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Everything posted by VickyFox

  1. Said it before and I'll say it again that the VBR Temptress and Obeya CAP40-C NFCP 2 were Refer a Friend rewards which was one of the biggest exploits in game.
  2. VickyFox


    A Mini/Gattling gun would of been a enforcer only heavy weapon back when RTW was planning for guns to be exclusive for factions. The Criminal heavy weapon would of been a flame thrower but both concepts were shelved longer than Racing Distrist. One would of thought someone who has been with APB for so long would known this. ...As unimpressed as I am to see another suggestion of something shelved. As much as I want to do the old joke of also adding the suggest of helicopters and motorcycles to the mix, I will concede that suggested stats, variants and features of M134 is something fairly new brought to the table and breaths fresh air on a something which has been said on the old forum too many times.
  3. A lot of ideas seem cool but in reality are not as cool. People say that car bombs and radar towers are bad enough as it is without having 2 per person. Again players using cars and stunt jumps to camp on missions was considered a rather unfair exploit in some circumstances by GamersFirst I believe, a more stricter out of bounds system was made. ...Controllers on PC version of APB? Honestly I'd like to a first person view VR experience with a steering wheel controller, just so for the driving and maybe to do racing with friends!
  4. Didn't want to sound like a broken record but thank you very much for my point exact! It just nonsensical to me watching other people complain about LO when they've brought new content and still doing on going work to bring all version of the game up to a standard. A lot of people applaud Gamerfirst for their swift customer response compared to LO, but answering tickets isn't going to extend the longevity of the game.
  5. Despite waiting times, the fact we are paying customers and when a product wasn't delivered as described then it should at least be looked into.
  6. Rather have a year or so of inconvenience as little orbit is hard at work, when gamersfirst had 4 years to fix the game and bring it upto date.
  7. Does that mean we can all breath a sigh of relief knowing HVRs are not non-viable after all?
  8. So the threat system thinks you're better than you think you are, You may be right in that but your problem is not the majority's problem. Raising the standard for Gold isn't going to make you feel better when you're going to get the same opponents.
  9. When was the last time you used a HVR? I would recommend you practice in Fightclub.
  10. There was next to no interaction with the community, customer support was hardly better, I question if the suggestions or bug reports were ever read. Communication is the form of interaction to convey a message from 1 entity to another, A blog post is indeed communication but it feels like a really (if not the most) shallow form of communication they could of done. Just a monthly update written as a statement and throw onto the internet without a care for who reads it or what their thoughts are on it.
  11. ...GamersFirst... APB: All Point Bulletin was being made at the same time as GTA 4. While APB may not have much interactivity in the open world, GTA 4 didn't have a online multiplayer mode and was intended to be single player as was all previous GTA games. APB was trying to capitalise on that. So we can't compare APB to GTA 5/online Even then, you can't compare the APB to GTA 4 because the resources both developments had were starkly different. APB:All Point Bulletin wasn't even a finished product upon release. This is just the forum. I'm sure many people's don't first impression of a game come from the forums, It may be a factor later on but this isn't a review on the steam store page. APB was always a project that was too big for it's developer teams from the beginning, and the has left a trail of woe behind it ever since. Former Real Time World executive Colin McDonald described APB as "the silly person child of everything we've been striving towards"! Gamersfirst took a great concept and milked the game's players as cash cow for all that they were worth. I would be elated to have the name Gamersfirst dropped from Little Orbit. I am passionate about a lot of things to do with APB, but Gamersfirst was a f-cking mockery and a constant insult in both the name and quality of service provided!
  12. How does someone become better at playing any instrument or game? Get a tutorial if you want to learn, Practice if you want to get better
  13. VickyFox

    Just wanan help

    I don't think I am going to miss out on much considering how Call of Duty had zombies. It has been suggested many times before and APB is not designed for Player vs Environment. Zombies are an overused sub-genre for mini game modes and there are plenty of survival games with zombies being part of the primary genre itself. For a Halloween Event as a one off event maybe. And even then i'd still strongly dislike it then. But if this was a permanent game mode after RIOT being a a (non) Battle Royale, It may just make quit APB. It is another trend that is slowly fading along with Pirates.
  14. The first thing I saw: Oops? I am as always quietly optimistic about what more is to come.
  15. I'm not against unique mechanics and features. I'm not in favour of the lack of a means to use such mechanics and features for one or both factions I'm completely against the unfairness of one faction having an easier time to make more money. I could come up with some faction unique suggestions but I don't want to derail the thread anymore.
  16. For all the posts here saying how abusive teleporting into a car that is partially obstructed is. There are going to at least equally as much if not more complaints when people can't get into their cars at times when there isn't an opponent near by and time is critical for the mission. Again, I have no trouble getting into a car in under 2 seconds if it's lock car with a remote key fob that i have possession of or an unlocked car. When taking an NPS car with an NPC in it, there is a delay as the driver has to be removed, stolen and enforcer commandeered vehicles are already unlocked so... Sorry to the OP and everyone else but this personally I feel this is one of those times when we all need to suck it up because I'm sure a number of those who already posted also in support of the OP would also complain if they couldn't get into their own cars in a reasonable manner.
  17. VickyFox

