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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. And you are more "genius" for spreading the word that EAC detected cheats are now possible to use .. on the official forums.. Great job.
  2. The point you were shooting for isn't the problem. This thread exists to try and nerf Colby .45. The problem is that "0.96 s" says that a 6-shot-to-kill Colby .45 will be faster than FBW when in reality, they will be exactly equal. I am afraid even 0.01s can make a difference since people are using "macro" as the measure of performance.
  3. TTK would change from 0.8 to 1.0. The weapon's Fire Interval is 0.2 s.
  4. Correct. The primaries can kill even faster if the Player is willing to sacrifice reliable range by equipping Cooling Jacket. Something Colby .45 can never have installed on demand.
  5. And they made it even harder by reducing district capacity from 50v50 to 40v40.
  6. Wait for some delusional White Knights to claim that game balance is fine and it is the best it has ever been... omegaLUL
  7. Nerfing Colby .45 will not make PDW better. The same goes for the other weapons you have mentioned. People will simply use the next best thing available, which is why it is simply best to instead buff PDW and the others.
  8. Not true. Colby .45 at best kills in 0.8 seconds. This is APB, "good in CQC" doesn't mean it is exceptional in CQC. With that time it literally loses to STAR in CQC. What justifies its nerf in CQC vs PMG/OCA/JG/LMGs? Colby .45 is fine. Losing to it in CQC is a Player-fault.
  9. RFP got nerfed because 'Fang' had a tier 3 mod, being inaccessible for regular RFP without paying. Regular RFP was completely inferior. Colby .45 is a different story. Any Player can get one permanently for as cheap as 3000 JTs. No need to even spend real money to get it. There are also secondaries that act as primaries with mods even. It isn't a negative point against Colby .45.
  10. Might as well nerf APB out of Steam. What would nerfing Colby .45 accomplish?
  11. Both DMRs have a hidden special ability that defies logic. Shots gain more damage over range, similarly to how 'volcano' rockets deal more damage the further they fly (volcano gains damage more gradually, DMR requires extreme range for the damage bonus to start taking effect) In a sense, DMR shots are rocket-powered.
  12. "Increased the range in which Mobile Spawn Points become invalid from 35m to 55m." About time. I'd like to say better late than never but I still wonder as to why this took years to happen. -------------------- "Decreased the Health and Stamina damage of the DMR-AV Sniper Rifle to decrease the range in which it can Kill in two shots from 88-100m to 95-100m." I can see through that... It was deliberately set to 95-100m to try and kill AV's ability to 2 shot at long range without explicitly saying so.... Because within its 0.6 seconds time-to-kill, the opponent can Sprint a distance of 4.8 meters, effectively getting out of the 100m play range. For the millionth time, stop wasting time 'testing the waters' with obvious meta-nerfs and buff the irrelevant weapons like you said you will in may's recap.
  13. May 2024 recap: Internally, we’ve had great discussions regarding balance, focusing on buffs to very underutilized weapons that nobody plays. So... Why is LO still nerfing..? Should nerf whomever is making those decisions out of their seat. They've destroyed the game enough as is.
  14. Imagine a forum Mod declare victory then close the thread.
  15. A natural consequence of voip no longer being in use. Social Districts will go out with it, especially on NA.
  16. I was going to ask as to where you got that '+1000 score average over x20 missions' from, but you just asked the *golden question* (pun not intended but I might as well keep it). YEARS ago, upthreating/dethreating was decided by winning/losing. Now, it is decided by relative score. Winning a mission simply gives a +700 score boost. Yes, the system is broken and can rarely bug out (especially in 2v2 matches), but generally the player must be in the upper-half of the scoreboard. Say in a match of 4x4, one should be at least 4th in terms of score. The further away the player is from 4th and 5th places, the greater the impact to their threat.
  17. Easy target Missions have multiple stages, stages can have multiple objectives.
  18. It indeed is simple to press F at an objective.
  19. Opinions hold zero value when facts exist. It gets worse, you don't even have an opinion, just random rage gibberish talk. I could honestly care less about what someone like you accepts or doesn't accept. Reality most certainly doesn't care either. As if that is new. You never did and you never will. LO isn't perfect but your can have fun convincing yourself with trying to parade people into LO-hate in cases where it doesn't apply.
  20. The sad part is that 'the game situation being bad for very long' was not the reason. The justification was already clearly stated. YOU not liking it enough to the point where you are blatantly in denial... Sadly makes YOU the uneducated, hypocritical animal. There you go! You have just mentioned why you crying about all of this is meritless. Improving the game is a separate endeavor. Don't mix the two. Besides, having slightly more people means less dead game, means the game IS better despite gameplay being the same, Doofus. For the millionth time, Cheaters don't have to cheat on their primary accounts. On what parallel universe would they even be afraid when they can just mass produce accounts? Are you seriously incapable of comprehending this? And here you show that you are another person that accepts Terms of Service without actually reading them. Be pissed all you want, you don't make the 'conditions'. Nobody cares Try again once your denial isn't as high as your ping.
  21. It is a delight to see this still running. Absolute dedication!
  22. MattScott is neither fat nor a skeleton. He's perfectly thicc.
  23. Knowledge is power. Luckily, health cheats (god-mode) do not exist in APB. Pick a weapon that counters the one the Cheater is using and they'll die like anyone else.
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