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Everything posted by VickyFox

  1. Another thread which makes me wonder what the OP is expecting in response. What is going to change when the issues are industry wide and gone on for years. It's like going to the state capital with a sign saying "End global warming", I'm sure everyone agrees it needs to be address, everyone is doing what they can, it a constant issue but it's going to happen and has been happening for years. Like a politician is going to come out and cry out "YES! That person over there with the placard came out today randomly has changed mind after 5 years/ How could i of been so blind, the answer was there all along... ...What was the question and answer again?" I don't like trolling but I can be a comedian, and I find myself asking what do you expect now that wasn't expected 1, 2, 3 or 5 years ago?
  2. At this time the Advanced Launcher is an exception and is authorised by Little Orbit. However it may be reviewed once the new game engine is out. ...it remains debatable though if it gives an unfair advantage to some who do not need it.
  3. You were suppose to redeem the "batch id" into Armas Marketplace however I think you might be too late and was time limited up to last Friday the 30th
  4. So the rabbit suit is being reserved for now then this year?
  5. As Whiskey said, make sure your mouse is set to a sensitivity which is best for you. Also I'd recommend practising in FightClub Bayland Shipping because Bayland is a map which is mostly open space with long ranges, good for practising marksmanship and also FightClub doesn't affect threat level. Just a note to remember is check your gun mods and maybe experiment with them.
  6. VickyFox

    New heavy truck

    I would love to see something like a Marauder in APB but while I do get sick and tired of hearing calls for the Fresno to get more kits, I do have to admit there is a stack lack of low riders in APB. At the same time I LOVE the T-25 and would love to see it get some kits, but I don't think the T-25 would do the Marauder justice. I think that would be a kit for the Pioneer.
  7. A shooting range I think was said as a potential for the future, it is not confirmed and unlikely to be in planning. I think bikes and skateboarding is going to be a bit too complicated considering APB has character hit boxes that are 1 big unit, you can't shoot through glass barriers or vehicle windows. There are a lot of ideas what would be fantastic in APB but the game itself is it's own limitation, After the engine upgrade the bar will be raised but not removed.
  8. To solve the last puzzle you had to wait for the website to update from that version to it's last/current version. Once you got the "monitor" (which you posted), On the new/last Redhill website version you'd see to security cameras On the bottom camera you'll see something that could look like a code. (both above images taken by myself) Reverse the image and you'll get this: https://bit.ly/2OzOHxD (Image used above as it was most clear and was provided by @jesus007) At the start of the audio there is Morse code which says "WE CAN'T DO THIS ALONE." Meanwhile multiple people were working on something embedded in the end of the audio file which gave this image with a code: (Image used above as it was most clear and was provided by @IronicTerror) Very quickly @Inquitoria also provided this: So solve the final puzzle, we need to take the "Monitor" (I'll use the one you posted Yood) and apply it on top of the audio file's embedded code (I'll use IronicTerror's). CLDA This is how Little Orbit intended for the final puzzle to be solved according to @MattScott but some cheeky and clever code monkey was able to make a script and to force different potential passwords. While I never finished any puzzles first, I did understand where people were going even if I didn't fully understand all the coding and where they came from. Admittedly It crossed my mind to overly the monitor over the coding but for some reason I just didn't go with my gut and try it at the time.
