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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. That wouldn't be a problem, since the game already has a faction-checker that can be used to deny Criminals equipping the LTL weapons they acquired. The best example is the F-Series SJ equipment, which is only obtainable by Criminals. But the check allows Enforcers to use them when bought from the marketplace. Say, the CCG doesn't allow Criminals to officially equip it (they can only use it if it drops from an Enforcer when weapon-drops-from-the-dead are enabled). You did well mentioning this. The checker is already proper for the CCG and TG-8. LO should adjust it for NL9 and O-PGL CD if they indeed choose to proceed with making faction-swapping on the same character a reality.
  2. So... the Haxors haxed these accounts to speedhax while listening to good music? ♪ ♫ #Worth --------------------- Thanks for the heads up
  3. The Admin will win, since it is standard procedure for them to say so when closing a thread
  4. Not exactly, but my stomach wouldn't mind seeing cheese followed by blue-berry
  5. While it is important to know & acknowledge the ups and downs of a single load-out item such as Clotting_Agent or Kevlar, the entirety of the load-out can matter more. Back in August, the med-spray consumable was changed to heal TWICE as fast as it used to. While this change is debatable, that is a different discussion. You should know how utilize it in your favour for the time being. Yes, this change made clotting agent exceptionally more useful when paired with med-spray (which is the questionable part), but you must also remember that other green mods already benefited greatly from med-spray before that change and this is where the good part for you is situated. While I do not recommend Players to use Kevlar unless their load-out complements it and they REALLY know when to advance/hold (or car-gameplay), you'd be surprised how good med-spray + Kevlar can be in good hands that properly utilize cover. Just be mindful that every med-spray activation equals $400 (or 4 car spawns, 4 rockets, or any other measure), so you won't be making $APB as easily when playing this way if that's one of your goals.
  6. I quit ketchup for years now, there are way more delicious options out there
  7. You'll need more than that assumption to win this thread.
  8. Wait till you know what I did to the last one I had..
  9. The 2nd Corona-wave will destroy the World's economy.
  10. Kindly quote where I said make LTLs as powerful as lethal weapons, you can't and won't.
  11. I have already said this before in a parallel LTL-thread and I'll say it again Less than Lethal doesn't mean more time to neutralize targets, more time to equip nor does it mean inaccuracy-nonsense like the TG-8's. I'd like you to get tazed in real-life then walk away from it like it was nothing then speak about what "should" and shouldn't be. The only thing that is faster than a Tazer is a shot to the head (which don't exist in APB, but half-bricks and other things do that in its place). ---------------------------------------------------------------- And speaking of "thinking", whatever you are thinking will never be right when your numbers are wrong or outright refraining from referring to weapon-stats. It truly is that simple. Perhaps your lack of knowledge in weapon stats is the reason why you were arrested so much and developed LTL-phobia.
  12. I wouldn't call the fastest primary LTL (CCG) requiring 1.05 seconds to stun against a 0.6s to kill OCA "at a perfect place" and most people won't either. It is time to use numbers before making further conclusive-comments.
  13. That situation is another reason why LO should've nerfed percs rather than the PIG. Not only PIG+perc remains the same, but hiding behind cover easily allows for the 2nd perc to be thrown, completely negating the stamina-nerf on the PIG. Most of the time the 2nd perc won't be needed, but it is still an option that increases the margin of error, making the cheese even more cheesy. LTL was KINDA okay against OCA if the Enforcer was skilled (new players won't know how to make it work), now it is borderline out of reach with OCA's unnecessary buff. Up to 0.6 seconds time-to-kill is just insane. The rewards don't cut it either, considering the OCA will win most of the time.. and re-arresting freed-players that didn't die or respawn gives nothing. No score, no nothing. The current weapon balance changes are incomplete. LO must either roll them back or further compensate elsewhere by buffing LTL as a whole (and percs would still deserve a nerf then). We are experienced. We played APB for years, therefore it was second-nature to us. The current state is just rage-driven and further nerfs what was massively-nerfed years ago. This is not the way. But it is okay for LO to roll-back the OCA-nerfs that were deemed too much and rolled back? Why was RSA heavily nerfed too? The patch makes zero sense & the news page that explains the changes shows incompetence when it comes to weapon balancing.
  14. Right on the mark. High-tier players never complain about LTL. Let us be real, those tactics are much more demanding than OCA and ATAC.
  15. Yeah, it is very clear who is "butthurt" Get your facts straight next time before thinking you can contribute to balancing the game. Half-bricks don't need to travel far, not by a long shot.... They are NOT an 8-ball reskin like a lot of people seem to believe. They are fundamentally different. It amuses me that you don't know this since the most popular APB-streamer, Kempington, kills 3 opponents in his stream-intro with half-bricks. You see this EVERY time he goes live.. Is this difficult to verify? Might wanna refrain from using your current terminologies in the forums ("smooth brain") and actually see things for yourself. But then again, we both know that you are well-aware that you have no facts to back yourself up with. For your information: Anyone who called the old-PIG "overpowered" instantly became a meme. Refrain from doing so in the future, for your own sake.
  16. "Brick" is a car modification... "Half-bricks" are the ones to be thrown, learn the difference. And no.. the one that needs to "travel a long distance" is the 8-ball. Half-bricks don't need to travel far at all. I am not upset at all, you simply did not read anything in this thread.. Our stance is to have percussion grenades nerfed, not the PIG. That was the right thing to do and would've actually naturally fixed PIG+perc (plus other cheesy combinations such as perc+aces and perc+OCA). The current change failed to nerf PIG+perc, it nerfed LTL but not the cheesy combo that actually should go away. And the PIG was not "overpowered".
  17. It still doesn't "change" what you have said.. You said the PIG is a gimmick, which is not.. it is a tazer.. this is its job I laughed in half-bricks, which are the REAL gimmick.. They aren't a secondary nor a primary either. They CAN KILL with 1 throw, something PIG never did. Don't downplay the role of the PIG as a "gimmick" when clearly more out-of-place gimmicks exist. Merged. He is trolling in a new-account to see APB decline further. Just a bunch of people who don't want to see this game be a fraction better
  18. So you were saying PIG 1 shots, but now you are saying it requires percs.. okay Don't keep bouncing back and forth please.
  19. Laughs in Half-Bricks... And no, PIG didn't stun in 1 shot. A "tazer" is also not a gimmick.. that is what it does..
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