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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. I am disappointed in this thread
  2. Is there even a single mission in this game that lasts up to an hour or more?
  3. Sure, keeping the APB IP would've been nice but.. that would mean shutting the game down, Servers and Staff cost money.
  4. So it doesn't impact you or anyone in the slightest as APB 2 will never come to be anyways.
  5. Rights to the game were not sold, only the APB brand was:
  6. Looking great so far Can't wait to see LO fix this unnecessary aspect of the game as well #MissionImpossibleIsOnlyTheBeginning
  7. Fair, but that won't overshadow the reduction in outward explosive-pressure from the extra armor on the vehicle. If anything, the armor on Pioneer would dampen the explosion, therefore it should actually deal less damage than non-armored vehicles.
  8. Completely irrelevant, but teamplay always triumphs, regardless of how the game is in 1v1 scenarios. And it isn't "evasion" when flak lets you survive with literally 1 HP while sacrificing a lot in return.. Valzipram however (which for whatever reason is being compared to green mods) is the one that lets players "evade" a good hit.
  9. You are still forgetting a lot of factors.. By using flak jacket, the player gives up a grenade as well as the health regeneration of not equipping Clotting Agent, which sadly the game revolves around & mostly gets balanced around. There is a lot to give up here just to walk away from explosions with a tiny bit of health that can be taken away by anything in the game. What do players give up from not using Valziprams however? Either Happy Landings, Car Surfer or Hard Landings since that's all the blue character modifications in the game... I am sorry, but telling me that "it's not very used" is a flat out lie... press tab to check what mods players equip more often.. Happy Landings, Car Surfer and Hard Landings are well-considered to be far from competitive.. What is the drawback from using Valziprams then? Virtually NOTHING. Not only those tanks have stronger explosions but also a bigger radius, which gets amplified by explosives 3, which more people will use now because their beloved high-burn-fuel is getting a nerf. It is also statistically impossible to run away from a well-placed brick-remote-det on these tanks with explosives 3.. P.S reply: Big cars having bigger explosions is not logical because gas tanks are gas tanks. They're still consumer-sized vehicles.
  10. This comparison goes deeper With flak jacket, one would be 1 step away from death, whereas one can walk UNSCRATCHED with Valziprams when they function. Even with flak jacket protecting against all explosions, Valzipram is still more illogical and busted. Plus, tanks such as the Pioneer should never have had those busted stats to begin with.. I don't see why won't we bring things to where they should've been, flak included Slightly irrelevant but honest opinion: Amongst all R195 mods, Valzipram makes the least if not no logic at all... While it is one of the best blue mods to use, it makes APB look stupid. This mod should never have existed. I'd even argue that Spotter makes more sense despite its exaggerated-benefit of real-time-tracking & that it is my most hated R195 mod. There is no merit in a straight-forward comparison of different-colour-mods that are not the same in nature
  11. A triangle has 3 corners, this triangle's 3rd corner is APB's exaggerated Emphasis on Loadouts The general attitude towards weapon balance is: - The gap between weapons should stay as large as it currently is.. - Don't kill my clutch, which I main because of the current-state-of-balance and use to pretend that I have skill.. (a.k.a don't force me to discover the next cheapest-meta to transition into, let me continue to feast on my laziness and low-effort) While I do agree that weapon types should have some edge over others at certain ranges, this gap is too large to let skill shine.. (RNG obviously adds to this). APB is currently a game of load outs as much as it is of skill and evidently more. Unless the gaps between weapons is brought closer (something similar to this upcoming maintenance's vehicle changes), you will not see any more emphasis on skill.
  12. Half the vehicles in this game come with explosion-stats on the left, and some others (for whatever reason) have the stats on the right.. which sadly include the Pioneer and Espacio. It is very clear that a Pioneer/Espacio exploding will result in death EVEN with the mighty Flak Jacket equipped, add to that their heightened explosion range and you get an obvious new meta: Ditch High-Burn-Fuel, slap in Explosives 3.. Kindly consider changing these stats as well for the patch as combining these with remote-detonator is comically busted & will render your changes 40% useless. Changing these numbers won't take time, ninja them in with the patch pls
  13. People's complaints/feedback belong to one of the following: - Genuine, objective complaints about weapons that need to change for the overall betterment of the game. - Selfish complaints that try to steer weapon balance into personal preference, even if it screws the game over. - Trollish complains that try to steer weapon balance towards making busted weapons even more busted, just to see the game fail. ---------------------------------------- Regardless of the source of complaints, the problem is that from LO's perspective, those people obviously have conflicting facts and opinions about weapon balance, so there would naturally be nothing concrete to publicly document on the forums with satisfactory level of detail... The best you can ever get right now is LO saying: Players wish to see Ursus get nerfed, Harbinger buffed, and more.. your feedback matters to us and we shall revisit weapon balancing after the Engine Upgrade goes live.
