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Everything posted by VickyFox

  1. Most Armas guns are balanced in a way which is a fraction less powerful than stock in game guns, or have affects which have counterbalances to give free players a fair chance. Customers don't just buy items to be the best but also for aesthetics and exclusivity: The Hazardous is a normal Colby M-1922 with mods you can get in game... the only thing special about it is unique skins. Sitting Duck... a N-HVR Scout with a unique tagger and skin and 1 open slot. The OCSP Kommandant is the same as the about except being a remesh of a FBW and no extra slot. Then there is all the character gear, vehicle car kits, emotes, symbol packs... You're just upset that you were gullible enough to buy into a gamble. All APB content has changed at sometime and for game stability, performance, balancing, fixes to errors and bugs.
  2. Revert the nerf and have the forum filled with a spam load of threads saying APB is pay to win. *sighs and chuckles* I can remember back when the VAS C2 were announced and released, I bought the Troublemaker because it was advertised as a suppressed/silenced variant of the gun with 2 open mod slots. It was a completely foolish mistake that was missed by all levels of staff that It came with tagger and hunting sight 3 mod... No refund, compensation and customer service was so slow and didn't care. On top of that, the gun was nerfed but it kinda did deserve it as it was insanely OP. ...What was I talking about again...?
  3. Why would a business announce they were planning a sale unless to build up hype for a holiday event. It is bad business practice to announce that sales are planned and coming up soon. Profits would not be as great as everyone saved their money for the up coming sale. The exception to this is the retail industry where the odd items on sale would be offset by other product that are not on sale, while also still building up hype. Nobody has ever said that Sales should or has to be a christmas tradition in APB. It is a new company and if anything the a sale would be out of generosity and good will. Maybe I'm wrong or just crazy but I don't think Christmas was intended to be a holiday/season for selfishness.
  4. I fractured a finger after a fall from a height at work like 6 years ago. Despite the injury i was still able to play just about even if I couldn't turn left and run at the same time. Today the finger is permanently bent but I'm still able to use it and press and hold the shift key. I'd like to say i'm joking or trolling but while i agree more toggle keys would be nice, but some posts in this thread comes across as lazy... I mean what else if that finger going to be used for down that end of a stock standard keyboard.
  5. VickyFox

    APB: Reloaded

    Disco... What rock have you been under for the past year? Little Orbit took over GamersFirst about May last year and things have are drastically changing but of course with so much and such significant changes, it takes time. Little Orbit and MattScott have been extremely open and interactive about issues arising, what their intentions are, and what progress has been made.
  6. VickyFox

    PVE servers?

    Pretty much this. it would take a considerable amount of development resources and the result wouldn't be a good practice, as the ai would be limited in tactics.
  7. VickyFox

