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  1. If/when they work on this, please also do a pass on all the existing locations. Many of these "out of bounds" zones are placed poorly. This allows many of them to be ignored/bypassed, while in other cases they extend into legitimate gameplay areas and can cause problems for players. There's also locations players can get to that should have these zones, but don't have a zone in place.
  2. Dear Reiheit, Thank you for your fast replies, unfortunately I have lost around 90 sniper kills these were progressing alright except the role showing 95/12 not leveling up the role and now it only displays 7/12. Could this be fixed on my account I play a lot and would hate to lose progress on any of my roles....? The activity roles are progressing fine now and displaying all the progress made so far thanks a lot for such a fast fix! I ofcourse look forward to your reply and thanks for your time. with kind regards, BoboWigglebrain
  3. I agree !!! As a returning player, this "out of mission-out of bounds" issue is my biggest problem with the game honestly. And a lot of players agree with this when we discuss it. I totally understand the good intentions of the developers behind implementing this out of bounds feature for preventing mission exploitations. But there needs to be an additional part that disables it out of missions. I would really appreciate a confirmation, that this is an issue LO is aware of
  4. Is there any chance of having all the invisible walls / Out of Bounds active only during missions in the future? Off map exploration was a "legitimate" fun community activity
  5. Hello, everyone! We will have our regular weekly maintenance for PC and Console this Wednesday (04/05) starting at 9 AM (UTC). The expected duration of maintenance is between 4 to 6 hours. Build #1369 and a few system patches are going live for PC. BUG FIXES: Joker Ammo vending machines are no longer spammy metal monsters. We squashed the loud and obnoxious vocal bug. Some in-game roles would not give a proper visual representation of a player's progress, but we have resolved this issue in the meantime! You should no longer be able to see awkwardly stacked progression counters. It seems we have had an issue with cars going off-road. The fix has been implemented, and sending your vehicle out of bounds should no longer cause server issues. We have significantly mitigated the issue of character positioning when getting out of their vehicle. They would occasionally be seen exiting their cars and assuming the wrong model position, and we said: "Absolutely not!" There could still be a few occasions where you may encounter this issue, but they are few and far between. KNOWN ISSUES: The achievement "Kind of a Big Deal" lives up to its name and remains a big deal. The achievement won't track properly even if the player has reached threat level gold. Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with "NEW!" items. Thank you for your patience during the maintenance period. We will get back up and running in no time! P.S: The thread has been cross-posted from Game Updates
  6. Hello, everyone! We will have our regular weekly maintenance for PC and Console this Wednesday (04/05) starting at 9 AM (UTC). The expected duration of maintenance is between 4 to 6 hours. Build #1369 and a few system patches are going live for PC. BUG FIXES: Joker Ammo vending machines are no longer spammy metal monsters. We squashed the loud and obnoxious vocal bug. Some in-game roles would not give a proper visual representation of a player's progress, but we have resolved this issue in the meantime! You should no longer be able to see awkwardly stacked progression counters. It seems we have had an issue with cars going off-road. The fix has been implemented, and sending your vehicle out of bounds should no longer cause server issues. We have significantly mitigated the issue of character positioning when getting out of their vehicle. They would occasionally be seen exiting their cars and assuming the wrong model position, and we said: "Absolutely not!" There could still be a few occasions where you may encounter this issue, but they are few and far between. KNOWN ISSUES: The achievement "Kind of a Big Deal" lives up to its name and remains a big deal. The achievement won't track properly even if the player has reached threat level gold. Stalls can occur upon entering the Clothing Kiosk with "NEW!" items. Thank you for your patience during the maintenance period. We will get back up and running in no time!
  7. I too still waiting to start the play again but BattleEye has block my account and I still waiting to respond my ticket 1 year ago.
  8. Reiheit

    ошибка 10008

    Greetings. Check your account on the GamersFirst. I hope you didn't use third party programs. If you think that you have not used third-party software, then check your computer for viruses. I advise you to contact the support service, I think they will answer your request. You can contact them here: https://support.gamersfirst.com/ Let me know if you have any further questions!
