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  1. seems like both account bound packs have been returned to "normal" price, and numerous other items have had price changes/equalizations
  2. I made a quick html-edit to show a temporary system that could work until an in-game system is implemented. Instead of restricting the purchase of account-bound items, just give them a 100% discount. This shouldn't add to the credit counter any. People won't have to bother support with tickets over misplaced weapons (Save for legendaries I guess) and more San Paro citizens will sleep better at night without fear of Fidel Castro running off with their stockpile of N-Tecs.
  3. I've seen some weapons indicating that I unlocked them 'character-bound permanently', whereas this is not the case. I spotted this about 13 hours ago (I was sleepy ;__;). I don't own the Death & Taxes bundle (Nor do I own them individually)... But I think it may be an issue with weapon trials (altough not sure). Also, one weapon (ATAC NFCP 3) indicates it is char-bound, whereas it should be account-bound.
  4. just adding on that secondary weapons are all standardized to $12 usd ($10 usd premium) for character bound and $15 usd ($12 usd premium) for account bound
  5. So what are the prices of char and account bound weapons now? Assuming you buy g1c at the new rate. $20 USD each? $10?
  6. no particular order, some price comparisons using purchase history - premium assumed key to the city pack new - 7,999 G1C old - 6,399 G1C key to the world pack new - 12,799 G1C old - 12,799 G1C juggernaut strike pack new - 5,599 G1C old - 3,999 G1C norseman 'hel' (account bound) new - 1,599 G1C old - 3,199 G1C colby .45 (account bound) new - 1,199 G1C old - 2,000 G1C performance kit mega pack new - 3,040 G1C old - 1,111 G1C tactical gear bonus pack new - 1,116 G1C old - 959 G1C han coywolf bundle new - 1,953 G1C old - 2,399 G1C skinny glossy trousers new - 79 G1C old - 399 G1C high tech weapon skin new - 799 G1C old - 319 G1C all stars pack (account bound) new - 475 G1C old - 1,599 G1C
  7. Mistakes This is the "male" desert scarf https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=65&amp;subcatID=208&amp;productId=2665 The Uber bundle Still doesn't have it's wheel kit de-bundled (more of a request) https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=64&amp;subcatID=290&amp;productId=2060 More of a artistic choice but , all the skins use "joker cr5" but the chips weapon skin uses the atac (and is out of place) https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/index.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=103&amp;subcatID=314 In this picture they used the joker cr5 https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=103&amp;subcatID=314&amp;productId=3835 Not a fan of this icon https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=103&amp;subcatID=204&amp;productId=3803 Maybe something more like this would look better A gun i've never bought before (is unpurchaseable) https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=63&amp;subcatID=196&amp;productId=2684 <-- this logo means i can't buy it (because it's allready purchased character bound) I can only buy account bound even the 30 days option is gone. Several other guns on my account also have this logo and are "only" account bound purchasable It could be because (before the armas revamp) i used the free trial. Which btw should be fixed as the free trial button is completly missing. Some image issues Gun touches the mod icons https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=63&amp;subcatID=198&amp;productId=3154 2 versions of the ALIG have 2 different icons https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=63&amp;subcatID=197&amp;productId=1319 https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&amp;gameID=20&amp;catID=63&amp;subcatID=197&amp;productId=2739 supposedly the same model 2 different screenshots a tad stretched no idea how they can fix that. Could be on purpose but the Image cuts off the mask underneath.
  8. Also, 2399 g1c for an account bound weapon is roughly 25-30$ depending where you live ..... I really don't see what has been lowered? and lowered by an average of 30%? what .. O.o And it's not by lowering g1c price, as I see it remains the same @ 6.25/5$ for 500/400 g1c ...
  9. brief summary of my issues with this phase of the armas revamp pricing is all over the place - weapons seem to be very well normalized now, at the cost of everything else. there's a lot of very oddly numbered prices (5034, 2546, 635, etc) bundles seem to have almost uniformly increased in price (i know i know you did warn us) despite no attempt to implement account bound options with less savings upon purchase, bundles seem to have less value overall - in extreme examples bundle prices are equal or exceed the cost of the items purchased separately theres a distinct lack of the more standardized pricing model that was talked up in the last blog post - from bundles to vehicles to kits to clothing, nearly everything seems to have almost completely random prices attached to them cross faction packs are priced differently for each faction equivalent faction-based vehicles and vehicle kits are priced differently the new dropdown menus are nice, but the options to view account-bound/character-bound weapons have been removed i'll probably post some specific issues in here as i take a closer look edit: apologies in advance if any of my math is wrong, please be patient i have terminal stupidity
  10. AT LAST! I HAVE FINALLY TAKEN DOWN LITTLE ORBIT! MWAHAHAH! Hey, glad you're at least considering making more of the packs account bound. I know a lot of people didn't like them, but the Revelations and Juggernaut passes were some of my favorite ARMAS content simply for the fact that they gave so much stuff account bound, even if a lot of people thought they were super expensive (which is funny, because they really aren't expensive.) Honestly bro, give them a little slack.
