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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. What point would that be, the delusion that banning Cheaters or keeping them banned would stop them? Are you not aware of the simple fact that Cheaters don't need any permanent account to do their thing? Let's be real. If you were amongst those that got falsely banned, would you agree to stay banned.... Be the sacrifice in order for throwabble cheat-accounts to stay banned? We both know your answer to that is no. Therefore, you're the hypocrite here.
  2. Cheaters will cheat anyway, primary accounts or not. They don't care about their accounts and nobody should either. The number of Cheaters in APB's population will remain the same regardless. Don't give them the false-pleasure of obsessing over their so precious accounts.
  3. I swear to God... If they introduce some invisibility-consumable that breaks upon using weapons (a.k.a cloaking from Crysis) just because of this thread...
  4. Unlikely for them to give up so soon. The engine was made to function in 64-bit not too long ago. Sure, money is money. Life is harsh and misfortunes can happen in a flash but it isn't like hosting APB is expensive. Can literally host it in thy home. I call BS but I wouldn't be surprised if it shuts down.
  5. So, you have basically reverted the MM without what made it kickstart districts sooner: unopposed missions? I am also intrigued as to why this test isn't performed on Live servers, considering they have already been destroyed by the currently-in-place prototype MM.
  6. The faction removal segment was pure copium. It would be another massive waste of Dev Time just to get bugs and no real progress on APB.
  7. Exactly. It should have never been pushed to Live before the district-phasing-copium is ready (it would still be a downgrade even with that, this isn't Apex Legends). But it appears they are hard-bent on making Live servers a lab-rat, even if it means testing things that are guaranteed to fail on the spot. 'They are right, Everyone else is wrong', lol...
  8. Shhh, they'll further screw over the Veterans while Cheaters remain unaffected.
  9. - Since exact ETAs can not be given, is there a best-case-scenario estimation of when would World Consolidation ship to Live? - Would LO do the right thing and roll back the current Match Making beta because... APB is not Apex Legends nor it should casually follow its footsteps of 3v3 matching priority? - When would LO buff weak weapons and vehicles that might as well not exist? - When would missions become more dynamic/random in objective locations?
  10. He's not exaaactly hiding. See, the Dev communicating on Discord was actually a blessing. It is the job of Community Managers to be more talkative. The Dev's job is to work on the game. Naturally, he's not supposed to be on the forums. Matt made his speech in the roadmap but of course, results aren't fully there yet for him to appear promptly. The Launcher being inaccurate surely sucks. Good thing it isn't critical but yes, definitely laziness, no excuses there. Best of luck with car lights. Can't say when they'll happen. The merge isn't supposed to be a traditional full merge. It will allow server travel but NA should be able to play strictly with NA. At least that was the proven plan as seen on that ancient Open Beta. Pray Phasing (cross-district matching) won't also mess that up.
  11. See, the sense of responsibility is indeed there. The Dev is fairly active on Discord and work is indeed happening. Problem is.... The efforts are done in the wrong places.
  12. The game's atmosphere and the way to join districts are better. No need to load multiple times above the clouds. But... APB was substantially better at losing players by consistently doing the opposite of players wanted over a full-decade. Prime examples include: - Disgusting Joker Mystery Box stunts by G1 prior to LO. - Wasting 2 years of development on a battle royale mode (RIOT) that the majority of the community didn't want. It had a reasonable grasp at the mode then finally outright killed it by making it again a copy&paste of all the existing issues in action districts (imagine buying your actual loadout and to also keep it after dying. That's no longer akin to battle royale, literally the worst execution of all existing battle royales today given APB's potential was present). - Janking the meta and loadout strategies through multiple nerfs and reverts that doesn't even change anything. - Slowing the game down through nerfs based on pure-distaste. - Partially reverting failed nerfs while keeping the jank (e.g HVR's damage magically depending on crosshair-size, effectively making it a sci-fi charge rifle) - Destroying and outright neglecting quite the number of throw-tier weapons. - Allowing configs to exist and players to outright remove smoke to immediately see through explosions even after the Engine Update is now out (which was the declared deadline prior). And the list goes on.. -------------------------- Don't get me wrong but while APB has nice things over GTA Online, the playerbases speak better. APB has killer problems that were not addressed for years and as previous attempts have shown, they will stay intact for another decade.
  13. That's a very small price to pay/grind compared to advancing levels in Weapon Roles. Some people would appreciate it.