  9. 1) Adding new missions is possible and a tool devs have already used in past during the ages making the gameplay more entertainment. it's also true community for ages has posted several good advices about it and unfortunately both G1 and then LO ignored them, anyway seeing your lack of knowledge about it, you can check by yourself in the game suggestion section. 2) Events are something of a tool for breaking the routing from mission or normal gameplay, it's a feature only used in festival.. that's such a disappointment is so restricted and we dont have a weekend or montly events such as other more lively games, anyway neither G1 nor LO never invested or thought enough of some good events with little adjustment can be adapted in matchmaking Anarchy is such a sadly example of a forgotten one with so much potential and a lot of times community for ages screamed for how much this event is beatiful and not used properly. For answering your question, ANARCHY can be reworked and make finally the so awaited CLAN/ GANG WARS since from G1 we are waiting for a release and LO totally skipped the idea. Clans has no sense in game, imagine rework it for a matchmaking involving CLANS with a format of 15 vs 15 or 30 vs 30 formats, then put a decent reward system around it for pushing players feeling rewarded in competition and then finally we have another tasty matchmaking tool. There are tons of suggestions for a better matchmaking or adding more tools adviced during the years from the community and far away better than mine, like there was one about making some events/ matchmaking allowing the use of special weapons with pre-nerfs stats in VIPS missions or some missions like the old HVR or old Osnaw and seeing again something fun like this: G1 didnt give a f*ck care except the usual false promises or ignoring the community, at the beginning LO made some timid trying without consulting the community for then they totally drop out from the scenes, seeing the Game suggestion section of the forum still being ingnored or no one of the LO team with the duty of managing contenent , if it really exist??, commenting in the section, we have already the answer. Too bad, the publishers G1 AND LO didnt explorer and investing in a team working on adding different matchups, from their side there is a big potential for making EXTRA MONEY. PURCHASING PREMIUM HAS NO SENSE because give very little for end players, it's a total loss of opportunity from their side, but so in case of adding new matchmakings for example a clan wars system or other different matchmaking types, it can be restricted to 2 or 3 times per week while for PREMIUM players there may be NO RESTRICTION and they can also play as random mercenary and join where clan has shortage on numbers.... TOTAL AND TOTAL LOSS OF OPPORTUNITY 3) Green/ Bronze/ Silver/ Gold treats are kinda of too much plotholes, overall we are agree doensnt favour new players and some end players, these little babies or "little cents from LO perspective" shall stay distant and have their time for growing their skill and understaing the mechanics of the game. So rank it's not a enough good tool for letting them have time to grew up, why not try focus instead on another parameters like the account time game hrs and the actual level of the character? For hyphotesis, assuming the "0-255 is about 300 to 500 hours , Let's make servers restricted for players aka NEW PLAYERS under the 150/220 hrs of game time and rank below 199, they will automatic join and can only join these servers. These servers will also have restriction for not allowing explosive weapons and weapons cannot be modded more than 1 modication per weapon. Accounts, whatever if they have one or two+ characters, with more than 150/220 total hrs of game time, they will join the advanced pvp servers. Silver and gold servers may still be the final option, there are still players with bad ping and/or low pc and they struggle against gold ranks or just bad/ mediocre players still in improving mode, so ok for letting them enjoy the game and leaving there, but competitive players deserve and need their bitter but tasteful poison, better rewards (with joker tickets, more interesting and restricted missions etc), there is certainly potential for working about it and certainly something better than I am suggesting. The "Dude" here is sorry for the boring story and sorry you didnt get point about wasting opportunity it may means, any decent business is a circle with the needing of roots going far away and deep possible, the current game has nothing to offer to the current players = nothing from cashing for the actual publisher, so what you said is bullsh*t. The dude here also make 3 months vacation and 5 vacations per year and also stinky happy because he tried hard no wasting his opportunities and he is sorry again for the useless post above, because despite the good intentions, mine, yours and others with their suggestions, seeing how it's managed the game, all we wrote here it is a waste of time. Why? Because, We all share the passion for this game and all we would be wrong, but all we know nothing will change. Bye
  10. This was like reading the intro sequence to star wars Yea there are a lot of fundamental issues with everything in this game. The only thing that aged well is the customization, it is still by far the most in-depth and lets me make the characters I WANT to make. Games these days have such terrible face models where no one is allowed to look hot or handsome because it will offend someone im sure. Missions I hard agree on, none of them are fun. They attempted to expand the mission roster but the mission types are all the same and they're all terribly designed. I think a HUGE stepping stone for this game would be to start over from scratch a lot of this game's systems when it comes to combat. I think everyone agrees that VIP is the WORST mission your sorry butt could get stuck doing. If your team is newer and your opposing are veterans you can count on your VIP getting rushed by them in a VEGAS until the game is done with. The runner up for worst mission would have to be the ones where you take the item to your base and defend it. God forbid that it's a heavy objective because it will be taking you 3 years to get it anywhere and once you loose momentum the game is over before that last objective started. There are