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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. It's rare to ever get that 1 shot vs fragile, so I at least never thought it was an issue. Its really the only reason to use the Strife, unless you just like to die a lot.
  2. CookiePuss

    Halloween Title

    fishnets only go with sweatpants on males
  3. Nothing will be done. At this point all eggs are in the phasing basket it seems.
  4. What, the 74 days or whatever it was before RTW closed down due to bankruptcy wasn't enough time?
  5. Sounds like you are getting owned by russians. Git gud.
  6. Please post the "USA, USA, USA!" clip, so that we may assert our dominance over these brits.
  7. Katana curves the wrong way. ...still bought em tho (why cant I let this go?)
  8. Shini shaves his legs. ...that is all.
  9. I can only add my story of going from a gtx770 (970 had died) to an RTX card and seeing no difference whatsoever. APB really is a CPU based game.
  10. They are welcome to have one of mine. Honestly if you are on NA and aren't Reverse, just take it off, ok?
  11. Thats not how it works, regardless of opp threat, every match either raises or lowers threat. Now if you are talking about your threat naturally going down, obviously that's not dethreating, and therefore not part of this discussion.
  12. Swear to god if I ever see a male character wearing the fishnet top with anything OTHER than the warm up pants, you are dead to me.
  13. Are we just going to ignore those faces?
  14. They had designated "middlemen" who abused their power, players were scammed, and the entire program was shut down permanently.
  15. Lucky... Meanwhile on Jericho, easily half of bronze district is populated by active dethreaters. Entire clans dethreating daily, bragging about it in chat, and laughing at the idea that LO will do anything about it. Though on the bright side, we also have far fewer cheaters when compared to EU. ...so it's a trade off
  16. This only means pieces of shit that only play APB to stomp noobs are already in bronze. So kiss them, as well as most of bronze dist pop goodbye as soon as dethreaters can't stroke their fragile egos anymore.
  17. Just post the code to fix it.... Since it's an easy fix and all.
  18. What to do when the game isn't dying fast enough? Ask to remove district segregation.
  19. How much time do you need to prepare?
  20. I think you are right to worry about the effects of Jericho's pop. Often silver district is unfilled and of those playing most are silver.
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