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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. CookiePuss


    Oh VSB is a big ol teddy bear, don't let him fool ya.
  2. What more, exactly, can they do? Keep in mind changing HWID and IP can be done for free if you have the knowledge, or you can just pay to have it done from cheat sites.
  3. I assume its because entries are here, and the forums aren't M rated. That is, the rules of the forums still apply.
  4. Mine locks up on the spawn screen, but if I open the task manager then re-enter the game, it will un-freeze. Though you cant really do it fast enough to not have you character standing still doing nothing for a few seconds... Gets frustrating.
  5. Could be. Its so hard to say with APB, this game is nothing if not quirky.
  6. CookiePuss


    Though I doubt you will be convinced, here is how the game performs on my PC. These stats are taken using the same software we use to benchmark 3.5 This is the reason the advanced launcher is allowed, because without it many people would find the experience so shitty, they'd stop playing. Anyways, tell Pound we all said hi.
  7. You get why there's a difference right? Like, you've taken a history class, yes? And with that, I leave you this...
  8. I have noticed this as well, but thought it might be something on my end. Interesting to know Im not alone.
  9. tfw the guy you hired to make you a funny Hanukkah sweater just googles one
  10. I googled it anyways, and yeah turns out some use it for antisemitic memes. -The Goyim Know / Shut It Down- "The Goyim Knows, also known as Shut It Down, is a catchphrase used to impersonate and mock jews and the conspiracy theories arround them, as a goyim (non-Jewish person) has discovered a Jewish conspiracy, so the Jews shut the conspiracy down to prevent the "truth" from being exposed. The catchprases are often used as captions on images of jews talking on a phone or a handheld transceiver."
  11. If the system was expanded there would be a better likelihood that you'd get something worth doing, a reason to make it worth playing.
  12. I only bothered with cop role on one character, but for me the the legendary nano was the most effecient. NL-9, Nano, percs. (if I wasnt going lethal primary and tg-8 secondary so as not to piss off teammates while solo)
  13. Fun little video about cheating and CSGO.
  14. Nearly 6,000 hourse her. Multiple max rank characters. I've not had a single chance to get any nanos or the Stac10. On the bright side, those guns are kind of patootie so its fine.
  15. I think we just found they way to handle dethreaters. Kudos!
  16. "The idea is simple: with the Holidays right around the corner, we want you to design an ugly, HOLIDAY themed sweater!" FTFY
  17. Just leave your PC on 24/7 while standing in Social and you can reach 30,000 hours in just 3.5 years! (18731 hours would only take just over 2 years)
  18. I hardly sell guns, I mostly give em away. So technically Ive lost many tens of millions I guess.
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