countless other examples but missions are more or less Go here -> Do task -> Go here -> Do task - Go here -> Do task -> alright now for a 7 minute deathmatch. Can we just skip all that intro garbage and just go to the mission's finale? It just feels like such a waste of time to struggle over breaking into a car for 4 minutes getting absolutely slaughtered to have to deliver the car only to do a similar objective for 6 minutes. Missions should be short and chaotic, Have 1-3 objects per dispatch and have like 5 vs 5 player minimum. This would be FAR more fun than the constant 2v2, 2v3, and 3v3 the matchmaking CONSTANTLY puts you in. I personally hate this game's modification system. There is a clear meta for certain things and a lot of the struggle with balancing this game stems from these mods. Imagine if all the guns in the game had no mod slots. Think about how easy it would be to balance them all. Because right now you more or less have to ruin the base gun because people put HS3 and IR3 on it, or CJ3 and RS3. Then there are character mods and just about everyone runs Clotting agent three or you're just at a disadvantage. I've been running 2 as of late and have been liking it. So my proposed solution would be to remove mod tiers, example: Take CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 and replace them all with just 1 mod: Cooling Jacket This would allow for LO to instead of having to screw with every gun in the game to try and balance it to only have to worry about the handful of mods that someone COULD put on the gun. I just feel like this would be the best compromise of keeping mods in the game while also sliming it down to be more coherent. Then when something like this is done go back and make the base weapons stronger and have these mods be a tool for players to *nudge* a weapon in a direction of their choosing VS making it a MUST to have these mods on the gun. Next progression in the game is also not amazing. I think the idea is there, that you gain trust/respect from contacts by doing missions for them which in turn they give you better gear. But this style of leveling is only suitable for a game that is PVE focused. Which APB has none of ATM outside of ram raiding. I think a compromise here would be to change what contacts give as rewards. The whole idea behind leveling is that when you do hit that max rank your character should look the best they can or at least have the tools to do that. So I would remove any mods, and guns from contacts and instead pump them up more with "gear" like clothing, cars, and character cosmetics like new hairs, makeup tattoos, and beards. Then have combat related stuff be tied to an account bound check list like the one that's already in game (but is currently character bound). Now all of what im thinking of needs to be woven together by a dev team that can weave all these changes together, and I know that some things are more important than others. Content being one of them and stability fixes is the other. But these are the things that I hope to see completely overhauled soon(tm)
  11. Ник персонажа в игре Rooggu Nickname account in game: Rooggu
  12. Hey there, we are working through connecting email accounts/backer numbers/and their backer tiers now. We will make sure that everyone is included and there will also be plenty of time for backers to redeem their items in game.
  13. Our discord has increased security due to the complicated background of this project, which requires a verified Discord account. Sorry for the inconvenience.
  14. Hey! i bought the Demoness Clothing (Account Lifetime). Cant find it anywhere, i bought other cloths and got it instantly! Can someone help me?
  15. Hello, here are my A+ recommendations! Enjoy! Force first letter capitalization for every single player name, especially if the name is easily found in the Dictionary. Force all players with low-fi and elevator tier themes into Walking mode, no need to sprint when you're that chill and ez going. increase the magazine size of the Colby .45 to 32 bullets +10% damage increase, it's currently VERY underutilized. If any low latency player complains about hit-reg, force their connection through Afghanistan, so at least it makes sense for them to complain. Bring back jump shooting with the Scout, if you have no hands and can't JUMP + RMB + LMB, you shouldn't be doing it anyway. Anyone that Crouch + Lean's out in the open should have their view permanently rotated 45 degrees, should be more comfortable that way. JG Shotgun should have it's range decreased to 5m, it's only competent at that range anyway. Secretly decrease the damage of semi-auto weapons when a player uses macros, just enough to make them confused and angry. Make the rocket sound for the AAEPD Volcano 5x louder, currently it can only be heard 4 blocks away. Remove all out-of-bounds timers and despawn barriers, if a dump truck launches my car onto a roof, boy am I gonna use it. I'm very open to suggestions.
  16. None of these changes are for the casual players .... Threat calculation has been the worst its ever been. But it can only do so much when players stick together. Threat segrigation removed = protect the golds, who killed their own servers (because they wont play with others) Anti-dethreating measures = there were none. Sprint shooting = never a big issue bounty = protect the golds No weapon mods were for casual players. We all know the top kabal of players exist and there are a few different groups. They only stick together to stomp PUGS. Some of them have alts in different clans. They have multiple accounts should they lose one. Some of them identify through their profile picture and not a clan name. When an update is done, some of them use their alts to test it, so they can make some changes to their "configs" to share amongst each other. If too many of them are banned, they throw a hissy fit. (wont go into detail there) If you were going to look after the game as a whole. You remove pre-made teams from the servers. Servers are all PUGS Vs PUGS. Have servers purley for clan warfair, let clans compete there. Have purgitory servers for suspected cheaters who have new accounts as well other players who have been bold for what ever reason....... If people are continually losing on purpose in order to enter a server or stay in a server. That server is doing something right. Now its gone.
