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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I dont know if you actually think these are hot takes, or if you know this nonsense gets repeated all the time and you just don't care.
  2. Welcome, homie. Forums are fun, just don't take anything too seriously.
  3. I plan to complain about Australians. See if I can start a thing like with the BRs and Russians.
  4. Wasn't there a time when we couldn't discuss bans? Or is that just wishful thinking?
  5. I'm planning on filling that void with waiting for ANTHEM to be fun.
  6. Yeah, fuck the players still playing and looking forward to the event. Go away please.
  7. If I had to guess, Id say its because APB likely hasn't generated a profit since like 2016.
  8. G1 gave stats after they silently launched Fairfight and afaik, thats the only stats ever given. -the number of cheaters who log in to the game stayed pretty constant around 1.2% of all players (some of which were re-rolls). Inversely 98.8% of players in APB played on a daily basis without any trace of any cheat -60% of the players banned in this sample were paid players (For comparison, about 10% of the monthly unique players in APB make a new purchase in the game in any given month) -On a cumulative basis about 30% of all players playing the game have paid money for something at some point during their account history. So in simple terms, paid players turned out to be 2X over-represented in the initial ban sample, compared to the APB population as a whole -paid players who were banned had on average 260 hours of play time in the game, had played for over 1 year, and had on average spent $180 on virtual goods All these stats are from 2014, and this was the only time stats were given.
  9. I don't know how you can prove you didn't RMT. Unless LO gives the evidence so you can dispute it, and I don't think that's their policy.
  10. You wouldn't get banned for giving away or selling an item for $1 in game cash. I've given away dozens of legendaries and I've never had an issue. LO must have some evidence that real world money was somehow involved.
  11. Without knowing the details personally, I cant say much. Though I really don't see LO banning for RMT without evidence.
  12. Unfortunately, only support can help you. If support has decided you are guilty, that's probably game over.
  13. also, if you are feeling like it, you can jumpshoot with the Thumper as well
  14. mp3 Thumper is pretty awesome due to the unique qualities it has in regards to reloading
  15. honestly, even leaving the slot empty the gun is a beast, 3ps3 is only there cuz I have too many 3ps3 I have never and will never use EM3 on the NFAS or any other gun, the benefits just arent worth the drawbacks. Plus that slow mo reload animation honestly freaks me out a bit.
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