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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. It's so cute you didn't actually type "fuck".
  2. I don't get this meme. Social is dead af on Jericho.
  3. Honestly I only know who a few forum members are, so I've no idea what everyone does.
  4. That uh... That doesn't make any sense. You ok?
  5. Jericho is a very small community. We know who the normal golds are, and who only shows up in silver districts to dethreat and go back to bronze. Now they will have nowhere to run.
  6. The only thing I'm looking forward to is stomping the shit out of the serial dethreaters plaguing the game. I can't fucking wait. Anyone else and I make sure we all have fun.
  7. If Jericho it's probably because of the lack of enough pop to play more than one district, and to have more than 20 people in that district.
  8. i don't think we've even had 1500 total players since like 2016.
  9. It would be nice if the error messages gave more info.
  10. Agreed. My ISP has recently decided to route me to the moon and back before connecting to APBs servers, so Im getting around 170ms on a good day from Chicago to Texas. Its completely playable until I also start getting packet loss. Once that happens, its time to log out.
  11. Ive just been playing a lot of APEX. Im eager to b able to APB again, but waiting is not the end of the world.
  12. Yeah I'm not really sure what you aren't understanding. You can increase your RoF as the bad guy gets closer, cj3 lets you increase it more than cj2. There is no benefit to using cj2 over cj3, unless you just cant keep yourself from clicking faster than you should.
  13. I haven't seen a cheater in a long time on Jericho, gold or otherwise. But yes, it will be an interesting few days.
  14. you still use the same (non cooling jacketed) RoF at range its just there for close range, when you need to spam M1
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