  17. can we just make all primary weapons have 3 open slots without grinding? because if the new players get the weapon mods from marketplace, they still have to grind the kills to unlock the open slot guns and equip those weapon mods to slots. and some other might say "if you don't like grinding, you can just buy 3 slots primary weapons from joker store and armas market." well most of people buy the 3 open slots or pre-modified weapons from joker store and armas market for use it permanently and bypass the weapons grinding but again, pay the money to bypass the grinding and get an advantage count as p2w. so my suggestion is 'remove weapon slots grinding and open all the 3 slots'. or if they really want them to buy the guns from armas or joker store, reduce the price. especially character permanents. i understand the account permanent price. because you can still get those weapons when you make another characters. but seriously, paying more than 10$ for one character is just outrageous. even joker store most of primary weapons with 3 open slots cost 20$ for one character. when i play this game first time and try to buy some weapons from armas market. i thought most of guns are less then 10$ and more cheaper when is pre-modified or secondary because it show on weapon category. but it was a day-rant price and permanents price is more than 10$. so i think multiple time to buy something in armas market and joker store and most of new players probably have same experiences and thoughts. and they sick of these prices. LO already did the second one. but the people didn't like it so they revert it. kinda like the suggestion but the damage have to reduce more about 60~65% and increase hard damage about 270
  18. Note to mods: Since nobody reads or even acknowledges the existence of the Game Suggestions board, I posted this here to spark a discussion on a borderline dead game’s forum, and possibly get developers to shift their priorities accordingly. Moving the post to Game Suggestions would be a mistake. Thank you for your understanding. Before I go any further, I want to preface those suggestions by saying that I can’t fully credit myself for coming up with some ideas, and that putting on the backburner major balance in favor of overhauls indefinitely was a mistake that instantly ruined most players’ faith on Little Orbit for multiple reasons. The game’s current toxicity mostly rests upon the fact that players are greeted with PvP, progression and balancing so hostile (along with lacking casual features that would make it at least fun), that everybody unanimously agrees that it was predatory design by Gamersfirst to force Armas sales. In true G1 fashion however, they even failed in this regard, and became one of the major reasons G1 got bought by LO, because they failed at following this simple core rule: If your MMO is unpleasant to grind on as is, no player retention will happen. No retention, no growth, meaning you earn an ever-shrinking pool of increasingly bitter and hostile customers over time. Somewhere within the forum a little over a year ago, Matt had typed about buffing every weapon outside of the DMR-AV, which for reasons unknown to anybody actually playing the game, would get nerfed. Hopefully that 18-page long file has been modified since, because I predict a do-over of more than a decade of power creep, toxicity being blamed on “griefers” (what streamers with unwarranted self-importance call dudes minding their own business who accidentally graze their cars) and people criticizing LO for not going full USSR on the community. No, giving streamers the power to phase through cars in a “rule for me, not for thee” system, and being banned for shitposting in chat won’t make this game marketable; you’ll just sanitize and ruin what little player interaction remains for cheap publicity the game currently neither deserves nor benefits from. To end this side note, let me say that this is more entertaining for everybody than what LO currently envisions. Rant over . Mods: Character mods: Universal change: All mods, regardless of where they are purchased, can be equipped by all characters, regardless of rank or mod type. There are two things in focus outside of direct balancing here: character progression and specialization, along with better cooperation. At the time, every mod outside allowing this outside of vanilla field resupply are locked behind 310+ hours of 24/7 grinding per character to reach R195. Not only does this mark a fundamental failure at understanding the game’s core design principles and is a direct betrayal of one of APB’s selling points (identity in both playstyle and aesthetics), it also fails in teaching new players valuable lessons in teamplay and loadout synergy across a team, which contributes to most of the toxicity the game generates by creating an ecosystem where solo plays are implicitly encouraged in a team-oriented game. Considering Gamersfirst was behind this choice, this likely is the product of malicious design to increase Premium sales. No, making mods available in the Joker Store and having newbs grind FC for tickets doesn’t solve the problem: it exacerbates it, as they are put against top-tier players who will inevitably crush them or farm them for easy role grinding, which would either have them leave the game or grow increasingly bitter as time goes. This choice indicates that there is demand for more teamwork across the game, and yet, nothing has been done to answer it in a meaningful, sensical way by anybody for a decade. Consumables are another bag of troubles that share the same space with orange mods: really, they just exist because G1 was creatively bankrupt concerning the last remaining character slot, and was too busy spiting the player base for daring to ask their game and staff to not be garbage. Most consumables either cheese fights (med spray, epi, mobile cover) or serve little to no purpose against experienced players (boom box, satchels) with no in-between. Orange & Yellow mods: Banners and boom boxes become yellow items. Yellow items do not require charges and are not considered consumables anymore (random weapon event boxes are excluded from this rule and still act as consumables). The idea behind this would be to turn yellow mods into “For Fun” mods. Not competitive stuff or gimmicks; just something nice to use off-duty/in Social or when screwing around during event times, and to top it all off, it would