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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Thanks for relaying the situation, it is very understandable, no worries But similarly, I urge you to understand that some recent changes to the gameplay aspect defy all theoretical and practical logic & offer zero benefits to the game, a glaring example is Med Spray. Kindly revert Med Spray, thank you in advance for making the game better
  2. LO did announce on a patch note by SakeBee that they will in fact rebuff PIG slightly up to 750 Stamina Damage. They applied everything on the list but that. It seems the direction is to buff the strongest things that don't need to be buffed (e.g OCA & Med Spray) & nerf the weak weapons, LTL included. Welcome to the genius, incomplete transient-state of weapon balancing towards the yet-to-be-disclosed "baseline" that clearly doesn't exist & will never succeed.
  3. LO wasn't close to owning APB back in 2012, the Developers are different but you make valid points. Yes, the Engine Upgrade on its own won't save the game but it'll save the wills of those who do not wish to start over with a new character in another server. The integration of Global Merge is real and was verified in the series of open beta tests. Those who downloaded the client saw it. It should be up day 1 with the client update. Hopefully they pull some good game balancing by then or at least admit to their faults and revert some of the recent changes they've been doing 'just because they can'.
  4. "play" is the problem. OCA-meta was done before, player counts declined and was reverted. And now, history is repeating itself again. APB is a distance-loadout dominated game, which makes OCA 'Whisper' variant at the sweetest spot despite it being objectively the easiest weapon to use and subjectively the most boring. It works most of the time and where it doesn't, one can simply car-gameplay to get within range. Gentle reminder that this is effective since Nov. 25, 2020 (over half a year ago). Add to that the fact that most players are at max rank (many have multiple characters as well)... The game-balance is at a state where anyone who has something better to do (or simply another game where they have some progression to do) won't login to APB, period. Most people won't "play" when the game 75% literally plays itself out. They went too hard on the ideal 'every weapon must have its role and absolutely nothing else (also nerfed some weak weapons, funnily enough LTL included)' and this is the result. In any serious-mission, you choose a meta-loadout and once you do, you are only in control of your distance [and bloom in some weapons], the panic button that is the unnecessarily buffed Med Spray and simply enjoy the show. Moreover, players would abandon missions that are relatively long or severely unbalanced in offensive/defensive areas... There are simply too many gates of bother to deal with even Kempington (SPCT AND most viewed APB-streamer) quit. They made the game more bland & comical than it was and surprisingly they think it is okay to keep it like this with the excuse of 'working on New Engine' (which is currently declared that ONLY MattScott the C.E.O is solely working on it, so there are in fact free hands to work on balancing the game alongside SPCTs). Additionally, objectively speaking, game balance is as important as the New Engine (and even slightly more in some perspectives). Balancing is on a parallel line & must be visited, regardless of whether it happens before/after the client update. If LO was intelligent, it would increase game balance priority as there is no better time to do it than now, they're literally doing nothing but waiting on MattScott's progress (else, they'll do it after the new client goes live with marketing, then most people would be disappointed with the better-looking-but-still-bad state of the game). So while indeed it would be nice, your optimism is higher than your realism. You'd be lucky to play once or twice a week in NA's Fightclub or whatever because with the current mindsets, changes to make people "play" (or at least communicate a description of the new "baseline" of weapon balance) aren't foreseeable very soon.
  5. Globalization is integrated into the upcoming New Client.
  6. This is a Mobile Cover induced bug: https://streamable.com/fyrr2x What Happens Deploying Mobile Cover after deploying a tangible consumable will visually cause the consumable to disappear from the map, but in reality, the consumable attempts to go back to Player hands. The consumable going back to Player-hands fails because the player at the time is holding Mobile Cover. This overlapping causes the 'next-life consumable-weapon bug'. Ultimately, after respawning, the consumable will be held by the Player in an unheld-but-equipped state. Recommended Action for Devs Trace the Mobile Cover & Consumables code(s) and attempt to remove the line(s) that causes consumables to be returned upon deploying Mobile Cover. Temporary Measure for Players Simply press Left-Mouse-Button to release the Consumable (in the case of Satchel Charge, the Player must respawn immediately to be able to have Satchel Charge on the next life because it only lasts for 15 seconds. You can hear it chime and even explode in your belly if not released, fun stuff)
  7. APB is a shooter and for that, its ttk is rather a bit too high. It got worse through the series of nerfs the game went through all this time. Current-ttk is a glaring reason for all current and future issues. There is no way higher-ttk would ever work in APB and if you see a way, please share it. Because If anything, general-ttk should go down.