  11. couple of questions will trials be changing at all? i know several people (myself included) who think that 30 minutes isnt enough for an adequate weapon test are any of these reviews/updates and pricing changes related to making more bundles account bound? also has there been any significant (and permanent) debundling? overall everything sounds like good news, after all these years im most excited for big content changes personally
  12. could be a good idea, you character is account bound, to the point that in any game from the same company uses the same characters, at least as a base, then you can have a nice "social hub" game ... and almost use it as a launcher... the metaverse
  13. I am not a fan of this title, but I expected it to be account bound at least. Another disappointment with this event
  14. I would rather see the discontinuation of JMBs instead of adding more. And also for ARMAS weapons to not rob you out of a kidney for an account bound weapon, thanks.
  15. To start things off, I'll explain that all I originally intended to do was attempt to upgrade my character bound VAS SW2 'Empire' to an account bound one, and then I stumbled upon a couple of issues while attempting to do so. The first of this list starts with the experience of me trying to upgrade the weapon from character to account bound. I do own a character bound Empire on one of my characters and the marketplace DID recognize that I've purchased this weapon previously, however for whatever reason, I was not given an "Account Bound Upgrade" option whatsoever. As you can see, I only have a discount applied from having premium. Now, I should also mention the other bug I noticed, that the marketplace ALSO seems to recognize any weapon that I've purchased previously as a trial (3 or 30 days), and that it behaves in the same way as the Empire above. I am no longer able to purchase any of the below three options, only leaving me to purchase an account bound one. To follow up on the fact that this bug is fairly inconsistent and isn't always reproduced, I have one more character bound weapon that I decided to take a look at. As you can see on the Kokoe, the discount is automatically applied if I wish to upgrade mine to Account Lifetime, and it recognizes that I already own this product as normal. Unfortunately, the weapon I wished to upgrade from character to account bound was the Empire and not the Kokoe, so I'm at a bit of a standstill with that as I don't want to pay the full price for it. Any idea on what would be causing this and how it could be corrected?
  16. someone said they have around 11 characters or more. In this manner buying these packs for each individual char adds up quick armas prices in itself I don't have an opinion on at this time. 11 chars having to buy the same pack is a bit much cash wise though which is what i was referring to. definitely need an account bound option and I know id be buying them but not as it is right now it would cost me too much money.
  17. If it was account bound I would of been buying some of these But at those prices for the bundles and for each new character is just not possible for most people
  18. everything should have options for account bound and character bound, hopefully this is something that happens in one of the armas overhaul phases
  19. Well I have to say this is the stupidest shit I've seen in a while. I constantly get my friends to try out APB and one of the nice things was that they could trial any gun in the game and find their play style and consider buying the gun permanently. You've taken away something so useful for not only allowing people to try their products before buying but also helping new players ease into the game. And I know that the P2W stigma is still strong but doing this makes it seem worse. Now not only are we getting Armas exclusives like the RFP IR 3 but now we can't trial said exclusives anymore? Secondly, this really erks me even further because I spend my money on a prema gun that say, for that time as it was just released it's working great. But two/three weeks down the road when everyone has the gun and it's being called op, it takes a nerf harder than IR 3 did. Now the nerfing is uncontrollable but releasing a weapon with intentions of changing it down the road isn't very cash money of you. Now I know it's their game, the gun may have been indeed broken in comparison to others. Perhaps more testing should be involved before it is to be released? Regardless. Nerf or not the ability to try these and any other gun like it, is super important to me and I'm sure several others. As a longtime player and having a considerable amount of premium account bound stuff. Even for me, Trials are useful if I want to buy something completely new without fear of loss. Joker store is nice and I'd recommend it to anyone who wants a premium gun without paying real money, the only issue is, Joker tickets aren't easy to come by in large quantities. Which you need to make these premium gun purchases for a considerable amount of time. All in all, if new content comes out and I'm still unable to trial it. I find myself having a harder time to buy it for fear of it being either just garbage or being good and getting a nerf down the road much like the Trouble Maker, both of which are wastes of money IMO.
  20. I'm here to do my job as a necromancer. +1 to everything said so far. More stuff should be account bound by default, specifically expensive stuff.
  21. Oh I bought that slot in the past, totally forgot about that. Hehe. Right, so just get an extra character slot from Armas. I mean, already bought account-bound stuff should appear on the new slots as well right? That's a good option then. True! Nice. ... I'll just keep this new one as an forum account then lol didnt want to buy stuff twice anyway How do I edit posts on this new forum anyway? This does merge but how to edit? Sincerely, Monolillity :)
  22. I'm still waiting for the CBMP 'Arrow' to be debundled so I can finally get an account bound version of it.
  23. Six years late to the party, bud Will the title be account bound?
  24. Hi all, Autumn Assault account bound skins have been sent out to everyone who logged in at least once during the event. The title is being prepped and will be awarded to players who actually won the event. The title requires another patch, so it should go in on Jan 2nd. Thanks, Matt
  25. Wasn't it supposed to be account bound?? Cause it's not.
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