be a viable way to monetize the game. Remove resupply boxes, med spray, and epinephrine. All orange mods currently restricted to R195 are now available for everybody and are unlocked through T1 contacts for purchase for less than $1500. Once unlocked, one unit is mailed directly to players. The sole reason why this would take time would be because re-writing lore mails sent by T5 and Specialist contacts would take about 1-2 weeks of effort either editing or writing new things. But hey, in lore, Gumball correctly observes the crim player character never gave two flying Fs about mails outside of attachments, so why have lore stop you now of all times? Satchel charges: Now an orange mod. Satchels become Breaching Charges: sticky throwables statistically similar to concussion grenades in terms of hard damage, 500 in stamina damage and throwing weight slightly heavier than frags. Can open doors remotely and are activated 0.6 seconds after they have been planted. Breaching charges, once activated, are held, and then thrown with a single M1 click by default. Detonating the charges would optimally be done with a separate bind. Mobile Cover Mobile cover becomes large enough to fit at least one people and a half and gets slightly raised to prevent pixel peeking. Cooldown: 120s ->190s Shields in their current state only serve to block objectives and ladders. Let them serve an actual defensive use instead of being an easily broken nuisance. Field Supplier: Vanilla gets replaced with Wide Radius; lasts 35 seconds. Resupply box: Becomes an Orange Mod. You cannot modify loadouts with it and lasts until the cooldown is over or gets destroyed. Only one of them can be deployed per character. Voluntary ammo supplying in this game never happens, because currently, nobody has any real reason or choice to use any orange mod outside of suppliers, meaning everybody has ammo at all times. Considering the orange revamp proposed here attempts to diversify roles, here, an actual fire support role gets introduced, with two different approaches to it: Field Supplier would allow players to share ammo and switch guns without having teammates uncomfortably hug your face with their crotch, with the downside of taking the user out of firefights as long as his box is out (which would become a major gamble in certain situations). On the other end, Resupply Boxes would serve as a passive recovery point or a rallying point in SHTF scenarios where you’ll be needed in fights in exchange of team-wide weapon switching on the fly (in other words, trading team flexibility for map presence). Radar Jammer: Raise effects to 60m. Keep negatives. Currently, there are very few reasons to use thanks to the small range of it. The mod would benefit from having users just barely visible on everybody’s radar before they get jammed. Speedy and loud playstyles got enough toys now, why not give some love to stealth, eh? Green and Blue mods: Car Surfer becomes an orange car mod. Allows everybody to car surf onto a car equipped with it. -70% damage resistance. Just say that the chassis used to allow it requires thinner car plating or something, I dunno. I must admit to bias here: I love car surfing, and while removing this from the game would be a good step, it would also remove something fun from the game. Detractors of it often say that CS completely ruined car chases by allowing cars AV turrets, and I completely agree, which is why I redesigned this mod into forcing a glass-canon approach to car surf to all vehicles, including the bigger ones like Pioneers (which, if my math is correct, wouldn’t be able to withstand a direct OSMAW rocket). Attempting to make cars tankier by adding Steel Plating would successfully reduce the penalty against ambushing AV outside of OSMAWs, at the cost of top speed, something you don’t want to lose in a car chase or during objective transitions. I like to think that this version of car surfing would make for a good “for fun” mod with niche tactical uses. Make R195 mods of those categories available around the same time tier 2 modifications of their categories get unlocked. Optimally, you’d want opposite green mods being unlocked at the same time. Say I unlocked Kevlar II; I would also unlock Fragile for purchase, thus, giving me a choice between tanking damage at the cost of speed, more evasion at the cost of health, or sticking to either CA / Flak jacket or vanilla. Since variety in blue mods before R195 is nonexistent, each tier of Happy Landings would unlock something new, I thought of it in this order: HL1 / Hard Landing HL2 / Valzipram Tablets HL3 / whatever blue mod comes next since car surf isn’t a char mod anymore Weapon Mods: Improved Rifling: Range improvement hinges on small percentages instead of raw values. Replace the max bloom penalty with a ROF penalty. Leave preset versions of the mod untouched. Although it was rough around the edges back when LO did a similar thing, this change did show a good understanding of how gun mods should work in APB: as fundamental alterations to how guns behave, not direct upgrades. The slower ROF didn’t just make previously unusable guns usable; it made some viable: high RoF meme guns like the M1922 and the SHAW for example, became very fun to play with again thanks to them shooting fast enough for the server to catch up- it created so many cool things and combos that, for many, it became fun to toy around with gun mods again, and made discoveries some would have otherwise ignored. Unfortunately, the excessive whining of NTEC mains getting outperformed by CR762s legitimate complaints over some preset weapons breaking had them revert it back to its prior state, which turned it back into a straight upgrade for almost every gun. 3-Point-Sling: 3-5-7% less character speed as the weapon equips itself. I don’t understand why this mod in particular has no downsides whatsoever despite the insane bonus it holds. If anybody knows the reason why, do enlighten me. This change also incentivizes the usage of lower levels of it. Currently, lower levels of 3PS may as well not exist. High Magnification Scope: Raise accuracy benefits to Hunting Sight 2’s (might be too low in comparison the downsides HMS holds, HS3 levels sounded more reasonable in my mind) One of the reasons why this mod sucks is because guns fitted with this that would benefit from it can’t due to the piss-poor benefits the gun receives in exchange of tunnel vision and no crosshair. It’s