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  1. How can i become a GM? I will stop trolling (the few times i do), and hold the fight clubs clear from blatants. I am putting my account on the line if i abuse my powers once you can insta ban me!
  2. Way back in the day when GamersFirst acquired APB and made it into APB Reloaded, myself and many others who were/are passionate about this game due to its unique gameplay experience, worked on a lot of feedback (some going above and beyond in terms of effort). Unfortunately almost all of that feedback was ignored and we realized G1 had seemingly no real interest in improving the game, only trying to wring as much $$$ out of it as possible. I'm hoping Little Orbit is different. Sure, LO has to make $$, I get that, but I hope they are committed to breathing life into APB in order to make it last. It will be beneficial to both the players and subsequently themselves in the long run. Here are is a list, mostly off the top of my head, of things that if fixed/changed, should greatly improve the overall quality of the game: <<< Additions >>> Ability to see secondary weapons / grenades on score screen, possibly without revealing mods Ability to put a resupply box (consumable) in the trunk of a vehicle and resupply from the trunk area (similar to the vehicle mod Mobile Supply Unit) Better friends list akin to modern games (friend request, account-wide adding, etc...) Bring the district caps back up to 100 (50 and 50) -- Possibly higher OR implement some sort of cross-district matchmaking (sort of how WoW's phasing system works) High res setting for primitives Loose ping restrictions -- Boot players out of the district if their ping exceeds 350 for x minutes maybe Make "non-meta" vehicles viable --> Give vehicles bonuses to certain mods (Han Veo = radar range, Ceresco = % bonus to the cargo expander, etc...) Mission-length replay (very similar to the replay systems of PUBG and Fortnite) Permissions system: Allow us to set permissions on our creations be they clothing or otherwise so other people can modify what they buy or obtain from other players Return our precious bullet tracer effect (with optional toggle inside the options menu!) Weapon/equipment loadouts with save slots (this might make some weapon switching unfairly quick? idk!) <<< Quality of Life >>> Ability to join a queue for full districts Account-wide storage (Sending legendaries or mods to other characters on the same account is tedious as hell) Account-wide currency ($$ & JT) Add a delay/invulnerability when switching to a stage that involves takeouts Allow players to attach multiple items to an in-game mail Better weapon sorting (Would love things to be alphabetical right now, but I'm sure the whole interface could use a revamp) Change how yellow mods work: Either make them unlimited (no cap) or when you hit the cap, stop receiving extras (mail spam) Consistency, consistency, consistency! One of my biggest gripes with the game since my first day back in 2011. Sometimes I have to aim behind people to 'hit' them, other times I can shoot where their actual player model is. Also this sort of ties in with inaccurate cross-hairs and client-side blood splats / hit-markers Dampen the sounds of people outside of your current mission slightly + have an option to 'mute' out of mission players (voip only) Different color 'tie' score screen (Green is currently shown for a win and a tie) Eliminate client-side hit markets / blood splatters and other things that can mislead players Ensure weapon reticles and such reflect a true accuracy Fix certain fence walls being unable to be shot through Fix certain map geometry to prevent seeing/shooting through Fix LOD on map geometry (certain walls, etc... disappear at strange ranges) Fix objectives (vehicles) in vehicle delivery missions from exploding in certain areas when you enter their vicinity -- Cant remember the mission name(s) but I run into this often in Financial around Fix progress on a point carrying over to another mission (Example: A break-in door objective that had progress on it but was never completed will have the same progress for whomever has their objective at the same door later on) Fix that one vehicle spawn in Waterfront that spawns vehicles facing the wall Fix the game volume / VOIP -- Currently you need to turn your in-game volume to max and then turn APB down in windows in order to have both sound and the ability to hear others decently on VOIP. Fix vehicle spawn areas so that, no matter the size, two vehicles can always spawn side by side