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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Soon™ But how soon can not be accurately answered as there is no solid ETA. LO wishes to dish out the New Engine first as it supposedly makes working with the game easier (I don't see how altering weapon stats would differ as they've already done that promptly, such as reverting that Improved Rifling 3's alternate downside of slowing down the rate of fire, but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Lie or not, can't really MAKE them do what they don't want to or can't, irrespective of it having a high-chance of killing everything they have worked for [imagine wanting to delay the core aspect that is gameplay and expect things to fly because they won't. That is simply wishful thinking at its best]). They have made decent progress with the New Engine after back-tracing some issues and that's why they are a bit behind what they have previously let us experience (open beta tests). The C.E.O showed that they got collisions working again and are now working at the Financial District. Regarding weapons, they kept the door open saying Weapon Balancing is an ongoing and endless process (and it is) but expect minimal to no changes before the New Engine is out. However, whether they go back to pre-LO era, mainstream balancing into something that makes sense & easier to deal with or continue trying to make every weapon its own identity like chess-pieces and further pursue the impossibility of magically making that reasonably fair to everyone 'just because' (even though it kept failing for years) remains unanswered.
  2. Indeed, gameplay is at the center of everything AND also happens to be parallel to the Engine Upgrade. If it takes 6 shots to kill with N-TEC or 0.7s to kill with OCA, then that will also be the case after the Engine Upgrade & delaying balancing in theory is simply foolish. However, giving them the benefit of the doubt that changing stats indeed takes more effort and time with the current setup then they should at least PLAN ahead and implement better gameplay solutions early with the new Engine. Things like the HVR-crosshair-size-damage shouldn't exist after the engine goes live. MattScott himself declared that the New Engine won't be enough, so there is a light of hope there. While LO has a roadmap to fix things like New Player Experience, matchmaking through phasing, etc, the concern is how fast they'll get these things done. Perhaps they are financially pressured and have no choice but to immediately go for sponsorships when the new engine goes live but I believe it is a mistake to put that as first priority, no matter how financially pressurized they may be. It is simply a recipe that will throw all their hard work into the bin.
  3. I know how that feels, I LITERALLY just did that
  4. Indeed they don't. Remember that they sold APB's IP for extra funds. They wouldn't have done that if they had $
  5. And you're still making shadow replies without clicking on the quote button, typical. Perhaps you're getting warnings because you don't even read the forum rules... Why would you ever be listened to when you simply exist to be a rage-copypasta and nothing else? I mean I've already given you the golden statement in big coloured text: "I will however support this if you can prove that explosives are overpowered". You're simply unable to provide any proof or proper reasoning to remove explosives from fightclub, so that's that. Your rage won't make it any better. Simply disappointing.
  6. We know. All you talked about was "fweqa". Grenades are considered "explosives" and O-PGL is a grenade launcher. Additionally, grenades are more dangerous than O-PGL. They explode 20% faster and are much more silent in comparison so if anything they deserve to be touched before O-PGL (and they did get a spam-nerf already). You should take a step back and think things through because your poor anger-management is preventing you from putting something concrete. And that is why you use your ears. O-PGL and OSMAW are incredibly loud with distinct sounds. They literally can't be mistaken for any other weapon. I'd actually rather fight OSMAWs, they are easy targets and generally slow. An OSMAW takes 1.75 seconds to rev up, enough to actually kill them twice. The EOL series is widely known as a collection of trash launchers and cheap Legendaries. if anything they'll either get buffed or stay the same. Unlike the regular O-PGL, O-PGL CD can never 1-shot even if the explosion is dead-center. If you can kill the regular O-PGL (and you should), you can also kill O-PGL CD. Doesn't really matter when most people are just OCAing and JGing. Literally two of the best weapons for Asylum. Keep being mad. I genuinely gave you a shot but you chose to be stupid. "literally nobody complains about oca" Really? Did you miss the OCA-nerf? Looks like you did but now I am certain about my hunches. Thank you for telling us that you are an OCA-Player who couldn't kill an O-PGLer and OSMAWer. If O-PGL isn't annoying (and you didn't prove it being overpowered), why remove it? Come on, now. There you have it, you killed your own thread. Outright removing joker vending machines is a worse solution than the currently active longer resupply time. Joker vending machines in Asylum are placed in dangerous locations anyways. *Laughs in CSG/TAS-20* I hope this isn't just pure frustration but you make it seem so. I hope your next response is rather more serious and has correct facts. You'll get nowhere like this.