    battle royale

    Check the dates of ALL posts, no one before Zoria's bump would of known because RIOT wasn't announced. It was only officially announced as low key note that a new game mode was in the works but wasn't even mentioned by name, at the time it was believed to only be a project placeholder name anyway and the only further details there was that Epidemic and Slaybells (which was still going on at the time) was testing the game mechanics for RIOT. 12/29/2019 - Update on APB Development Progress Before this post the common denominator of these game modes was capture and hold, team deathmatch with map zone becoming restricted, but there was only ever 3 teams. There was no word of a Battle Royale, and the impressions from Epidemic and Slaybells gave off of RIOT was to be a capture and hold territory game... A long awaited "Turf Wars" with 2, 3, or 4 teams at most. I say 4 at most as that is the number of faction organisations. Turf Wars was something has been talked about but shelved from the days of Real Time Worlds. Another suggestion thread about Turf Wars back in August last year. PCgamer in 2011 reported on Turf War being imagined as a Team vs Team / Clan vs Clan territory capture and hold game mode, Choas could of been a All on All traditional Battle Royale. Chaos District/Anarchy was only ever really used for testing the concept mechanics of FightClub in the most rudimentary way, as well as acting as a server stress test.
  18. I think everyone can agree on wanting a new map and there would be little complaints about Midtown. But to just say we want midtown without any context as to it's content is a bit of a hollow point. Midtown as other mentioned was meant to be a social hub for Enforcers, It would combat neutral but due to Real Time Worlds finical issue and time restraints, it was butchered to make up for parts of financial. Asylum was intended to be Criminal's social hub but was made into a unique fightclub map as there was no other real purpose for such a map of that scale. The same question arises for midtown, what would it's purpose be if it's not big enough for a full action district? The only suggestion I could give to my own above question is make Aslyum and Midtown RIOT maps for smaller game numbers and return Baylan Shipping and Beacon for FightClub. At the end of the day, the amount of effort for a map which can be best described as being in concept stage is really questionable.
  19. I see my vehicles as equally equipment to help me in my mission, not just as a vehicles. My favourite vehicle is the pioneer and that's partly telling of my nature, I am a utilitarian kind of person but that comes from working with emergency and disaster response teams. One might say I'm a prepper... With that said, that doesn't mean the pioneer is my go to vehicle every time despite deep down I want it, It just isn't necessary though. Things I really do not like about vehicle in APB are down to APB's coding and not the vehicles themselves: -Bulletproof windows on all vehicles. -Wheels are not a physical part of the vehicle hitbox and as such shots to them do no count. Also no punctures. -Jumping out of the way of a vehicle can still kill... When a Macchina Calabria pulls out at 10mph and you jump over it clear yet still die, It's just plain stupid! -Exiting a moving vehicle does no injury -Carsurfer (with exceptions of pickup trucks, then it's cool!) Everything else I dislike about vehicles are just little tweaks with suspension (Boardwing and Moirai), Acceleration (Dump truck and Moirai), Handling (Bank truck and Moirai), Vehicle ground clearance (Vegas 4x4 and Moirai) and Vehicle kits in general (T-25, Fresno...) and Moirai? Honestly, this is one of those things where you make the most of what you got and it's your digression on how you use them. I have a unmarked Packer Ceresco with Extra Cargo, Quick Fix and Nitro to counter ram raiders on my enforcer. I also have unmarked Sieyo Espacio with Muffler, No siren and Mobile supply unit for stealthy approach for my team when I know there are opponents at the next objective. It wouldn't be unheard of for people to use vehicles as getaway cars.
  20. Another one of those moments where I find myself asking, you guys didn't think of that before hand? This wasn't posted out to social media. Not that Facebook has many more people tuned in than the forum, Both Twitter and Facebook are almost instantaneous and have notification functions. Considering awareness was raised on those sites, an update posted there may not be a bad idea next time.
  21. -How does RIOT compare to other APB game modes? Gameplay is very much a unique experience as while guns spawning around the map randomly, having health, ammo and hazmat suits spawn in is certainly new. With areas of the map being cut off, it was clear quickly that familiarisation and creativity was needed to get around and make the most of any and all opportunities possible. At first I wasn't sure how to go about playing this game but when consideration of the money and lives being share in the team, it opens the door for teams to allocate roles or go for different tactics and strategies. This is very much a competitive and strategic gamemode... If you think you can get into RIOT and learn how to play APB then you may wish to reconsider which end of the pool to learn to swim in as this reflects APB in a certain light but it's not a true full