a shame, because it’d otherwise be a serviceable, yet niche mod. Car Mods: Car Spawner: Removed. There are so many wrong things with this single mod. Reworking spawns might be the only good thing G1 did for the game: it gave the game elements of tactical planning for attackers and defender retakes that it never had with random spawns. In true G1 fashion however, they felt like going two steps back introducing car spawners, which completely destroy map balance by automatically turning fights into trench wars in favor of defenders, immediately erases defensive slip-ups and of course, has unlimited spam despite the very forgiving cooldown players have once they use it, meaning everybody’s forced to waste resources and time taking down spawners for no other reason outside of them being present on the map, and potentially killing earned victories in a single move. The sole fact you can by just spawn 50m from where you died should your opponent be forced to do something else other than destroy the 2-3 Pioneers around his objective is neither fun nor intelligent design. It is better off gone. As I type this I also realize this one mod prevented the refinement of the spawn system, and killed car variety across the board: why bother fixing spawning open-field in front of defending snipers and other nonsense when you can just give players the choice to spawn pretty much anywhere on the map? If your car can’t tank concs or frags, then what’s the point of driving anything else? Trading tanky spawners for speed or agility would be a terrible trade after all (conveniently, G1 sold the 4x4, which could tank concs, while having ridiculous acceleration, maneuverability, and speed, how curious). Mobile Radar Tower: Turned into Mobile Radar Jammer. Enemies within 30 meters of it have their radars jammed. Cars using it aren’t marked on your map anymore until you get jammed once. Jamming victims gone out of the car’s jamming range see the car jammer for 1 - 1.5 seconds on their radar. Currently, somebody running muffler/brick + MRT and sending it through areas you’re in means you automatically lose the element of surprise to what’s essentially legal wallhacks with no consequences for the guy sending it from 70m+ away. Once again, no thought had been put into creating this mod. Turning it into a jammer, however, has interesting applications where players are suddenly thrust into uncertain situations: “Is somebody running around with an active jammer? Or is it their car somewhere around the block? If it’s the former, does he know I’m there?”. This train of thought is much more interesting than: “Oh, his Vegas had Radar Tower. I’m blown”. Weapons: Firework Launcher Now a yellow mod. Remove the spotting effect. Same logic as Radar Tower. Nobody likes wallhacks. Let Spotter actually fill a role instead of giving players a tool that instantly does the job across a radius the size of the Atlantic Ocean. Slotted weapon unlocks: 1 slot: Rank 3&4 (respective total kills: 50 & 100) 2 slots: Rank 6&7 (respective total kills: 400 & 650) 3 slots: Rank 10 (total kills: 1500) Having game-changing weapons this far into progression for only a single character is predatory lunacy unfit for a game like APB. Spreading gun progression and edition this far negatively impact sales, AS PLAYERS FIND OUT BY BROWSING THE DB THAT IT WILL TAKE 10,000 KILLS WITH INFERIOR WEAPONS TO ACTUALLY START HAVING FUN USING MODDED GUNS FOR JUST A SINGLE CATEGORY. Another side effect of this would be discouraging curiosity with weapon tinkering, which itself would encourage account-wide weapon sales. The way it’s done here, a major balancing problem would be solved while leaving sales untouched, and that would only be the worst-case scenario, as the grind to acquire leases of slotted guns would still be present, meaning you would actually grow sales in a more healthy and natural manner. “Insane grind = more whales & sales” is a myth perpetuated by smart AAA management that inevitably net a game and its dev team a bad reputation (looking at you Diablo Immortal). LO cannot weather this sort of negative PR like AAA publishers and dev teams would. G1 was direct proof of this, and yet, this went unaddressed in favor of adding new stuff the game didn’t immediately need even recently. Give a chance for those within those districts to learn how to fight on equal grounds against yellows quicker, and you’ll soon find most balancing complaints and accusations of Pay 2 Win across the game would vanish in a matter of months; because on this front, new players are absolutely right to claim that they are put at a disadvantage against people who skipped the entire progression cycle and paid for slotted guns. NTEC: Walk modifier: 1.2 -> 2.5. Recovery delay: 0.07 -> 0.09 It usually strikes people when I point out that, despite being the game’s starter gun, the STAR simply vanishes from districts, with the occasional new player rocking one and local bored top score wizard packing a 3 slotted one with muzzle brake and RS3 for shits and giggles. Once you come out of several games with an NTEC and go back to it, however, it just hits you how easy managing mid to long-range duels with the NTEC is, because the STAR actually requires much more precise spread management when bursting or tap-firing. The NTEC, despite being an assault rifle (i.e. APB’s “jack of all trades master of none” class of guns), has no business being an omni-gun only outclassed by SMGs, auto-shotties and Snipers within their effective ranges. Let me highlight something most forum-goers have stubbornly refused to acknowledge for nearly a decade by now: ease of use does not equate to overpowered enough to wipe the floor with 2/3rds of the current weapon roster of the game, including its direct counterparts. I have read arguments about balancing weapons around the NTEC, and although it sounds nice when you willingly ignore the gargantuan amount of work this would represent (and the fact that this would cause a general increase in accuracy and a TTK decrease across the board), it also signals cognitive dissonance: the gun is “so balanced” that the rest of the weapon roster just needs to be as good as the NTEC. It reeks of dishonesty. Rant mode: On As 2/3rds of remaining players use it as a crutch (being generous), it is no surprise LO had backed down with from continually overhauling weapon balance in response to NTEC mains whining about their guns not being able