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  1. Since APB already exist on Steam, i'd love to see the game exclusively played through steam. (yes its nice freedom that you atm don't need to use steam, but consider this.....) It'd also be nice that If you get caught by BE or FF again in the future, then the steam account should get a VAC record. (idk if it's possible for data co-operation between valve and BE/FF) I realize cheaters would *create a fresh steam account, without other games, to it use for cheating*, but again - those types of players will exist regardless and with a level 0-5 empty steam account and untouchable god-like skills, they're not so hard to spot I have more distaste for the veteran type of player, who uses closet-cheats and pretends a certain level of skill and even has pride in it, when it's a friggin' program doing the work. Those types of veterans would be risking a lot more by the steam model.
  2. Nah, anyone who was cought cheating should already know that Little Orbit makes this a Case by Case thing. Whoever got banned over ToS Violation, be it cheating or so can count on never seeing his sorry patootie account back ever again. And hey, these losers would go ahead and cheat again anyways.
  3. 1.) How will past bans be handled, especially ones with heavy bias with punishments that do not fit their crime? And if said exploit/hack is blocked/removed, will previous offenders be unbanned? (This community is a niche one, if they can't abuse it population helps) or at least not be chased for future bans if rerolled after a resolution is in place. 2.) When it comes to updates, will previous areas/content be addressed or simply another re-run of the previous staff's attempt only to make a quick buck pushing out end game content that is never finished? 3.) Will the 5 meter bonus range to all weapons, effects, and useable abilities be removed? That being said, will melee get boosted to 2-3m listed range to compensate the range loss? 4.) When bugs, especially ones that can be exploited, are reported will you simply hush us like the previous staff and drop bans for simply speaking of them? This obviously means without providing said method. 5.) Will there be a testing team (Like Decon) as well as proper chance to give feedback and time to hotfix prior to a "live push" as the previous staff kinda botched constantly. 6.) Will server health, especially regarding dupes and lag be addressed? And would you wipe current data if you cannot resolve lag from dupe damage thus far? 7.) Anti-cheat possible in the near future that is not simply forgotten or ignored? The current system in place only flags your account yet GMs and devs in the past have no way to figure out "what" flagged said account... And had poor method to prove legitimate play as they simply wanted a scan of your computer which obviously can be manipulated. 8.) Do you have plans to add weapons to give more options at end-game with the same cost as the current "AP" weapons? And also balance previous weapons to match where they should be based on overall boost. Example : Ice Shards (and dome variant) are actually boosted around 7 damage higher than they should after augmentation damage (114 base vs 120) since there is no "AFFA" variant for AP. Heavy pistols also, based on their damage, should have longer delay (1.2) while the reload should be brought down to increase the gap of DPS other weapons follow the rules of. But also reverting previous pistol reload changes for lights/mediums) For those wondering the general rule... Higher damage = higher delay Instead the previous staff decided reload (which personally I feel was a poor balance change and simply added downtime that wasn't required, or at least to that degree) but sadly those in testing at that time had to choose than or the complete destruction of pistols that was provided prior. 9.) Since factions are more of a PVE thing, yet do factor into ownership of keeps/zones in PVP... Will factions get more options that relate specifically to them? Nothing based on restrictions, would say weapons that relate to said faction (especially an AP variant), trinkets which give buffs/effects to stand out for that faction, and boosted armor to make them have a bit easier progression. I would not said a "GT" suit for faction is needed at this time, but the two options above would be nice. 10.) Territory control is a "PVP" focused zone but has plenty of issues.... Will faction camps be moved up to their first flag capture locations? (Vista would move to flag "11 o' clock) Will road buffs be consistent at all times when outside of faction and keep areas? Will no mount zones for keeps/flags be increased to force cars to be at least 150 meters away from said capture points to avoid LoS exploits by hiding in nearby cars during a capture? Will bombs (this is for all PVP zones) on keep doors finally do the "double damage" that was promised years ago? And will keep doors no longer be allowed to be repaired?