    battle royale

    GamersFirst were planning and developing concept version of a battle royals, the little orbit took over. honest I don't want a battle royale as a new game mode with even it is fitting with the theme of APB. battle royals as part of a holiday fight club game mode would be ok but not with a dedicated district.
  8. The original Retail Box codes are not produced anymore but there may be the odd one that is unredeemed here and there but you can't get them new. To be honest, I'm even sure if Little Orbit accepts retail box codes anymore... I'd recommend getting a Urban Survival Pack from Steam, It's everything you'd get from a Retail Box code but updated with a newer designed Cicso Z180 You do not need your GamersFirst/APB account linked to Steam to buy and redeem a Urban Survival Pack!
  9. Daily activities wouldn't load, Deja Vu anyone?
  10. Seriously the first body kit for the T-25 is going to be something from the 1950s? Can we possibly have a 2016 Ford F250? In regards to that bug, I would personally like to have a truck bed cover on my T-25. I mean why not have the truck bed that is loaded with cargo because the Criminal vehicle kits are starting to have Jerry cans attached to the outside, The Mammoth has boxes and a drum attached to the roof rack. lastly could we have a headache rack with rear lights or a rack which doesn't block the truck cab centre break light, because current racks just obstruct the rear light.
  11. Me reaction EVERYTIME a threads says there is a problem that is going to be the death of APB, and Little Orbit are not doing enough. We've had APB die one and it nearly died a second time. Like we can see what problems there are... So how about looking to try and find a solution! I don't think APB going to die in the next year with a new management that is actively working and developing as we speak, unless Little Orbit is forced to stop work entirely for whatever reason.
  12. The Terms of Service says basically any manually done changes to the APB game folder is prohibited. The exception would be to send copies of the log report to staff. Reverse engineering of APB is a No-No. A rule of thumb: if you feel like you have to ask a moderator or the forum if something is against the rules, then it is better to safe than sorry and chances are that it is against the rules anyway.
  13. *sigh* ...why? of any and all content that could be added, personally I feel it would just be a glorified distractions from the main game for both devs to make and players. As Messiah said, with populations so low, most clans members have just either inactive and waiting for more worthwhile content or have left APB all together. Sorry but I'd rather more focus be spend on something new in gamer other than gun skins, titles and events.
  14. My basic logic is telling me that Steam 2FA shouldn't* be getting involved as it protects products, Valve accounts, personal details and game data live online content shouldn't be covered in such an impeding way... But maybe Steam can't differentiate between something that is a self contained or something that runs semi/fully online with external data, and as such is causing a conflict unintentionally?
  15. There will always be cheating and exploitation of the game, but the lack of preemptive structure is down to Little Orbit. When staff could of suspended the event to another date or try to make a patch to prevent further cheating, they didn't/couldn't. Little Orbit decided to just continued with GM giving out polite requests for winners to yield to other players! ...That's not a solution to a problem. I'm sorry but with a bit more time and planning then some of the issues raised could of been prevented. The issues raised by MattScott's OP, is stuff people in the community could of told Little Orbit as regular service users would of participated in events before and know what works and what doesn't. ANY event draws attention of old returning and new players, but it also gets the attention of cheaters and trolls. with a first place exclusive skin and joker tickets as a booby price. This is going to make people more competitive. Competitiveness isn't always a bad thing but this is already quite the competitive community. On top of that, limited time of when the event is going on during day/week just adds restriction which can feel unfair. Overall it feels shit for many people for one reason or another... Hind sight is 20/20, so Little Orbit could somewhat be excused but from the first day it was clear this wasn't going to go as planned.
  16. Rhetorical? You know the answer to that, but in principle I find myself asking the same.
  17. Thank you! Hopefully this will make reoccurring rule breakers a less common sights -edit- I do feel sorry for customer service when over three quarters of reports are probably just going to be distressed players that had a bad play.
  18. When everyone had the same game and issues and some people described it as a grind for days and others described it as a game of luck and a few said it was easy if you know how to take advantage of the situation... I don't everyone got the same experience despite being in the same game, it is questionable then if the game is too flawed and unfair because of it or not.
  19. As Vanille said, It's giving you a visual advantage over your opponents. If you did this then anyone could use the excuse to remove muzzle flash, explosions and other visual affects just to improve frames when really they're just taking advantage of a genuine need of someone else. I know this sounds like a less than pleasant fellow thing to say but if your FPS is low then that's a problem with your system, and not something the game and everyone else should be compensating for. Clean out some old files, keep drivers up to date, try and upgrade some old hardware is possible. Also make sure your computer is not to dust laden in fans or grills as it will cause thermal throttling which slows down general operations of a computer.
  20. No rudeness intended but yeah... upgrading your PC is all you really can do or just try a more ranged weapon. APB is running ok for most other people, but there will be the few with lower spec PCs that will have technical issues. Sadly not everyone can be catered to. hopefully the Engine Upgrade will optimise things further and release a few more FPS
  21. APB alway has been an 18+ mature rated game. different counties have different ages for the legal contextual term of mature, but it is probably just easier to put it as a blanket requirement to be 18 than trying localisation. everything else has just come about from handing APB from company to company... some spring cleaning wouldn't go a miss sometime.
  22. For someone that is demanding of proof, you're not providing much evidence on your part. ...He is too chipper, please do!
  23. Genuinely I am sorry you're having a tough time, but what about the rest of us? I wish there was a simple solution but this would affect every other player and these guns were intended to be like this.
  24. Lol...? I personally like Extended Mag on some SMGs, especially the Cap 40 Sargent for flushing out multiple opponents in small areas. Long range rifles and snipers with Cool Jacket is quite satisfying if you can recover the recoil quickly enough. These gun mods are very useful but the Colby M-1922 doesn't need these mods as it already has both a larger magazine and stored ammo count plus a faster fire rate than and OCA. even an OCA with these 2 mods attached would still not stand up to a Colby M-1922, but it's balanced because of the accuracy and recoil of the M-1922.
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