4 or 5 years ago. So no, we aren't only testing on high end machines.
  9. You should stop watching moives, and try for an education.
  10. Its probably more than that considering hundreds of thousands of people have tried apb... and as of now only 400 are like "yeah Imma stick with this".
  11. Why is it always the people with the least knowledge making the most noise?
  12. Hoping this is just an unfunny joke. ... for your sake
  13. I too look forward to spending a week leveling up the new contacts.
  14. And with those statements now we know your opinion is not worth listening to. Thank you for playing.
  15. Its almost like the only way to become an old player is to stick around.
  16. Im sorry what? (words added for whichever modsquad doesn't understand the rules)
  17. Because the ntec only beats other weapons within its niche. Outside of it, the weapon is outperformed. Just like any other weapon. This is how games are made.
  18. $5k+ in... still buying stuff (send help) As far as generating a profit... I'd be surprised if APB has done that in years.
  19. ideally you want to have a setup thats comfortable for close range, mid range, and long rage easiest short range weapons are probably the OCA and PMG (NFAS as well but who knows for how long) mid range I would suggest the ntec if you are willing to learn to tap fire, ATAC if you just wanna hold down mouse 1 long range take your pick, HVR obviously deals massive damage, but it leaves you vulnerable in closer engagements. I personally find the cr762 and Obir good enough for the vast majority of engagements as far as improving your gameplay: aim is important in APB... its a shooter so that's obvious what isnt so obvious is that positioning and prediction are just as important... so basically if you lack in one area (aim) you want to try to improve the others to compensate always try to think WHERE your opp will be waiting or from WHERE they are attacking... the less often you are surprised, the more likely you will get the first shots off, the more likely you will win the engagement a good starting point for getting the larger image of a mission is learning when to disengage... you DONT have to fight every fight to the death, if the fight isnt in your favor, dip out GRENADES!!! always use your grenades, start to think "if I die with my nades I dun goofed" DONT just - spawn rush spawn rush spawn rush- always regroup, always try to fight as a group even if playing with randos
  20. Damn it, I totally did. This is definitely true.
  21. You mean pixelated car decals? Tuxedo t-shirt style clothing? And female hairstyle #2?
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