  4. Hi everyone, This is another topic that I think has been speculated on too much. We are not changing Joker Boxes or account locking legendary rewards for the vast majority of players. For context, during the Q&A I mentioned the Netherlands and Belgium laws that have declared loot boxes as gambling. I think some of my response was taken a bit further than I intended. Currently only Netherlands residents are limited from trading rewards, per their government's laws which are very explicit in requirements and the June 20th deadline. In my opinion the Belgium legislation is both vague and unenforceable. Additionally, EA has also declared they will continue with Loot Boxes: https://www.engadget.com/2018/05/09/ea-loot-boxes-are-gambling-heres-more-loot-boxes/ So we're just going to sit tight and wait. If there is a required change, rest assured that we will design an economic replacement for this mechanic. Thanks, Matt
  5. The copy of the old guide from old forums by Arvie Okay so as some ppl apparently feel it too, I decided to write a guide for this. Credit for the Original UnrealTournament 3 fix goes to Aco24 from the ProUnreal forums. Sadly that forum has now dissappeared. With these settings your mouse movement will not slow down anymore when you get low FPS. You can even run vivoxvoiceserviceprogram while playing APB and your mouse will still feel the same. Ok this is what you do: Find the folder: APBR\Engine\Config\ In there you open the BaseInput.ini file. Find these lines and replace them: [Engine.PlayerInput] LookRightScale=0.000000 LookUpScale=0.000000 bEnableMouseSmoothing=False Bindings=(Name="MouseX",Command="Count bXAxis | Axis aMouseX Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="MouseY",Command="Count bYAxis | Axis aMouseY Speed=2.0") Bindings=(Name="LookUp",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=+25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="LookDown",Command="Axis aLookUp Speed=-25.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnLeft",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=-40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") Bindings=(Name="GBA_TurnRight",Command="Axis aBaseX Speed=+40.0 AbsoluteAxis=0") The GBA lines do not exist, just add them manually. Also, while youre editing, it says Speed=2.0, divide your sensitivity, but not marksmanshipmode sensitivity by 2 to get the original sensitivity back, or you'll do 720's instead of 360's. Also in your userconfig.ini file of your character (APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\Account\xxxnumberxxxx\Server Name\xxxxx) is now a bEnableMouseSmoothing command. Change that one to false as well. Even tho it already should be set to false by default. PS The files do not get replaced by the launcher unless you delete the clientfiles.xml, so make a back-up incase you're too used to the UE3 Dampening/Acceleration. Yet another fix for Mouse Input Delay is this: Go to your APB\APBGame\Config folder and open apbcompat.ini in there you'll have multiple "OneFrameThreadLag=True" lines, set them all to false, this will reduce the input delay a lot. Sadly youre gonna have to do this everytime after you use the launcher, I always copy pasta my file into the folder after I launched it before I press Play. Incase you still experience Mouse Acceleration after this fix, Windows might be the cause of that, some have that problem, some dont. The fix for that can be found here Thanks to kimiko(bakageta) and dreamss(mexican) for the heads up.
  6. The only thing that bothers me is that I made this account in 2011 and here it looks like it was made in 2018. But otherwise looks good
  7. They are going to have a field day with battleye when it gets patched in and previously banned accounts released. Call it a stress test if you want.
  8. Right now, from what I can tell there aren't many cheaters. I've been playing on an old account from RTW that I magically recovered from the pits of forgotten login information and I haven't encountered a cheater in the couple hours I have played.
  9. Welcome to the party. I logged in for the first time in months back in January to a nice "Your account has been blocked" error code. Little Orbit is going to liberate the majority of us when the new patch comes out with BattleEye. Until then, we are in the dark my old friend.
  10. i went to log in for the first time in 2 years, and my account is banned?
  11. I actually bought the Norseman account wide, I got 10 power gold mystery boxes from that and my screenshot is the result of that.
  12. If SPCMs were to be re-introduced, I'd make them use different account from their main for it. A pre-set account with pre-set characters, owned by the company, all dressed similarly and with similar disticntive names and only to be used for helping and mentoring. Possibly even putting them under NDA if deemed necessary. This way it would be more easy to monitor that they are actually doing what they are supposed to do and not part of the program just for ego boost.
  13. I always thought click bait was those Free Vacation Tour links, and when you got to their site they were selling either creams or pills for furher enlargement. They were all scams except maybe one I think. I never saw those posts from Tiggs. She definitely faced some pretty toxic people for sure. I believe she will do well in her current role, and probably could use a much needed break from the customer facing role. EDIT: After rereading these posts, and the possability that her account was hacked, seems more plausible than her being the actual author. Explains a lot.
  14. these are from when there was a security issue and some random was able to get access to tiggs' account
  15. I'm searching for the same answers bud. Ever since I connected with my steam account, nothing but problems. Please let me know if you resolve this. I've already contacted support but no luck so far.
  16. ye why don't you remove my $40 account wide atac?
  17. My suggestion is to add an in-game option alongside the current friends/ignore list that would allow players to turn off all in-game whispers from players that are not on their whitelist/friends. This feature should also extend to allow a similar approach to the in-game VoIP. This suggestion comes from incidents where player harassment continues even after you place the harassing player on your ignore list. There have been incidents where players will make multiple characters and accounts just to harass their target (There is currently such incident happening to a friend). This is a small change, but will do a lot in stopping rampant verbal harassment to players. P.S. To add another requested feature by some players is that when you place a player on your ignore list that it removes any text that you type from their chat window; and removes your VoIP from their side. Essentially, the ignore feature should act like both players are blocking each other.
  18. Indeed, I wonder if you will get 4 characters now or 2 accounts lmao.
  19. nah definitely didn't i only have 4 email accounts, one for europe, and the other is my closed beta account. the last one has nothing on it bc i just made it today trying to figure out if gmail was bugged when i wasnt getting pw reset
  20. Lol, sorry I would add something but I just wanted to announce my amusement. How on earth can you register an account 4 times on one email.
  21. spoopy idk maybe you changed your email on the original account wakarimasen lol
  22. heres the vid i can go in game and theres no characters made on that account. but trying to register with my old name says its taken when it isn't
  23. i would post pictures here but it doesnt keep the original size for me, so ill make a quick video showing the 2 accounts on one email 1 sec
  24. you shouldn't been able to make two accounts on one email because your email is registered as well on the sql database (it also gives you the warning when creating the account that your email is already taken) you could try logging through steam if you don't and if you do log through steam, i would say guess on the emails or check your email history with account info changes or paypal etc. wakarimasen lol
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