Gas Can 4 has had a loose vertex forever which results in it 'exploding' during animation/use Item jump/drop 'trick' -- This was fixed for heavy items years ago but not for medium items. In lieu of this 'feature' give a player carrying a medium / heavy item x% more HP (only while holding said item). Make out-of-mission vehicles have 0 collision aka 'ghost' for people inside the mission but ONLY WITHIN x RADIUS OF AN OBJECTIVE Make sprinting 'always on' by default (auto sprint) -- There is little to no reason to ever not sprint in APB Minimize 'cheap' hold areas and other supreme choke zones by adding more ways to reach certain areas (There was an excellent thread with pictures on the APB forums years and years ago about this) More control over our settings in-game to remove the need for tools like Advanced APB launcher, shader edits, etc... More meaningful gun statistics (in-game) instead of the obscure bars we have now News / updates 'panel' on the login / character select screen to keep non-forum goers in the loop Only allow ammo/weapon switching at proper locations (ammo vendors / contacts / deployed ammo). Right now players are able to change weapons and such at mail boxes and car spawners which feels silly Remove the 'rocket protection' -- When you aim over a car, even if you have clearance, your rockets will shoot off to the side to 'save' you (this also affects grenades) Remove the various district specific compat files from the official game. There is no need and it causes problems. Remove weapon rank 16. It takes about the same amount of time to go from 1 to 15 as it does to go from 15 to 16. Quite an arduous grind! Revamp the tattoo system as it is easy to delete layers unintentionally, the layers are sorted backwards, etc... <<< Revisit >>> Contact vehicle unlocks -- Why would a new player use anything other than their starter car (1 slot with mobile spawner) when it takes a long time to grind up a 1 slot car? Differences between both factions (restricted spawners, vehicle types) Equip times on certain weapons (I'm looking at you Silver Nano) Gun preset mods -- Most preset guns you buy have awful mods for the modern era of APB (HB3 SHAW / HB3 Alig / Any shotguns with reflex sight / etc...) Kevlar Marketplace 20% tax Out-of-bounds system -- This needs some tweaks (several rooftops can still be exploited by crouching) as well as perhaps some slack for people goofing around outside of missions P5 / N5 -- Getting these in a mission usually causes the person doing good to lose the objective and can be very annoying. Ram raiding (does anyone do this for $$ anymore?) Spawn system -- This honestly used to be worse before elective spawning was introduced but it's still far from perfect. The biggest problem being people spawning down range of enemy snipers. Threat system (Though I'm not sure anything can be done to make things better given the # of people per district) TTK -- Some weapons, especially in CQC situations, can kill people before they can react and this seems a bit silly (Yukon is probably the worst offender) Tutorial district (or something similar) Two equipment slots are still locked Vehicle carry limit (Namely for the Vaquero and Mikro as they cant carry a heavy item without a special blue mod. This was done for ram raiding years ago, seem archaic now)
  3. We're trying to keep the staff page limited to community facing roles instead of every employee account just to avoid the flood of direct messages that public admins receive. I went ahead and added myself back though.
  4. Completely agree with previous posters. ARMAS prices are all over the place. Overall the prices are way too high. Some bad weapons cost a fortune while some of the good ones are on the lower end. Many ARMAS pictures are also misleading, for example they are displaying wrong mods. LO should probably completely revamp all the prices so they would make sense instead of having the mess that we have right now. if I could get 2 or maybe by some chance even 3 account wide guns for 60 $ which you pay for a single one right now I would be happy.
  5. GMs will monitor the chat, answer players' questions and generally help them out. If they encounter a cheater they will be reporting them to our support or me, so that we can investigate on our own. Forum mods can give you warnings, which I will be monitoring. These measures are to ensure the forums stay clean, and that players follow the rules without issues. Neither GMs or Forum mods have permission to suspend/ban any account. The game is handled by support, the forum by me.