  8. LilyRain

    Paying off your threat

    In some sense, perhaps. Not practically however, because it isn't a barrier to be crossed. I mean why would Dethreaters pay when they have the option of simply doing their usual routine: ruining missions? It is very similar to bribing off Notoriety or reducing Prestige. Why bribe at a Contact or deliver evidence to a locker when the option of being a Scummy-teamkiller exists? LO took the easy-way-out by disabling the Heat System. Sadly, disabling Threat doesn't come with minor consequences.
  9. The person who replies after me has 0% respect for MattScott, LO's Devs & all Personnel involved in keeping the game alive.
  10. Gentle reminder that any person's chances of winning are substantially smaller than Med Spray getting the nerf it deserves
  11. I'll support your entire argument by mentioning that O-PGL's fuse delay is 5 seconds, not 4. Well said, it indeed doesn't need any nerfs.
  12. Kindly: - Revert Med-spray. - Increase OCA's ttk to 0.7 on ALL variants. - Reduce OCA Whisper's range to 23 meters or less. - Do the PIG-buff that wasn't applied. - Revert the FAR Charger nerf. Thanks, Not Matt
  13. Yes, PMG's range is definitely more appropriate atm than it was before. More so that it has 3 meters over OCA EW (20m vs 17m) and that its previous 35m range was identical to Carbine's. Even being at 30m kinda protrudes into carbine/OSCAR range. I'm just a bit concerned about OCA-Whisper overshadowing both most of the time with its staggering, built-in additional range of 10 meters over PMG's (Feels like it has Improved Rifling 4 with no downsides) AT the accuracy and ttk of OCA-EW. I wonder why the Whisper with its ttk and comparable accuracy to non-whisper-OCA (its accuracy is actually better due to better base at 10m and crouch modifier that is less than 1), was deemed fine at 30m rather than anything between 17-23 meters. Yep, it sure has the quick band-aid vibes behind it I hope so too. By delaying balancing till the new engine is ready (since making changes on it should be more seamless & easier), I hope they can achieve that level quickly because the time-pressure from marketing APB 2.1 won't let them have many casual-attempts at it.
  14. I was hinting towards the hateful LTL-nerf that they have failed to justify but you aren't wrong, meta-weapons indeed got nerfed & not in the right way - PMG's nerf ended up being too much (this is coming from someone who doesn't like the PMG) as it always was meant to be a slower but more range-rich than OCA. Evidently, whomever is approving changes decided to have OCA-whisper on a league of its own that completely breaks this ideal. PMG's range went down from 35 meters to 20 meters while giving OCA-Whisper a solid 30 meters. If the player plans on playing super-close, they can go with the non-Whisper variant as it can kill faster, otherwise Whisper is the more reliable choice. PMG is just dead. They didn't balance the game, they just made CQC-players switch from PMG to OCA. - HVR's accuracy-damage mechanic would fit in a sci-fi game, not in here. HVR isn't a charge-laser sniper.. I'd like to see what they will do when they revisit HVR (if they ever do). - NFAS wasn't exactly nerfed. LO removed the shotgun ray-scaling they added a while back. Ray-scaling was set to be too generous & ended up having NFAS be super powerful. The weapon itself wasn't changed. - N-tec's destiny is what decides the general balance of APB due to its versatility. If LO wants every weapon to be dangerous in its own right, they'd balance around the N-tec. But they currently seem to want APB be an expanded rock-paper-scissors (a prime reason why this game won't appeal to too many Players outside this population). So they'll nerf N-tec to achieve a loadout-emphasized game. Yeah, OBIR rewarded faster & more fluid gameplay but as always shown, LO seems to be heavily against quick switching. So they applied the flag that prevents switching during firing on Sept. 19, 2020. They might've made things better another way but they chose the lazy way. They do plan on revisiting all weapons, so let's see if they make things at least consistent and functional throughout.
  15. I couldn't agree more with this statement. Spot on.
  16. Beautiful argument but it is out of place, just like the execution of recent changes to APB. - The previous Med Spray was already the best consumable, simply because it only competes with epinephrine that takes twice as long to cooldown (45s vs 90s). - We already asked for buffs but the 'Experts' ended up buffing OCA and nerfing non-meta, amusing isn't it? --------------------------------------------- There is simply no amount of sugar-coating nor beautifully-written dialogues that excuse out of place, sub-elementary execution.
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