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  1. Matt gave a broad overview of what order they want to do things in the Q&A with Kempington, no dates atm: First part will be "infrastructure": - New Support & Forums - New anti-cheat - New two-factor account authentication Second part is "unification" - Bringing PC versions to Unreal 3.5 and unifying the PC & Console codebases. - Announcement on this in 1-2 weeks. - Unreal 4 is being worked on. No timescale was given on this. Third is dealing with critical mechanics. Examples mentioned during the Q&A: Weapon Balance Threat system & dethreating Prestige/Noteriety Fourth is 'minor' content patches. Clothing etc. Lastly 'major' content including a new map/district.
  2. Actually, you said "More likely people with rather questionable bans or bans for something else than cheating" would be unbanned. I'm pretty certain that questionable and non-cheating bans do not compromise 'most' bans (especially when Matt was specific that most people who were banned for cheating will be unbanned). Unless he clarifies / rolls back a little, my interpretation is that a lot of people who were blatant are going to get their accounts back. Start picking names of the list lads, they're probably coming back: https://ffbans.org/search/R:200-255 HappyMandy Ashley Ccoca-Colaa Shall I keep going? Ray - sorry: TankBal will probably get his old accs back. I'm not complaining per se, it is what it is, but to say 'nah it'll only be questionable bans' is inaccurate in my opinion.
  3. They are giving a second chance to everyone who didn't get banned for illegal reasons like credit card fraud and everything, including cheaters that they know were cheating. It's easier to unban a huge lot of people to unban those who didn't deserve it even if it means allowing those who should have lost everything to regain everything. I understand it's good to bring people back in, but if they lost their account for a real reason, then they shouldn't get their stuff back. They can create a new account and play legitimately just like everyone else
  4. As far as I know, nobody has yet been given anything apart from access to their banned FORUM accounts. There may (and will be) some ban reversals, but those are not going to be blindly handed out to everyone either.
  5. unbanning cheaters and giving them the stuff they should have lost forever is laughable. Calling names is childish, I admit, but getting shit on when some people have gotten accounts unbanned for cheating is frustrating. Especially when I was at the end up the string of support I needed. You can't read too well, can you? No where did I say I was banned.
  6. We're under half a day into new forum and people are already rageposting on them and calling company employees stupid... Are you guys so openly hostile when you go to a local diner / coffeeshop? Because if you are, I don't want to even estimate the amount of bodily fluids of employees you have consumed in such places. And if you've neglected your account for so long that it needs password reset, who do we have here to blame for the hazzle?
  7. Jesus I remember you guys - worth getting into this again (this is Jakkaron I had to make a new account)
  8. Is the word "*snip*" still censored? Also, not a fan of it showing "last edited on". It's probably just me... Woot, it's not censored! Also glad to see my forum account was unbanned. Even if I probably deserved it AND WTF WAS THAT NOISE. DISABLE. When you get quoted there's a noise that I could only describe as *BLOIMP*. Time to go edit settings.
  9. I'm not banned. I don't think people who are banned should be unbanned. I'm trying to get into my account where I can't reset my password because google lost the email in those large batches a couple years ago. You'll be waiting until after they implement Battleeye so that you can get HWID banned after you try a script again.
  10. I managed to get a lot of legendaries with ingame money over the past few years (30+). It would be dreadful if those legendaries became untradable since they where aquired with the intention that they could be sold on marketplace or for a friend to borrow. I'm sure I'm not the only one who has the same problem. However, I do not mind buying new Joker boxes, knowing that they would not be tradable. So the bottom line is that I think old legendaries should remain as they are, new once can be character/account bound. The old Innova (4game) already had a simular thing in place: most JB legendaries where character and just a few where tradable. This led to overpriced ingame marketplace prices tho.
  11. Forum revamp motivated some friends to create forum accounts. Things are changing indeed...
  12. Finally being able to use my main account to talk in forums is so easy now, before G1 couldn't be bothered fixing my Forums account for my main email so I had to make another forums account just to communicate. Anyways we have high hopes for the new owners of APB, we verymuch have been deprived of updates.
