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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Hard to believe since codes were being given away on these very forums, as well as in game, as well as on Discord, as well as on Twitch, and as well as on Twitter. Would you like a personal phone call next time?
  2. the game absolutely needs to change Im not sure why you think the dominant player dying one extra time makes any sort of difference in a lopsided match. Do they suddenly stop dominating because they died one time to an out of mission player? And on top of that, if this dominant players finishes a mission while N5/P5 they can now dominate anyone they want, they can interfere in any mission they want. so Im not sure how it makes things more fair tbh.
  3. I wish that was the game's only problem. But to say something shouldn't change because its always been that way is just a lazy argument, especially with a failed product. In fact, given APB's history of failure, something always being that way is actually a good argument that it SHOULD be changed.
  4. And how has that worked out for APB?
  5. Im not a fan either. Some folks seem to like it though.
  6. Why do you think I hate the system so much?
  7. Are you saying they shouldn't have hired anyone that can't work on 3.5 or weapon balance? If so I do see your point. But those two things aren't the only things that need fixing or improving. Not to mention LO seems to want to do stuff for the players while we wait.
  8. Jesus haven't the console players been abused enough? Now you want to have them face PC players? You folks are mean.
  9. And allow them to only attack people out of missions. Make the entire P/N system entirely out of missions, Ez done.
  10. I agree. They should make even the 3D artists work on weapon balance. /s
  11. You are asking the community if they want you to complete your video? No.
  12. Just send a message to someone on staff, you are more likely to get a response that way. Also, you do realize there is a roadmap, right? That Matt gives updates every 4 or so weeks? Did you even try the search function?
  13. Funny that you bring up progress while suggesting we move backwards.
  14. It is odd that when faced with nothing new to talk about for years, rather than just move on we have the same conversations over and over and over and over.
  15. One situation that recently happened to me in a mission. Wiped a 4 man squad while solo, and went to cap the point and thereby clutch the victory... ... just as I do, some random guy in a different mission goes N5 while standing right next to me wielding an NFAS and kills me immediately. Super fun system, guys.
  16. I will always find a system that punishes players for playing well while also interfering with the missions of other players backwards and stupid.
  17. You had and still have a chance to participate. No one is barred from winning anything. Full disclosure, I think the mask is hot garbage, and I've not even tried to enter any of the codes I've seen, nor would I buy it from armas. My only point is that LO not doing things how YOU want is not the same as LO doing anything wrong.
  18. CookiePuss


    Perhaps English isn't your first language? You seem to have misunderstood everything.
  19. Honestly Mitne, that's because I couldn't make sense out of anything you said. This situation has no parallels, in any way, with elections. Yes, random rewards are luck based. Much like JMBs or JT mission rewards. ...or RNG for that matter
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