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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Some things that are server sided and can not be changed by cheats: Weapon damage Player health Weapon rate of fire Base accuracy Bloom
  2. As I sit here watching my kids are playing with all their new gifts, I thought I'd pop in and wish everyone a happy holiday. Hopefully LO staff is getting some well deserved time off, and hope the rest of you are with the ones you love. P.S. maybe take it easy on the forum complaints today... It is Christmas after all.
  3. Weird I know. It's almost as if different people want different things.
  4. Sometimes it's hard to accept that your best isn't good enough. For anyone reading... This is not possible, even if cheating.
  5. Hey I remember you, you are the guy running around in game telling people you have bought and tested ARMAS weapons and that paid for guns have hidden stats that let them do more damage and have more accuracy, and that there is a timer so that after you use them for a while, they reset the stats in order to get you to buy more stuff. Was very funny... here, have a laugh on me.
  6. I just going to say what we all are thinking. Bring back the team-kill event!
  7. How dare you. Jesus gave us the code. Jesus gives us everything. This is like when he gives cancer to babies. Just say thank you or things really get ugly.
  8. *Giggles* Hey, I'm down for another free skin!
  9. Maybe it's not supposed to be a reward that everyone will be able to get.
  10. Yes I think utilizing social media is the standard nowadays. For anyone wondering... If you already check the forums, just getting a twitter account to follow APB is enough to ensure you don't miss any news. Not to mention that in theory posting to twitter instead of the forums as a player gives your comments more power as the tweets will be seen not just by our community, but the wider world as well. Twitter also means you are only limited by Twitter's rules, LO has no power over you or what you post there. Really, the benefits of using Twitter easily outweigh the cost of installing an app.
  11. I don't think the use of Twitter is the issue so much as all info not being available in all places.
  12. I've no idea what the laws are surrounding this. Anyone familiar?
  13. I dont use Facebook, but I did start using Twitter once it became clear that some info would only be communicated though it.
  14. Im not really into forcing people to play something they arent enjoying.
  15. Free stuff and fun? Im not sure what else you were looking for.
  16. Obviously because now they are having to fight even better players.
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