  6. the ingame GMs have no banning powers, theres really zero ways this can go wrong unless theyre using their GM tags to scam players out of ingame items or talk players into giving out their account info both of which would be reported super fast and would be easy to verify through logs
  7. First of I really do appreciate everyone giving me suggestions and I really am grateful players contacting me regarding their concerns. I am here to answer any concern or a question you guys have. GMs are not allowed to give their identity out, that's a ticket to be kicked out of the team. They will have a separate GM account that has no ties to their private account. They will also go through a training process before they are given a GM account, should they fail any of training they will be declined. I understand everyone's worried, but please keep in mind I used to have volunteer teams and they worked awesomely. I don't give access to any Bill or Joe that applied nor I am thinking to keep this as loose as players seem to see. Again not EVERY player that applies will be accepted and each and every single one of them will be interviewed, backchecked and so on.
  8. The worst part is, there are a few good people here who can handle the position, but I suspect most of them won't go for it and all the wrong people will. Lixil, (I had to think about whether to suggest this, cos I know you're good at what you do), but can make one suggestion based on my own experiences as a GM on Football Manager Live? If GMs are going to have serious obligations re: checking on player behavouir or being generally being available to players at all times when logged on, then I think they should ideally have a separate GM account and their identities kept anonymous from their main account. Or have their GM tags only show up on one or two of their characters. If they're required to be "on" all the time, there's a good chance that perfectly capable and well intentioned people will just get burned out and not want to play the game, because to play the game they have to also GM at the same time. That'll leave you with people who are attracted to the 'power', as such. I've seen it happen. The GM team at the start of FML (which didn't include me, btw) was a lot stronger than the one at the end of it. tl;dr, your GMs will need to be able to have 'downtime' in the game or they'll probably stop playing it. And yes, I know people are reading the anon account suggestion and thinking "Are you out of your head? Have you forgotten the Mod Squads?", and yes, that's a fair point. They were anonymous and they were at best horribly inconsistent or at worst absolutely terrible, and someone of them (imo) abused the anonymity. But that was (imo) partly because the more capable mods had left or fell out with Tiggs and the Mod Squads didn't seem to be particularly well managed or supervised. I suspect Little Orbit will have a much tighter grip on the reigns.
  9. LO already gave freedom to unfair players... One has active on his account from 25 may 2018... Congratulation!
  10. In order to make premium more marketable to the user base, LO/G1 should make priority queuing for premium users. Assuming district queuing will be released in the future, implementing a feature that makes accounts with premium status priority in the queue will attract players to buy premium subscriptions which in return funds the game's development. Successful cases of this plan can be seen in games like Battlefield, where accounts with premium are given priority in server queuing. This is just a thought
  11. This should help you more on making the email more useful. Answer to the questions below in your ticket! Which game are you trying to access?What is the email address listed for the account?What is your date of birth?What are your character names / server name?What is the registration date and Country of registration for your account?What is your IP address?Please provide transaction IDs and invoice IDs for any purchases you may have made. This is not Armas or Marketplace purchases on your account but the actual transaction ID and Invoice ID provided to you for purchasing G1C. These are typically made with Payment Providers like Steam, Paypal, Boku, Payment Wall, Ultimate Pay, Karma Koin ect.
  12. Hello I send them a ticket about this problem, waited for 5 days since the 25th may, and they replied to me that none of the informations I gave them matches the account, and told me "sorry" So if you want your account back, you better be ready to have all the informations they want, including your frking blood type I guess, cause they are suspicious about people stealing an account on the GREATEST GAME OF ALL TIME (sarcasm) : APB : Reloaded. Just send them a ticket with 100 % exact informations and they will get your account back, if not, they won't help you, as if they cared actually. (another sarcasm)
  13. The fact that a player outside the mission, who isn't n5, can completely stop progression of a mission shouldn't exist. If objective griefing could only be done through some obscure method then I'd understand. But objective griefing is so incredibly easy that it should really be fixed. Also while you may never run into these types of people, others do. I know a lot of people that get hackusations and due to how easy it is to grief, and the nature of the toxic community, there is a higher chance that they get griefed by the accuser(s). For example, I've run into pre made teams that know who I am and will go out of their way to kick one of their teammates in discord and have him grief for them, and then also call for more backup. Even if the griefer is recorded, he may have only done it for one objective and maybe for only ~12 seconds after finally wiping his teammates. The recording would probably be considered unsubstantial evidence and the griefer wouldnt get punished. That's ignoring the fact that the characters are just rerolls. So they couldn't care less about what happens to their accounts. But anyways, the damage has already been done. The griefer caused my team to lose. Have this happen to you every day and it's incredibly annoying.