to handle IR3 anymore, as it means that a fair share of those people will be gone in response to further change until the next meta gun finally appears. What LO doesn’t understand however, is that no games, casual or otherwise (and especially games like APB) thrive by directly pandering to meta-whores and “muh e-sports” types. The sooner and the more often those people are challenged and disrespected through balancing decisions, the healthier the game will be in the long run, especially over matters of toxicity, which LO sincerely believes it directly comes from its players and people screwing around in dump trucks instead of G1’s crack-fueled decisions cultivating a terrible PvP experience for everybody involved. /rant CQB: Revert changes back to Pre-LO era for both shotguns and SMGs. I cannot for the life of me understand what pushed them to break shotguns into either game breaking levels or unusable gimmick weapons, and then balance CQB weapons around a decision universally disliked by everybody (even yellows seeking mindless silver pummeling). I know for a fact reverting shotgun logic is possible unless LO directly screwed with their game update archives. It’s frankly weird they got around reverting everything they had experimented with back then, only to leave the second most hated change they had done intact. N-HVR: Damage: 770 -> 720 Remove the “damage with accuracy” gimmick. I must admit, I was shocked to learn that LO had finally gone and reduced the damage of the HVR. I’m not going to give them props for it though, because let’s remind ourselves, that was something over a decade overdue, and 4 years late as far as LO is concerned. Still, it’s a cute token attempt at fixing the gun I’m sure nobody expected at that point. The additional damage reduction given here won’t kill quickswitching but will make it supremely inconvenient where it matters. It’s enough damage to cook-up something good with an RSA/ACT44+HVR build in open areas, but extremely risky once put in a cover-heavy area with clotting agent opponents in CQC. All of this, while keeping the HVR’s support role intact and deleting what makes it now just janky and annoying to use. Leave situational gimmicks to other snipers. Hopefully I didn't write something boring. Thoughts?
  19. years and yet here we are with nothing to show for it. You say you're grateful for our support, but what have you done to show us that? We've been waiting and waiting, and all we get is empty promises. It's time to put up or shut up. We want to see real progress, not just more empty words!" What about all the other issues that have been plaguing APB: Reloaded for years? What about the lack of content updates, the broken matchmaking system, and the lack of communication from the developers? It's been nearly a decade since we've had any meaningful content updates and yet you're talking about adding a new car and contacts? That's not going to cut it. We need real solutions to the problems that have been plaguing the game for years. We need more than just hosting upgrades and new cars. We need meaningful content updates, better matchmaking, and more communication from the developers. I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of progress on anti-griefing options and streamer mode. It's been a long-standing issue that has yet to be addressed, and it's really hurting the game. Streamers are a great way to bring in new players, but they're being harassed and embarrassed in front of their viewers. It's unacceptable. The events and holidays we've had in the past have been lackluster, and it's a shame that we haven't been able to iterate on them. We need to do better if we want to keep players engaged. The tutorial and FTUE are also in desperate need of an upgrade. Players are overwhelmed with information and don't know what to do. We need something interactive that teaches them the basics of the game. Integrating FairFight as a server-sided solution alongside EAC is a great idea, but I'm not sure why we're not publishing any individual public ban lists. Cheaters should be held accountable for their actions, and not glorified. Finally, I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to reintegrate Vivox yet. We need to backport the work from APB Reloaded 2.x to 1.30 so we can use the new hosting platform. This should have been done a long time ago. Thank you for the update on the roadmap. I'm glad to see that DirectX12 Rendering System, Xbox and Playstation Ports of 1.30, and Premium Revamp are all being considered as priorities. However, I would like to suggest that Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions and Physically Based Rendering Pipeline be given higher priority, as I think these features would add a lot of value to the game. Additionally, I would love to see horses or a cool motorbike featured in the game! I appreciate all the hard work that Matt Scott has put into APB: Reloaded and his travels in Europe. Thank you! Thank you for the update on the roadmap. I'm glad to see that DirectX12 Rendering System, Xbox and Playstation Ports of 1.30, and Premium Revamp are all being considered as priorities. However, I would like to suggest that Player vs Environment (PVE) Missions and Physically Based Rendering Pipeline be given higher priority, as I think these features would add a lot of value to the game. Additionally, I'd love to see horses or a cool motorbike featured in the game! I'm extremely disappointed with the lack of progress on anti-griefing options and streamer mode. It's been a long-standing issue that has yet to be addressed, and it's really hurting the game. Streamers are a great way to bring in new players, but they're being harassed and embarrassed in front of their viewers. We need more than just hosting upgrades and new cars. We need meaningful content updates, better matchmaking, and more communication from the developers. The tutorial and FTUE are also in desperate need of an upgrade. Integrating FairFight as a server-sided solution alongside EAC is a great idea, but I'm not sure why we're not publishing any individual public ban lists. Finally, I'm disappointed that we haven't been able to reintegrate Vivox yet. I appreciate all the hard work that Matt Scott has put into APB: Reloaded and his travels in Europe. We've been waiting and waiting, and all we get is empty promises. It's time to put up or shut up. We want to see real progress, not just more empty words!