  7. A very interesting explanation but APB is a 3rd-person game. Remove explosives and corner-campers will simply camp and win every corner-fight till they run out of ammo. I guarantee you that you won't enjoy that either (unless you are the Camper). You can easily kill a Demolitions-Player if you just push them or bait them to waste their rocket(s)/grenades. Explosives also take considerable time to detonate and with the recent change to grenades, a good-grenade takes 3 seconds to resupply so that's 6 seconds in total plus resupplying other ammunition wasted by a vending machine or a car spawner (you could die in FightClub if you wait that long). They're not spammable in FightClub anymore (not that they were a problem prior). Gentle reminder that Concussion Grenades used to be able to kill a person at full-health then got nerfed a bit because 'we want to be Supermen who don't die easily, this is too much BabyRage' (I mean if you can't stand dying in a PvP game, perhaps don't play). No surprise this game won't appeal to new players, it is just nerf after nerf to the point where most weapons are now garbage and this entire formula looks absolutely stupid on APB. With how much time it takes to kill a single person in this game, good luck killing them before they get back to their corner. Moreover, because consumables exist... campers can also med spray or epinephrine back to the next wall. Removing Explosives in FightClub at the current state of the game is nothing but drawbacks without merits. By the way, FightClub is an excellent place to advance weapon roles. It would be outright stupid to prevent New Players an okayish opportunity at getting 150 grenade kills to get the Concussion Grenade, which is essential for almost everything. Re-opening this topic with an empty thread out of nothing but your frustration of dying to an explosive is helpless-feedback. Why don't we instead disable OCA or JG in fightclub so more people actually get to play till weaker-weapons get some buffs, hmm? See how stupid this 'disable something' is getting? Without actual explanation, you'd get nowhere. I will however support this if you can prove that explosives are overpowered.
  8. "until next year" Excellent news! Confirmed: Halloween will come back on APB next year, so those who keep chanting 'APB is dead' may chill. In the meantime, please #RevertFAR, #FixRFP and #BuffNon-MetaWeapons
  9. As good as the N-TEC is, I wouldn't call this an "N-TEC period" because it isn't the king of 0.7s to kill. The game contains weapons that can kill in 0.7s more consistently and with more ease, while the N-TEC has to choose between shooting or moving, it can't do both effectively. APB is a game of choice-vs-choice over a distance where the shootout occurs. It would help to know what weapon you attempted to use against an N-TEC and at what distance.
  10. Sprint Modifier: 3 -> 1.5 Run Modifier: 1.75 -> 1.1 Walk Modifier: 1.2 -> 1 Jump Modifier: 7 -> 5 ✓ ♥ Health Damage: 110 -> 125 Dropoff Range: 40m -> 30m Min Damage Range: 55m -> 60m Minimum Damage: 30% -> 50% ♥ Interesting suggestions as prior to October 4th, 2019, the RFP did 133 Health Damage per shot (7.5187 shots to kill), making it easier to guarantee a kill by the 8th shot. With your suggestion of 125 however, RFP will barely get 8 shots to kill on the suggested Dropoff Range of 30 meters, giving it a fine ttk of 1.05s. If the User is 31 meters away from the target, 9 shots will make the ttk 1.1s. Ultimately, RFP will sandwich FBW, situationally being both better and worse (FBW can still 6 shot-to-kill up to 32 meters, not very impressively ahead but can switch back to a primary faster due to less commitment-time of having no burst intervals to worry about). I like this, RFP won't be as insane as it used to be but it won't be useless either. At its worst (60m+), RFP will require 16 shots to kill (ttk = 2.5s). It will be a decent support damage choice due to its reliable accuracy but won't see much use since it isn't very promising. The new Min Damage Range and Min Damages won't be a problem. If anything they'll reduce the 'exaggerated uselessness' of weapons outside their Dropoff Ranges (a problem APB really suffers from). SeemsGoodMan! ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fang" variant: Modification: Improved Rifling 3 -> Improved Rifling 1 Yes, this was a substantial issue that made RFP epicly protruding before. There were ideas such as replacing the mod with a Tagger but +3 meters from Improved Rifling 1 won't be a problem. This must happen. "Swift Silver" variant: Modification: Heavy Barrel 1 -> Mobility Sling I believe the point here is to make Swift Silver a bit less accurate (since Heavy Barrel helps accuracy). Either choices are fine because with the suggested new Health Damage of 125 per shot, Heavy Barrel 1 will effectively make the weapon always require 9+ shots to kill (ttk = 1.1s+), while Mobility Sling will increase Equip Time from 0.35s to 0.4. Both are hit or miss, I can't think of a reason to object to either atm. "Comanche" variant: Modification: Extended Magazine 3 -> Bandolier 1 Yeah, a Tier 3 mod on a Secondary is questionable (Magazine Capacity of 24 → 31 looks ridiculous). Increasing Reload Time is also terrible. Bandolier is indeed the more tame option. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Definitely a decent attempt at fixing RFP. It'll be a decent choice in the pool of Secondary Weapons again and tuning it from there if needed won't be difficult.
  11. That actually makes a lot of sense, they were doomed to talk ♦♣♠♥ from the start!
  12. I looked around a bit & ultimately ended up with a question similar to 'Which came first, the chicken or the egg?' It appears the same question exists but for mouth vs anus, KEKW.
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