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  1. I placed an order yesterday and it went through fine but the weapon has not shown up on my account/character. Is there another step I need to take to get the weapon in my inventory to use? I did the purchase with G1C in steam while I was playing, I have logged out and in a few times to see if it would show up and no joy. What else do I do?
  2. BlatMan

    Ignore list

    What they need to do is make the ignore list account bound for both players. If I ignore any character, the entire account should be blocked. Then I would not need to have 10+ characters ignored to block a single person. They also need to make it so you are not searchable if you have "Share location with searching players" unchecked. The search feature is only used to stalk and harass. Maybe it's better to remove it entirely.
  3. Absolutely much needed; It would seem to me if they wanna sell, they shouldn't limit us. It may have something to do with the size of the character/account memory. But I'm maxed at 125 guns, I had to dump my starter guns to get my last joker bought gun.
  4. There's no simple solution to the issues players are facing right now, you either have 5 playable mission districts (on EU) which keeps the game playable at all times but has matchmaking issues or you turn threat segregation back on which then makes NA less playable at all times for Gold players as well as reintroducing the issue of dethreating which then causes frustrations for the players playing against dethreaters getting a boring missions as well as the players on the dethreaters team since they are now getting actively griefed and are playing a mission one man down. I don't know if there are any plans to bring back threat segregation but I can see why they would not want to bring it back and create extra work which would then delay the actual solution for matchmaking issues which is Phasing, something Matt has talked about a lot and is now possible thanks to the 64Bit update. Phasing for those that aren't familiar with it allows for cross-district matchmaking meaning that all financial instances are connected and the system may now match players from Financial 1 against players on Financial 3, one of the groups will then seamlessly (no loading screen) be phased over to the district of their opponents where the match will take place. Right now the matchmaking system is simply crippled by the fact that there's only 50 players to match against, some of which may be afk or not ready, ram raiding, in an existing mission, too high of a threat to be considered for an even match, in a group bigger / smaller than your current group etc. There's SO many factors that play into matchmaking that if they were enforced any stricter than they currently are players would find themselves not getting opp at all or at least waiting for opp a long time, because Phasing expands the pool beyond 50 players they can then work on a system that enforces stricter matchmaking rules the more players are online meaning that around peak times you shouldn't feel like you're constantly getting put into poorly match made missions which should then hopefully also make it so players don't feel like they're forced to dethreat just to increase the likely hood of getting "fair" missions. APB is over a decade old, some systems simply don't work as initially intended anymore as well as the top players exceeding levels of skill RTW / G1 never thought possible and therefore didn't account for, I don't enjoy playing against silvers either but for the time being even if its not the best experience it is simply down to the fact that the game is in dire need of updates to its core systems and LO can now actually get those updates into the game and I would expect Matt to talk more about the things they have planned in his upcoming roadmap which he will hopefully post soon.
  5. hello dear friend i am facing the same problem so i contacted the support and they charged me $75 dollars so i asked for an explanation they told me i stole them asking for the refund in the same amount so i wanted to know why that and i deposited this value in g1c in my account but they say that I need to put it in another account because that was because of another account that is linked to mine I only have two accounts but I use the only one where I put the g1c and I don't know which account it is charging me besides that they say it was in 2021 then they talk with a conversation that was in July last year I was without a computer for 3 years and I came to buy one in August 2022 they are charging me wrong and they don't want to hear me To quote
  6. Every account should be brought up to the current max that long time players have on their characters, however, G1 stated multiple times in the past that the inventory capacity could not be increased any further due to engine limitations, it'd be interesting to know if that has changed now that 64Bit is out.
  7. Fuck their system. I asked if they could remove my trade lock or give me a second chance for my account. They said their second chance policy only applies to acammers so I didn't qualify LOL. Srsly LO and their systems can fuck off.
  8. i swear they look at accounts and go "annnnnnnnnnnd well yeeeeeeeeeeeeeea fuck you" then your locked. was not locked for a week then suddenly i was locked for two idk what system i tripped but yea fun
  9. no you can not , these are account bound. they would be better if they were lifetime bound
  10. So I have played in this game for years now then took a break and yet when I came back it keep disconnecting me. My main character Mei Fang when I enter to try as her again disconnect me saying this. Can someone please resolve it? She is locked I think or this account is locked and its annoying.
  11. Gans9517