  14. How much is the bounty on Matt?
  15. How unfortunate but EAC has a long history of doing things wrong (e.g: Colby .45 only requires 5 shots to kill, each having 0.2 seconds in between. It is very possible to get few perfect executions per a session of gameplay but EAC might not like it). As a person who doesn't like playing on multiple characters, I did rarely play with my friends against you on my low-ranking Eu character. It isn't just me watching your streams, I know first-hand, factually, that you don't really cheat. Haters that aren't good enough will hate but soon the reality will appear. Hang in there till then.
  16. LilyRain

    LTL Problems

    This seems to be directed at Baylan Shipping. Baylan Activities are designed to encourage changing weapons as one goes about them (more noticeable in the Gold Activities). When it comes to LTL, the activities only require stuns. This is fine as is. More importantly, if you are a die-hard LTL-enjoyer (welcome to perfection), LTL-loadouts that support killing very much exist. It is very possible to kill after a stun if the current activity demands a kill but there is no escaping the core-design: Having to swap some things from the loadout as activities demand. There is no way around Baylan. You must pick one path from these: 1- Swap as you play (gets activities done the fastest). 2- Press F5 to change activities (Not recommended: induces waiting for an applicable activity). 3- Go to social then return to Baylan (Skips the wait on point 2 but it is risky... If FightClub is full, you'll lose your spot)
  17. Thanks, that would be interesting if it was the case. Thanks for confirmation OP's list of changes. And I agree with your disagreement. You are showing that Fang with HS3 has drawbacks compared to IR3-Fang (which is true, HS3 is the lesser of both evils). Fang will surely not be the same at hip-firing, even worse because a mini-OBIR isn't really meant to be hipfired. I was arguing in favor for pure-RFP. RFP is ultimately losing Marksman Modifier because of HS3-Fang's existence. Players WHO OWN FANG (those who don't might as well not even bother) will have to make a choice on a non-meta-secondary between having slightly better hipfire or better accuracy down range, because it is a secondary and thus doesn't exactly allow attaching/removing modifications. It is just evident that while IR3-Fang shouldn't have existed, HS3-Fang shouldn't either despite being less bad overall. I Agree with the general sentiment but there is still high conservatism that trumps the expected benefits. If the Devs truly only have 5 hours a week, why make multiple iterations (the first being a revert with IR3→HS3 then nerfing the marksman modifier) when you can get a really good rough estimate the first time? Why would it be a problem if for example RFP was 5-7% as good as Colby .45 (whether better or worse, it is still about the same)? Like if RFP becomes substantially faster than Colby .45 or some guy thinks it is somehow worth trying to make RFP as fast as OCA/PMG then sure, that's insane (won't be as insane as that OCA ttk buff months ago, if that was fine to attempt, why this much hesitation on buffing needy weapons?). But neither of these are happening. In fact, the coming RFP is for a fact going to be weaker than the state it is being reverted to. It would be better to spend the 5 Dev-hour-time buffing some other needy weapons/vehicles or outright spending them on future game-features. Please be a BIT more brave when making changes. So far APB isn't really changing. Actually stats define everything. If OBIR didn't have its massive range (which is a stat) it would instantly become a mid-tier if not low-tier weapon. Being able to capitalize on cover is a property most if not all weapons can make use of because APB is a 3rd-person game, it doesn't count as a point for OBIR. In fact, that is why weapons like JG/CSG if close enough (or can get in a car/epinephrine to get close) are quite formidable. They can capitalize on cover but they don't really need cover. JG is CJ2-OCA speed while CSG is pure OCA speed, while not even having to track the target for the entire duration.
  18. But how? The marksmanship modifier is getting nerfed while the fire interval, burst interval, per shot modifier, shot modifier cap, recovery delay, recovery per second and run/walk modifiers remain untouched. How does that make RFP more accurate? Is some information ommitted/forgotten to be listed? But that's exactly the core concern. Making accuracy and bloom ultimately better adds a lot of usability and enjoyment. It just happens that such a thing is the core function of Hunting Sight, making Fang again substantially better to use compared to regular RFP. There is just no escaping the drawbacks of a prime Tier 3 Mod on this weapon. Either Fang is great and regular-RFP sucks, both suck (current Live iteration) or both broken above-meta weapons (won't happen with this much conservatism on changes). Why is LO specifically against placing a Tier 1 Mod or even a Fang-shaped Tagger on RFP-'Fang'? What are they hoping for, for people to fall into the trap of buying a sub-meta weapon? I know, 'don't tell us what to do' but the situation calls for it. LO should focus its income on their future-revampment of Premium as well as more cosmetics, etc. They should stop rigging the game to oversell weapons. A good game never involves gameplay into monetization. G1 did that, many other games failed at it, LO should move over from it. This doesn't even need testing. A 30 meters weapon that needs 1 full-second to kill at perfect execution doesn't have what it takes to be meta even if it is made Little-Orbital-Satellite-levels of beam accuracy. There are weapons that kill faster with reliable accuracy while also featuring substantially more range.
