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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. If you have a weapon on which you disagree, Id be happy to explain.
  2. In this case I go by weapon stats, not opinions.
  3. IKR? In case anyone is reading this, it is misleading. At best the Legendary versions are just "different" than their non-legendary counterparts (or have no counterpart), or they are demonstrably worse. Never try for legendaries thinking its going to improve your kdr or win/loss ratio, because they wont. Only try for them if you think they look cool (collector) or the specific difference appeals to you. I tell you this as a player who has used them all, and now uses not even one. (I still own dozens, they just sit in a locker)
  4. Y'all actually seen the elf ears? They look like cheap cosplay... almost ironic.
  5. Ive no other solution to offer other than an attempt to improve your routing. Unless what you are experiencing is just a side effect of the current server issues as opposed to a persistent problem, I'm afraid I can't help.
  6. APB has never thrived. -It's not a game the vast majority of players wanted to play. -It's unbalanced at it's core. -It performs abysmally. But yeah, it's probably because of hurt feelings that the game immediately tanked.
  7. No one has to defend the community in order to criticize the game. That seems to be where you got lost. If you think the game is so toxic... maybe it's you, homie. I get by in APB like any other game, just fine.
  8. The argument was that APB is unique in having toxic players. Please read more carefully before responding.
  9. I'm guessing all that is for someone else, as always I've no idea what you are talking about. You need to get out more, snowflake.
  10. You might want to check with your ISP. Sounds like it may be a routing issue.
  11. You could not return to playing bronze districts should they return... that might help. Also, I don't know if you are new to the internet or what, but this is what its like. There's nothing unique about APB's community. I would make fun of you for thinking its not the game itself that got us to this point... but then I remember your post about the 5 shot ntec and realize maybe facts and logic are not your strong suit.
  12. Its not much better when solo where 30 minute wait times are common... and Im barely mid gold.
  13. My apologies. I should have elaborated. Sometimes I'm amazed at how little a person can know about a subject whilst simultaneously having infinite confidence in making broad statements about that subject. As for what I want from the upgrade? Players, just more players. That's all I want out of any change as I feel that if you are using any other metric... well that would be bad news for the game.
  14. I think it's sweet that we all came to this thread pretending we have friends.
  15. ntec 5 > ntec 7 but you cant fix stupid so expect ridiculous prices for the foreseeable future
  16. "no way that's possible because I can't do it" -95% of all hackusations, ever Merged. For the record no cheat... no macro... nothing can make a weapon go beyond its max RoF in APB. The fastest an FBW can kill you is 1.00 seconds, no matter what. Being accused of using a macro is similar to being accused of being sweaty, which in turn is similar to being hackusated... A player is upset and venting. Sometimes they mean it, often they are just frustrated, and as always it is best to just ignore it.
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