  20. -increase customization limits again (100 layers for vehicles/clothing, 200 layers for symbols) -increase inventory limits -increase mission rewards, including JT, by x amount (x2 seems acceptable) -increase/remove item purchasing limits for guns, vehicles, and modifications -unlock “exclusive” premium weapon skin -armas discount (probably keep the same 20%) -account wide roles -remove refurbishing a lot of these are popular requests, but if orbit wants to monetize them i’d be fine with that
  21. It provides analytics about player behavior and performance, which is useful for manual review of accounts (either before a potential action, or during an appeal process). Whether LO will use it for this purpose, remains to be seen. Considering FF's history with this title (may Tiggs rot in hell for eternity), I'm also concerned about it.
  22. Alright thanks ill give it a try i just need some admin help to recover my email for one account i know the password but forgot email and support cannot help since i never made a transaction on that account but i have alot of other proof that the account is my which is why i wanna contact matt since he will understand better. I just get the same responds from support even tho i have given proof that clearly proves it, but since they have to opperate by rules they only accept transaction id's, and i only need to know the email and i can login the account since i remember the password.
  23. If there truly is a mechanism/flaw which pushes players into Gold threat despite a lack of skill (which I have not seen any explanation for yet), then tweaking matchmaking won't solve it. The only explanation I could see for it is this: New players will jump in, inflate the threat of slightly more experienced players, then give up if they can't get a foot in the door. In my opinion the threat system should already be self-healing, though. If it isn't, then I assume it's because the inactive population is still taken into account when it shouldn't be. Only taking the active current population into account (say actively playing a mission within the last 30 days or so) should solve that particular issue. And with the elimination of threat-based districts, they wouldn't even need to adjust their threat-preference dynamically based on their population.
  24. A matchmaking lobby where you start and finish 10+ matches if you want to without a single loading and seamless gameplay, always having something to do, watch other players play, interact with them in some way, while you are getting matched vs people in the same lobby, which feels alive and consistent, as people leave the district periodically, not instantly after they finish the mission. Also, people can join the district and just idle in there if they want to, sure it ruins the matchmaking to some extent, but its mostly newbies who do it on purpose and its most likely 5-10% of players on the map, otherwise people reserve an empty place for. I dont get the reason why would APB get turned into a hardcore competitive game because it literally isn't designed as one. You can by all means play it competitively - and this the true beauty of the game. Guns are balanced extremely well in my opinion, and there are strict rules you can use or setup matches to play competitively, even the tournaments were setup by CET, however it is designed in a foundation as a casual game. With phasing, and especially if you turn off collision and similar things, because apparently people abuse it that much to the point where its such a huge issue as blogpost says, it really leaves this game with nothing. It becomes just a third person shooter a big map and no headshots. Why would being with other people in district matter at all at that point? Why even have district chat? Why even have other players AT ALL and why not reserve an empty map for every single match? Lets take it further, the huge map isnt balanced, so why not just have everyone play vs each other at Baylan or some other cut off part of map? You need to realize that phasing and turning collisions off just completely ruins any purpose of districts, and changes the game from the core. The way the districts are designed is for a casual game, which can be competitive if both teams choose to see each other as a target they have to play their best against and win at all costs (to use the term, tryharding). And this works because community is small and you don't want to seem weak to people you usually beat in matches because down the line you get ostracized in the community and seen as bad player. In my opinion, this is the exact reason why you see so many low level alts which are playing well and have account wide weapons and vehicles available, because they don't want their competitive character associated and nickname with them all the time. Now if you consider that as an issue, phasing will make it even worse, since people would even have to create new accounts since i assume phasing matchmaking would be account wide. If the game had thousand+ of concurrent players on each region, gold and silver district segregation would work somewhat good enough, it isnt the perfect system because of dethreating, but that can be worked around in different ways. However, i would say that game can be a different experience each time even if the threats on both sides aren't matched up. 3 golds could lose to 3 silvers if silvers get a good spot, they use unfair mechanics such as running away, camping with snipers, explosives, etc, golds are undergeared for the occassion, etc... This game is foundationally unbalanced and unfair, and you are expected to lose matches just because of random stuff happening around. To make it truly balanced everyone would have to always get a good spot and always defend, because matches are always defender sided no matter what. Taking these things away just ruins the experience in my opinion, but maybe im biased because im a long time player, albeit there are still cases where i lose to newbies from time to time for all kinds of reasons, and i see it happen to other players as well. APB simply has no casual and competitive game modes. Fight clubs are simply deathmatch. You can either make the game be an always competitive shooter, make a split into competitive and casual districts - which was already attempted and people didn't like it, and in reality needs a lot more players to work out otherwise you are just further splitting the playerbase up; or leave it designed as it is, where people see matches as competitive, as long as they are played against well known players who see each other as competition or unacceptable to lose against. On another comment, extreme SBMM in itself is a big trap, because you would literally just end up playing vs players of similar skill all the time, and eventually it just turns into an ultra competitive wrestle where no one really ever gets to have fun and matches to relax. I agree that current matchmaking system doesn't work well, but changing it to phasing design ruins everything this game stands for.
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