  13. In addition to just wanting to know if you're considering changing your theory on making legendaries untradeable, here's my un-answered questions copied from the thread on the previous forum: 1. What will you be doing with the changes RG did to the maps in their console version of the EU? RG did a lot of things that many of us feel messed up the playability (and aesthetics) of the maps, for example the tons of telephone poles and bushes they added that block cars and make it more difficult to drive. Do you plan to go over the changes RG made to the maps before launching the EU3.5 version of APB? I know some of us, including myself, would greatly appreciate it. 2. I know a lot of people want weapon balance changes, (or other areas of balance,) but I can't help but be a little concerned at the idea of people extremely new to the game trying to balance a game that's already mostly balanced. Are you planning on doing balance patches in the (relatively) near future, and if so how will you be familiarizing your team with APB to the point that you feel you understand the balance well enough to change it, especially considering many of the players in this game have thousands of hours logged and still disagree greatly about weapon balance. 3. For some reason RG removed the ability to do wheelies on some cars in APB in the console EU, which is a huge bummer because much of the fun of APB is its hilarious quirkiness, and wheelies could be really fun and allow you to do some amazing jumps. Furthermore, on a slightly different note, there used to be a community based around using wheelies and other cars as ramps to jump their cars onto buildings for fun, but RG removed the ability to stay on most buildings, even when you're not in a mission, so this community is now gone. So my question is, basically, are you going to have wheelies in your version of the PC EU, and would you consider removing the effects of out-of-bounds volumes on top of buildings while you're not in a mission?
  14. legendaries are already account bound using the mail system.
  15. i mean, reloaded had a “side business” selling download software which orbit confirmed was not part of the purchase deal likely he took that and moved on with a healthy bank account
  16. I was banned for harassment in-game, which got me an automatic ban from the forums due to my G1 account being blocked (banned). Hopefully they'll allow us on the forums (and elsewhere, perhaps) :L
  17. https://forums.gamersfirst.com/profile/1141-michi/

    Moved over to a new account due to an email change.

  18. I am most likely not making another thread on "builds", they are too custom tailored to play-style and overall goal of each individual person. But even if my main account remains banned for whatever reason, I'll check this every so often and you are welcome to add me on steam under the name Reaps989
  19. serious question: I got 2 accounts (thanks to FF being bad, I lost both of them over a longer timespan - no, I was not cheating) and I'd like to know if it's possible after the support reviewed by bans and if I get unbanned, to "merge" my accounts... by all means, I'm NOT talking about characters or designs, solely ARMAS (itemshop) items and itemshop gifts I've received. after they've been transferred one of the accounts should be closed. I'm still waiting on the reviews of my accounts but I'd like to know now if it's even something support would do for me, since there is nothing I can do with 2 accounts at the same time... (forum is bugging out, my message is not being posted and a friend of mine doesn't see any update aswell, sry if this message got sent multiple times)
  20. they unblocked my forum account, YAY!!
  21. I think it would be cool to implement the ability to give other players access to things you have created (symbols, clothing, cars, themes, etc.) People have already been doing it for years now, but given the chance to avoid the murky waters that are account sharing I think it would be a cool way of expanding these creative outlets.
  22. Come on guys, let's not fall for the obvious sockpuppet account.
  23. Well, they are not "victims" and they deserved a punishment, but a permanent ban is too much in my opinion, it's enough with temporal ban and remove the FFA obtained with the exploit or money if they sold them. So I hope they can recover their accounts as soon as possible.
  24. Took support 8-10 days to swap my email around on my account, figured it was due to the support transition, but I guess it was just #G1Things
  25. Also does this mean I cannot link my Steam account profile in my signature or profile? It's something i had on the old forum and it was my way showing who i am and allowing others the opportunity to get in contact and maybe play with someone I might not of meet before.
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