  9. Hypothetically If Red hill was to be a new action district to be added then it'd still only be in concept stages, spit balling ideas in a meeting room and across the office. It wouldn't even be at planning yet. It would be WAY too early to speculate let alone get any hint or confirmation, as much as I'd want another action district, especially one that is uniquely different from WaterFront and Finacial.
  10. I seems like you might not of read past the OP, While I completely agree that SWAT protective equipment is not going to be the same as Crowd Control protective equipment. Think you could of handled that downvote a little better but ummm, not the end of the world. There is already a lot of armour on Armas which covers most of the basis for riot protection i'd think. I could also add to the suggestions with the following: Nightstick belt (alternative version of utility belt) Zip tie handcuffs (webbing attachment for chest/back or thight) Covert radio headset Baton round pouch (webbing attachment for thigh or chest) Tactical sunglasses.
  11. We cannot assume people are going to play fair, There will ways be people wanting to abuse the system. Sadly the number of people happy to abuse a broken system is higher than you would like to think. Ask other if they took part of "Refer a Friend" and how many new players they brought to APB:Reloaded. Refer a Friend as a new system in testing but everyone could see how much it was used, that many rewards to that many players had to be illegitimate. A good 70% or 80% of people using Refer a Friend took advantage of the lack of rules around it. I do not want to be pessimistic. The truth is that APB has been on a decline for years, and you are right that your suggestion would work if people played fair and didn't break the rules. Again I'm sorry but I believe your suggestion would fix the problem you talked about... but only for a few days. People are going to continue to still put effort into dethreating, this effort to abuse the system and break rules would undermine your suggested fix Putting up more barriers or moving barriers is not the answer, this will only motivate people into breaking those restrictions. -edit- The translations are mixed, but I can understand most of what you said. I will try and keep my English as unambiguous as possible for the translator
  12. Riot shield back packs and helmets have been suggested before, but i think it might of slipped through the cracks with Little Orbit.
  13. You think customer support deal with a technical issue like an outage caused by a DDoS attack? Ok you got a chuckle out of me there.
  14. If the Tactical Gear Bonus pack and the Armored Bonus pack don't quit meet the mark then could you elaborate what you'd like to suggest? -edit- In case you didn't know... Tactical Enf Tactical Crim Armored Enf Armored Crim
  15. Are you going to make a post about the NA server every 2 days? I mean you could of made an april fools prank being a memester, but serious this is like your third thread in a week? If you're that bored then go find a hobby, go play a game or something.
  16. I'm a gold threat too but my point isn't that you should be quiet and just put up with this torment, my point is you are suggesting a solution to a issue but that solution doesn't fix the bigger wider problem and actually may make it worse. And you're right that it is happening now. I remember back when people were not restricted in districts with threat levels, back then most districts were evenly balanced out but there wasn't a need to dethreat greatly when you get bronze, silver and gold players being mixed in the same districts. There was threat level districts but they were not enforced and more advisory. The threat system need to be reviewed and altered heavily to consider wider aspects of the game. On top of that, personally I think threat segregation only emphasises the elitism and toxic behaviour of higher threats. It's like have having kid in a play ground separated by age because of the risk of bully and all the kids have to be protected from each others but they can't interact then. I understand that some new players may feel deterred by being put with against a random gold, but right now most gold are putting effort into getting into lower threat districts just to get an opponent at all. There is more I could say on this matter but I'm going off on a tangent now I feel.
  17. VickyFox

