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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. hey... we should bring back open conflict after this I just wanted to make this joke now so I can refer to it once this suggestion is made again, but not in jest.
  2. No. I do not really know Lixil beyond the several times Ive gotten myself in trouble on the forums.
  3. If you were contacting her directly for info... that just means you were in the circle
  4. oof... that's pretty mean fam only account I made in or since 2017 was a new forum account btw
  5. Agreed. If this player resides in the US and gets 300ms to New York, he likely has the same issue as me... poor routing. Im getting between 170ms and 300ms from Chicago to New York, but that is an issue with my ISP, not APB.
  6. It didnt tell you that you had to change your name after trying to enter the game? If it doesnt, you probably have to contact support.
  7. ^this this a thousand times this^
  8. bold of you to assume someone else would buy this game
  9. Anytime. And don't worry about being frustrated, I promise we've all been there.
  10. Keep playing it forward from there, my screenshot is take several frames after that one. You simply missed your target, that's all that happened here. Its clear as day in the video you yourself posted.
  11. Because you missed a shot? Its not the end of the world, friend. It happens to all of us. But yeah, you clearly missed the vehicle, then the rocket blows behind and past the car. Those golds just got lucky there. Honestly I thought you did a pretty good job trying to lead them, the car just accelerated a little faster than you thought it would. As a tip, rather than trying for direct hits on targets try to aim for the ground at their feet, or where the tires meet the road. This way even if you are a little off, the blast radius should make up for that. If you aim for a direct hit on the body or vehicle and miss, the rocket continues past them and may not detonate close enough for the blast radius to catch your target.
  12. I too would like less than 100 players on Jericho, just to appease your xenophobia.
  13. cut me some slack, Im almost to 6 max ranks and around 6,000 hrs since 2017 Sarcasm aside, all those articles are still around.. you can even access the old forums if you'd like including all blog posts here's some of the articles responsible for the 3 million registered users https://www.vg247.com/2013/02/11/apb-reloaded-hits-3m-registered-users-all-new-apb-experience-incoming/ https://gamingbolt.com/apb-reloaded-reportedly-has-3-million-registered-users https://www.gamesradar.com/apb-reloaded-hits-3-million-users/ https://www.alistdaily.com/media/apb-reloaded-has-3-million-registered-users/ https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apb-reloaded-apprehends-3-million-players/1100-6347710/ https://venturebeat.com/2012/06/15/apb-reloaded-turning-a-game-that-killed-a-studio-into-a-success/ https://www.destructoid.com/apb-reloaded-3-million-people-playing-cops-and-robbers-218008.phtml https://www.mmobomb.com/news/apb-reloaded-surpasses-3-million-users/ Its nothing more than a claim. It has nothing to do with how many people actually played. RTW peaked somewhere between 150k and 170k, by the time reloaded launched that number was less than 20k, and has steadily declined from there. APB being what APB is, is the reason for the decline. Its not cheaters, its not matchmaking, its not what color or symbol is used to display your ELO. Its APB itself.
  14. I assure you that was an honest description of the situation. There is an inversely proportional relationship between skill and frequency of hackusation the lower the skill the higher the number of hackusations Though just to be clear, this is not in any way the same as saying APB has no cheaters.
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