  19. Thank you for going through the hassle of recording some footage for this endeavor, much appreciated. I was hoping balancing efforts would attempt to make APB better in more ways than just to make it more functional (or revert it to functional again in RFP's case). RFP being reverted is unquestionably better than the current butchered 1.5 seconds ttk version 'just because Fang was pocket OBIR & it simply pisses me off, please nerf, thx'. But my concerns arise from Fang REMAINING vastly superior to RFP (which sucks for APB) and the fact that the current efforts clearly attempt at sanctioning its superiority. The predicament lies at the higher-edge-range as RFP is going to be a ~30 meters weapon, with a slightly less harsh damage falloff, supplemented with the reverted damage output (higher). Therefore, comparing RFP and RFP Fang when marksmanning at 13 meters unfortunately shows nothing, this range is quite easy for RFP and many other weapons. Please grab a fellow SPCT and have them be sacrificed, Dark Souls style. Compare the two weapons first at full-rate-of-fire at 25m, 30m, 35m, etc. Repeat without marksman, then compare both benchmarks to Colby .45 under the same conditions.
  20. Thanks for pushing out another balance-patch rather quickly but this one in particular isn't exactly an improvement: RFP's problem is that the 'Fang' variant was vastly superior to standard RFP. You have decided to go with the lesser-evil that is HS3 compared to IR3. However, not dealing with the actual problem (Tier 3 mod) will make it seem like you are squeezing the situation to further favor Fang with HS3 (when in reality you are trying to prevent HS3 Fang from becoming a literal laser). You have SUBSTANTIALLY DECREASED the benefit of marksmanship modifier, which naturally makes HS3-Fang less problematic but it also makes regular RFP suffer because of it. Fang now having better accuracy and increased health damage will help it retain some power over the further increased minimum damage range... This part appears to be deliberately in favor of HS3. It isn't like hipfiring RFP within 30 meters will compete with Colby .45 and yes, it is fair to bring Colby .45 to the discussion because that weapon was touched literally previously to this so it should've been considered/remembered here, more so to how closely related half of the stats on it to RFP: both weapons have the exact same accuracy of 20cm at 10m radius, the same shot modifier cap of 1.5, roughly the same per shot modifier but .45 actually recovers faster. Problem is that the walk modifier on RFP is HIGHER than .45.... literally the only point in favor of RFP is the fact that it has the potential to kill more than 1 target without reloading. Why not just... KILL the Tier 3 Mod and replace it with Hunting Sight ONE, then make the overall changes less harsh?
  21. By "enough" I meant the literal bare-minimum to differentiate Enforcers from Criminals. I didn't mean great or epic, which where your post comes in & I very much agree with. LTL is indeed underpowered more than necessary (those guys legit nerfed LTL and buffed OCA's ttk on the same patch) & so is the arrest-timer on Criminals. Some easy-tweaks can be made to make the overall experience better for both factions alike. Making arrested criminals respawn faster & LTL a bit stronger but still slower than other weapons in their respective categories, would solve most issues instantly. LTL-based missions? Or at least a bonus for winning particular missions with LTL? Sign me up. Damn, that's a neat idea actually. ---------------------------------------- You speak the truth. A lot of people are pushing for APB to become Team-Blue vs Team-Red, which is kinda bad on all fronts. What do they expect, for APB to compete with 5v5 shooters on the market? LO indeed wants to take in players from other communities but their efforts were in the wrong place. They tried going the BattleRoyale route with RIOT and battlepasses, totally falling on their faces.. Their best shot is to enhance what APB actually has, then push towards making APB more GTA-like (except good luck making PvE content atm. Can still have huge PvP-based heists or Enforcer-vs-Criminal warzones). The sheer amount of playerbase GTA has is outright insane it would be almost impossible to not capitalize on that. Even a small-fraction of GTA's playerbase is enough to quadruple APB's.
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