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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Then simply disengage. They are still trapped in the open, and the car will disappear eventually. You don't have to fight every engagement to the death. You've disabled their car, their method of escape, or their ability to rush, and that's exactly what AV is for. You should know by now that AP weapons should kill people better than AV weapons. So disable the vehicle, and if you are at a disadvantage, disengage.
  2. Are you for some reason out in the open and trying to trade fire with an assault rifle or something? Not to mention you can shoot under any car.
  3. It's an NFAS with a .99 ttk Not really sure what counter argument you could use tbh. Thanks for playing tho.
  4. I still don't understand why people say this. NSSW is a full auto monster. HB2 improves it's already minimal bloom without adding stk, alllowing you to min ttk up to around 50m just by holding mouse 1. It's also less mobile, and the only mod I use on both is HS3.
  5. I suppose if you don't have a 2 slot ntec it'd fill that role pretty well
  6. As a slightly less versatile Ntec5, it's not a bad gun... but definitely not OP.
  7. I completely agree. That couldn't have been an easy thing to do, but I feel like they made the right call.
  8. While technically true, that was all that could be said after the failure of the mode and the wasting of time and resources. "well... I guess at least we learned stuff" It wasnt originally intended as a learning experience, they actually expected the mode to succeed.
  9. Its happened to me twice recently, and both the same annoying scenario... Im capping a point in overtime to win a match and some asswipe not in my mission, someone whom I have no control over, goes P5 next to me immediately kills me. Not that it matters, if I stopped doing the point in order to fight this someone not in my freaking mission, Id have loat anyways. Great system.
  10. I hope one day poeple can understand that not all men are created equal, and no matter what they do or don't do, most folks are always going to be bad at most things.
  11. I too would like to wait two hours for a match.
  12. I too would like to never play in Waterfront ever.
  13. Crazy boring. Terrible map. Gassed blocks was a terrible mechanic. So many guns found were trash. and worst of all they let you use your own weapons but more than anything, its was slow and boring
  14. I didn't enjoy it. It's just my opinion, homie.
  15. But the ones we have still exist right? Those aren't gone for good?
  16. They can't just bring them back? Or is this another "ntec is 5 stk and has always been that way" post?
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