    Hello Amayii, Sure, your support team working reeeeeealy good (irony), asked for resetting the 2FA secret key, the app I was using for authentication have been deleted from the store, keys were lost, instead of adding phone number and simply send a message you choose an app, support team asked me for a ton of questions, answered to all of them, and they say some of answers are not correct, WTF ! I can't use my account because of authentication ! That's what you call an security ? If you have logs from 2010, send a verification code or secret key to the original email where the account was registered, and then you'll see, if I'm the real owner or not....
  12. I have the same issue on an account I've been playing on since 2013. Everything is grayed out.
  13. But our Loaf friend is talking about cheats / cheaters vs genuine players. There is no doubt, a cheater could easily out gun with the FBW and kill quicker than a genuine player using the ntec (or other such as an SMG) in CQC. How Loaf has expressed this and worded the post may not convey the actual suggestion. Loaf is frustrated that in all this time cheaters and cheating is still a big problem today and suggests it is hurting the playerbase / and is one of the biggest contributing factors to the games decline and should be the number 1 priority. I'm not sure what to say about this, do you see what you have done? You imply our Loaf friend has made an assumption about players and yet you do the very same thing based on their forum account. Loaf also mentions the word "decade" in the original post and so I would assume he / she has been around much longer. Loaf, there are posts about the changes to the game (see the A/Q thread ) https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/12/22/2022-AMA-RECAP In short nothing will change yet as the game engine and code needs to be updated first. Essentially what will happen is the game will remain identical but all the coding behind it will be modernised. This transition will then allow for and make it easier to change the game content and improve it but in the mean time most of the issues that exist will remain.
  14. They decided to keep my account perma trade locked. Don't ask my why I have no fucking idea. But yeah after 1 month they got back to me
  15. I think its initially because accounts have the 3 day lock and somewhere - likely an integer being changed with architecture change, caused it to bug.
  16. Currently there exists only one secondary weapon in-game. But yeah the starting grind is horrible unless you have account bound 3 slot weapons. Imo they should have rank locked districts. Even if someone would create a new char to stomp noobs they would still be bound by rank restrictions on char and weapon mods...
  17. Adding another threat rating will do nothing but shift the problem to another class of threat. We don't have people complaining about green and bronze threat being "high"/"low" or the same between bronze and silver. Not to mention, we have 10 levels or categories hidden inside each threat color. In terms of matchmaking, a 10 silver is effectively the same as a 1 gold. Someone whose skills or score is highly variable will have their threat change often, as the algorithm tries to account for the variability in play. Someone who's consistently at a certain level will have a harder time changing their threat, up or down. It's why dethreaters take a while to initially lower their threat, and then really easily gain it. Their score stability lowered, and then as it figured out they're better than the threat they lowered to, it brings them back up. What really needs to happen is an effective anti-cheat that operates both client and server side. Messing with threat and ELO ratings will have no effect on identifying and categorizing cheater.
  18. Came back to the game after a very long break and my account is permanently trade banned. No its not a temporary one it doesn't tell me when my account will be allowed to trade again, I cant buy things off the market and when I hover over trade on a specific player it says "Your account is not allowed to trade.". I put a support ticket in 12 days ago and still have not gotten any response.
  19. Amayii


    Hello Gans9517, If you're having issues creating a ticket through the portal please contact the team using support@gamersfirst.com. After account verification the team should be able to assist you in the 2FA issues. ~@mayii
  20. The trade locks are a bug from what I hear (and have personally experienced). Even people who have 2FA on their account (which is supposed to prevent trade locks, because secure account), like myself, have been hit with them upon entering Social since the 64 bit upgrade was dropped.
  21. Hello APB community, As you can see my name is Rekkielrecckiel, short Rekkiel or recckiel. whatever sounds best for you. I have been active in APB since the beginning of time it feels like. 2012 when i started this adventure, this LONG adventure. Maybe thousands of hours on the Gamersfirst launcher and another almost 2000 on Steam, so much time, energy and of course money. And it wasn't enough for me, i wanted more. I wanted to be the best, together with my friends. So the smart man i am, installed something that might help him. a crosshair plugin. have a nice dot in the middle of the screen at all times. That went GREAT lol. My game crashed one day and i called it a day. Several weeks later i came back and wanted to login again only to find out the following message: Account login failed! This account has been permanently suspended (error code 10008). Welp that was it for rekkiel. After some try's to contact Battleye and APB support, nothing helps ofcourse. now here is the thing i actually trying to ask! WHY perm bans? isn't it hard enough to not being able to login on your escape from life for 2 years? After 9 years of playing, i make one mistake and its over forever. and even though Little Orbit says they would exam every case with care, they won't. This is what they said in 2018: 7) How do we handle cheaters when we detect them? Based on APB's history, I didn't feel we could permanently auto-ban cheaters based on any of the systems mentioned above. We do temp ban for a window long enough that my staff can review the data and then decide whether to extend the ban or remove it. All i'm trying to say with this post is, i learned my lesson. But this punishment, its to harsh. kind regards, recckielrekkiel.
  22. It's been 25 days and my issue isnt resolved yet. Support gets around to readying my ticket about every 8 days. But this most recent time he told me my account information I gave him to prove my ownership of the account, was incorrect. This is just ridiculous. I don't know If I'll ever be able to trade again. They might as well fucking ban me. I cant buy shit from the market, I can't send mail to anyone, even my own fucking characters. It's just awful. Hopefully it works out better for you bro. 8 days is the average response time (not counting weekends)
  23. Even in victory you are a salty winner. We had no doubts you'd get your account restored. Enjoy your little victory jig.
  24. As a big fuck you to everyone who dislikes me, my account now has full functionality again. Reaching my old rank of 251 has somehow, bewilderingly, fixed my account. GG. Thread can be closed now.
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