  14. Tushe

    Refresh Password issues

    Me the same problem, my email is blocked and can't unblock it. So now i can't connect to my account...
  15. I have not played the game for about a year and now i can't login to my account because my password has expired and i need to change it, but the biggest problem is that i can't access my email because it's blocked for a long time. I need some serious support to change somehow my email, i spend a lot of time in that account and i don't want to loose it... Please help me. Thanks in advice.
  16. The unlimited option was available to the players from the start, however as players started abusing those I was forced to set a limit of 10. Dislikes no longer give negative point to the players - they can still 'dislike' something however it will not affect players account. Sadly there seems to be an issue with Ipboards regarding this feature. We have reached out to them so that they can fix the bugs. Once that is done, the feature will be reinstated. You can change your name once every 60 days. Animated pictures are only allowed in posts, and not in profile/signature/cover photos. These forums are PG13. APB reloaded is not going to be the only game we have on these forums and this rule is for the GamersFirst forums (which APB falls under). You can reach out to me through the private message system. regardless, I will be posting a 'Looking for Mods/GMs' thread sometime this week. Once that is in you will have to apply and send your application to the e-mail provided. Contacting anyone from our team on the forums will get you a basic response: Write a support ticket. We do not work in such a private manner, all we do has to be documented. For now, support has given clear instructions to wait for BattlEye to be implemented and after that, they will go and review each case one by one. Matt has already made a topic regarding this:
  17. You have what data that the CEO who owns the game doesn't have access to? Oh wait that's right you KNOW nothing. Lets delete your stats and everything on your account then just to be safe, sound ok with you? And again NOT your Choice. You have zero say and should never have a say in any authority role. Let me guess you play ENF? Well we now fully see that you care nothing for the game or its community so yeah just go away with your hate.
  18. Great we'll wipe your account too and not only that we will ban any account you make from playing the game for 3 years. Then in 3 years you can come back and see if you feel the same way. Not only that but we'll ban any account that touched your IP address and make it so even people who aren't you get banned. My old room mate was banned because he was on the same IP i was a year ago and they wouldn't unban him at all.
  19. In this situation they are unbanned every single banned account. Every cheater, every bullsh!tter, all of them. I would wager there were more righteous bans than unrighteous ones, by a large margin, and that leads me to that statement. If its 75% actual cheaters and 25% non cheaters it's still worth wiping IMO.
  20. I'm fairly certain support will be able to delete your account for you. At least they used to do that in the past.
  21. To summarise what I will say, Thank You. Thank you for giving APB another chance, as I write this sentence I think that I can speak for most of the community that we believe that you will make a different and make the game very popular once again. I also want to thank you for the biggest change of all, and that is that if you are banned, you can still submit a ticket and you still have access to your forum account. I hope and believe that the future holds great things. - Graboose
  22. I understand it just fine. I would rather players that got falsely banned start over than give everyone who cheated their sh!t back. It's a bad situation but achievements mean nothing if they don't wipe the unbanned accounts.
  23. Just a question coming from someone who doesn't even know APB has stats... but what is even the deal about it? If you were banned, you lost the account. You are left with zero. But now you might have it back... So regardless of the stats being kept or resetted, it's already a great reward. I don't see any "double punishment" as some say.
  24. it’s apparently very hard to understand that there were false bans, and therefore you would effectively be punishing innocent players twice - once by getting false banned in the first place, and twice by resetting their accounts after they finally get unbanned
  25. My vote is that if an account got banned then it needs to be reset upon reinstatement. If you wanted to keep your progression maybe you shouldn't have cheated to get it. If you want a clean slate then you get one.
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