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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Ok let's not make this a big ol discussion. I think exclusive items are neat. I think random rewards are fine. We disagree.
  2. Or... And bear with me here... Or they could start a new campaign of continuous random giveaways. And doing it in a way that just rewards people for playing and or paying attention to the game. Not just for players who are just waiting for a giveaway announcement in order to get involved. This doesnt have to be a one time thing, and likely won't be. Saying "damn I wish I had been online for that" would be reasonable. "This is unfair because I wasn't notified it would be happening" kinda just sounds salty. Bottom line? If you or anyone else continues to play regularly, sooner or later you will get to take part in giveaways. I wish you better luck in the future.
  3. Can't you just let the masks be special? ...sheesh
  4. Cant we just say it all comes down to preference when deciding between the Obir and FFA R&D III? Then we never have to have this exhausting conversation ever again.
  5. Honestly, Ive never had any issues playing well with the Thunder. Are you sure you are using it correctly?
  6. No way, man. All I hear from Citadel players is stories that involve cheaters. Servers you right for having so many more players than us... jerks.
  7. This has not been my experience at all with the Thunder.
  8. All themes to me sound like Casio keyboard demo songs, so regardless of volume, they suck. Here's to hoping for a simple box we can check to turn themes off come 3.5 Save us the trouble of having to delete the instruments.
  9. Regardless of how often Im in social, though its likely not more than 500 of my nearly 6000 hours, I play daily, and I also talk daily with a large number of Jericho players, silver and gold, bronze and silver districts as well as fight club heroes. None of them claim to see cheaters. We are talking about 50 or more people. Most who play daily, and none of them think anyone is cheating. ...seems odd
  10. Staff GMs can ban afaik. LO doesn't feel comfortable letting players ban other players. We are currently using one of the best anti cheats in the industry, neitherPunkBuster nor Fairfight are even in the same league. It is weird tho, pretty much all day most days Im chatting with a bunch of daily Jericho players, both mission and fight club junkies. Cheaters on Jericho almost never come up. I just don't know where you are seeing all these cheaters.
  11. CookiePuss


    Without knowing the details, there's no way for me to know if it's LO at fault, or you at fault.
  12. Jeebus... If you have 50 people on ignore, I think maybe YOU are the butthole.
  13. Reminder that going down in threat isn't the same as dethreating. One is natural, the other forced.
  14. Ever wonder that why? Not being rude, but surely it's not because other developers COULDN'T copy or emulate APB, of that I'm sure.
  15. Trash compared to the Obir? Trash compared to all other weapons? I just want to know what you mean before I comment.
  16. Not my cup of tea but that doesn't mean I can't appreciate Little Orbit maximizing the efficiency of their talent pool in order to continuously put out new items while also slaving away at 3.5 Hi, my name is Cooky and I write run on sentences.
  17. I often can't figure out your stance. Any new recipes?
  18. If it is indeed that big of a problem then LO should stop wasting money and just shut down now.
  19. I'm pretty sure anyone that tells you they've never considered quitting is either lying or very very new.
  20. I dunno about irrelevant, but at least they've shown the desire to add new clothing.
  21. Yes... until things change, things won't change.
  22. How would you say it was out of balance pre-LO?
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