reflection of the other game mode experiences, rather more of a partial reflection. While there are little to no cars, this encourages interaction with climbing fences and kicking through doors to navigate the map. The play style with a more complex than normal map layout undermines the notion that this could be a good way to gain first time experience (unless you're the kind of person that just like to dive in to the thick of things and learn the hard way). The flip side of the coin is the battle royal elements of collecting item needed to survive should be familiar for many, the gathering of codes and capturing a zone is a nice twist that shouldn't be too hard of a concept to get to grips with. -Would you encourage your friends to play RIOT? Truthfully I cannot in good faith give a verdict of recommendation at this time as I only got to play 2 rounds. With variables in the RIOT open for alteration, again it would be a little unfair of me to say "no I don't recommend this", but it's too soon to say for certain that I would encourage others to play. -How would you explain RIOT to someone who has never seen it? APB's new team death match battle royale. With a intricate dynamic version of the Financial map, RIOT is a strategic multi team challenge to take control of the city rather than the typical last man standing with a chicken dinner. Also extra personal touches can be brought in with full character customisation carried over from the main game; your guns, mods and outfit can be brought into RIOT so that signature look and favourite load out can be unlocked and enabling to play in the style that best suits you and makes you feel confident. -What ONE THING would you change about RIOT if you could? Add indicator hud for the last few capture sites/codes, and a ping tool to indicate to team mates to draw attention to threats or intentions. -What is your favorite aspect of RIOT? The fact the options to unlock your own guns and vehicle to use in RIOT rather than randomly generated guns and car spawns, it enable more options and opportunities and while some may feel it'll be abused... It's APB, and we've fought these guns and cars before in other game modes. -What about RIOT do you like the least? Spectator's District chats are not invisible to active players. It quickly became clear that due to the bug of unable to leave the game, players spectating were quick to express displeasure towards active players in how they were playing... or being alive at all in game! I would suggest that active players could still talk in local, district, faction, group, clan, private and team chats but spectator's district chat would be hidden so only spectators could see that. Yes this could be circumnavigated with other chats, but that is at individual's digression and volition and there's not really a need for it to be against to rules. Different teams were helping each other out in trying to find the last few unclaimed sites and codes, district chat could be used in a way that is unhelpful due to multiple teams. This wouldn't happen in other game modes as there are only 2 sides, 2 factions, 2 teams unless there is a special holiday one off event with 3 teams.
  22. I was quoting each response actually equally for my own benefit as I am one of those people who at times struggle to retain information following an accident on a medical duty. To others it may be spam but to me it's a nuisance having to find where one subject ends and the next one picks up on the previous post. But going on the assumption that other's are not like me, I'll yield. While I agree that the core principles of 2 different factions acting in starkly different senses of moral, People are not restricted to just playing 1 faction over the other and it does remain a game. I also agree the thrill of the hunt can be fun and exciting... It is still 2 less means of earning money for enforcers. Despite I may say it with the intention of being a joke, it is half heartedly true when I say "You don't play APB, You endure APB".
  23. Might be the first time I'm in a complete agreement with you socks. Using the SBSR is so underwhelming and the pros to it just do no outweigh the cons. The only positive I can see for the twin marksman rifle and sniper rifle is that they have marginally more hard damage. I struggle to see what the intention and applications of these guns were. I've only used them no more than 3 times each but... yeah I'd get a refund if I could without a buff.
  24. I am certainly not a person to not cater to those that whine or cry the loudest. After years of playing as an enforcer, it is my personal opinion that while prestige multiplier is beneficial, the speed and volume of items criminals can collect counter balanced out that multiplier. None the less, the open world convenience for criminals makes being an enforcer more of a chore with the need to be constantly vigilant (while justified considering the role). APB should never be equality in mechanics or content 100% or even 90%, but when people recommend being a criminal for the ease of making money and grinding contact standing without the need for an opposed match... It does come across more unfavourably than it should be. Less than Lethal is planned to have a criminal equivalent variant, but nothing has been said about what enforcers would get in return for more money for criminals.
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