    Gib Armas Guns

    Most people would be happy to buy a perm version of a gun if they got to trail it first for free, there is a very small minority that just do not understand that Free to Play games need some source of income and take the term Free to Play seriously as a principle. They are uncommon but when I have meet someone in game saying I'm Pay to Win for having Armas items and that they don't have any Armas items, they say it pride and conviction! I meant what i said about them being adamant in not wanting to spend money. But again it a very small minority. Unfortunately a lot of shooter Massive Multiplayer Online games, Battle Royale Games and Free to Play games (including mobile) use Loot Boxes and premium currency to get income for their games. I don't need to remind you that EA's BattleFront 2 caused many country's sovernments to stop and consider if lootboxers are gambling RuneScape 2 has a good 90% of it's game locked behind a paid monthly subscription, Never played World of War Craft but I think it's entire game is a subscription service from what I heard in the past. One thing I will say I have observed is there is often hype around the newest and latest content, and there may be a bit of a frenzy to get it from Armas even if it is from a Joker Mystery Box. If you're going to release Armas exlcusive content to contacts in game for leasing out, well you're I think something is going to be needed to compensate for the income deficit. Yes some people may buy some of those guns permanatly but the population of APB right now is under 1000 players at peak hours... I am not suggesting loot boxes or (premium) subscription restricted content is the way forward for APB and nor would I personally want those, That post was a set of observations and a broad idea of what the wider gaming industry does as businesses. I'm not sure why you've given me a down vote for but those are the options others considers and those options would not be appropriate or favoured by the APB community. It has been suggested that leases should be extended and I think LO are looking into it. Again LO have heard the feedback of Bundled/Packed gear and the Deal of the week was their answer. It is a lot of work to unbundled packs for every single item unfortunately.
  18. And how many promises did Gamersfirst fill before Little Orbit's acquisition
  19. I was going to say why is a new redeem code coming out late after Red hill ARG, and why is Riot coming out without a announcement. It's a subject the community has had it's ears to the ground for a while now so I don't think this is going to catch many out...
  20. I have to agree with this. Open Conflict worked on the principle that threat levels and ranks are hidden from everyone including your own team mates. The game's matching system should automatically match up random team mate that are of mixed ranks and threats, this is done equally to both team as to counter each other out statistically. Open Conflict didn't work for 2 reasons: 1). People playing with friends in groups undermined the matchmaking system, the system in place didn't take into account that there would be groups and didn't compensate for that for the random team. 2). Server population levels was too low for open conflict to work, it just didn't feel like it was random with too little players in the server to play against. You should know that the Open conflict matching system IS being applied to the new upcoming game mode "RIOT". Hiding threats I don't think is going to make people feel any more reassured about cheating and hackers or that the match making system works. Threat level is determined by averages and trends in a player's set of matches but Dethreating is a problem that needs to be addressed. Dethreating needs to be addressed because there is no point in adding a new threat level if people are going to just dethreat more, The whole threat system needs a rework because it's not just a single problem with a single solution. You can't stop a water shortage with more water volume or pressure if the pipeline is leaking from multiple faults.
  21. Unfortunately so. Something that never crossed my mind till now... I'm not sure if it is possible to press the Escape key to exit the game when the 2 Factor Authentic blank black screen shows up while trying to "Return to Lobby". Someone might want to check that when they next appears.
  22. Locking threats strictly is not only going to hurt gameplay between friends and clans but was worsen dethreating problem. It was only after threat segregation that people started actively trying to dethreat as all opponents were of the same threat level and then with the gold district population dropped, the fair playing gold including myself had to face the fact that we'll have to drop down to silver to get any opponent. Sadly fixing the threat system isn't that simple fix. What defines a person's threat, how do you quantify a person's skill level. Once we can say for sure this is how we are going to tell a person's exact threat, you then need to rewrite the game' threat algorithm so that it's not going to be exploitable while being fair and accurate.
  23. I am just wondering if the OP was an attempt at a early April Fools joke.
  24. Just a bit of feedback to LittleOrbit. I got and enabled 2 factor authentication when it was first implemented, but it too overbearing and marking the box "remember me" when logging in to APB seems to only last a week at most. Web browsers ALWAYS asks for 2FA when not already logged in despite using the same browser on the computer, also there is no "remember me" toggle for external browsers. Even while logged in game and I want to switch servers or character, You press the Escape key and click on Return to Lobby... To get to the character selection screen it may randomly ask for 2 factor authentication despite being logged on. Sometime I log into APB and I accidentally click on the wrong character or wrong server and need to go back, again press escape key and Return to Lobby from District select and 2FA asks for a code despite logging on 2 minutes ago and clicking the wrong charater/server. ...and I'm ranting now but I do find myself looking at my monitor going "excuse me, can I help you to getting lost?" 10 seconds later "Here's you code and ---- you very much!" It almost developed into an irrational hatred within me. We shouldn't have to enter a 2 factor authentication code to switch servers or characters while logged in game! I hate to say security is becoming a nuisance but with G1-2FA, It really is inconvenient when APB takes at least 4 minutes to load a district. Every time I log on to Armas it feels like going to your favourite bar and the bouncer asks for ID despite being of a legal age... and coming to the same place every night earlier that week, and yet the bouncer is not convinced and doesn't remember you! Recently my email was breached somehow so I am online security conscious more than normal, My Netflix account was also access but it later turned out to be as a result of data breach. At the end of the day I am living on my own and not sharing my computer, I do not have a reason to be concerned about my online security more than anyone else, I don't believe I'm more at risk than anyone else. I shouldn't post this to the internet but I'm confident I could recover my G1 account. So yeah... I've removed 2FA from my GamersFirst account. Does anyone else feel like 2 Factor Authentication is being over reactive?
  25. I'll go check r/withoutatrace to see if someone lost a pair of socks off of reddit.
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