  14. LilyRain

    Clan system overhaul

    "change honk to clan theme", although just an example, I both LOVE and HATE this - I love it because it can add to the atmosphere when playing, sounds like fun with the right people. - I hate it because the thought of trolls who use constant-beep (ear-r♠pe) themes.. can just honk ear-killing noises both when playing and griefing.
  15. Of course, they are a PMG-reskin. A lot of people are fond of weapons/tools that yield results without effort. Not just in APB but everywhere. It is just a fact of life. To make things more practical, however. The CBMP weapon-model can be repurposed if a good plan comes around (and you may be the person to come up with it) *Fast-forward to the future* »»»» LO opened another weapon-balance-thread and they are finally convinced that the PMG in its current-form is bad for the game.. LO is reading through the thread to get ideas that could put the weapon back in line without completely resorting to remove it. LO looks at a comprehensive, well-polished comment from Hexerin and decides to implement it... Your objective: reply with that comment
  16. You are under arrest for ♥♣♦♠ing with Police property!
  17. Remove PMG *Genuinely interested in seeing Plebs react to that*
  18. I'd delete artificial-weapon-spread so that player-skill when it comes to aim matters a bit more like it does in any half-decent shooter. There is currently too much emphasis on loadouts & letting loadouts play the game for people got too old.
  19. For tracking, the Raptor-series are nice practice. Their accuracy with Hunting Sight 3 is reliable to about ~40 meters. 7 shots to kill, but their ttk is 0.75 seconds (as fast as starter STAR, a bit behind N-tec and PMG). Missing only 1 shot however.. ups the ttk to 0.875 seconds, which is slower than the OSCAR that you are already familiar with (OSCAR kills in 0.825 seconds at perfect execution). With the Raptor-series, your tracking WILL be rewarded if on point & winning battles with it despite it being 0.05 seconds slower than average signifies that your tracking and engagements were on-point, but also punishes less-than-perfect tracking quite noticeably. They are a good place to start.
  20. You have made the first-step towards greatness Arresting is the definitive, effort-indulged way to play APB #LTLMasterRace ------------------------------------------------------------ If you aren't in the master-faction though, it would help to know if you are better at tracking or making integer semi-auto shots, but the Carbine for instance requires a bit more effort for most people without being a death sentence. It helps train and sustain both timing and aim under the psychological pressure of battle. It also fairly requires not being too far from the target, so it also helps with proper distancing. Getting good with that weapon develops the ability of tapping into the calm-state that helps increase consistency, which means messing-up less in general. I'm not saying it is the best weapon to practice with, but it has a fair bit of benefits (exception being accuracy bloom control the N-tec requires for example).
  21. - Where did I say VAS C2 is best used from the hip? It can be inferred that my highest recommendation to invest in out of the three weapons was the Trouble Maker, which comes with Hunting Sight 3.. I don't see why you have made such an assumption.. - I won't advise getting the OCA-626 'Whisper' PR1 simply because it is a bad investment. It is an OCA with only 1 mod that can not be changed. PR1's mod only offers a reduction in recoil, which isn't even a problem in the OCA to begin with (recoil != accuracy in APB), plus a 10% reduction in damage against vehicles, which arguably makes the mod more of a downside in some cases. PR1's mod is currently meaningless. Leasing a 1-slot OCA can be much more useful and to make things more practical, OCA is completely overshadowed by the PMG, which most players run around with these days.. To further put things into perspective, the PR2 BARELY matches stock-PMG's accuracy, while having everything else equal (ttk, run, sprint, jump modifier, etc). Obviously even the PR2 is at a disadvantage against every day APB-PMGers let alone the PR1.. Wait till modded-PMG gets added to the equation. I would recommend any of the 2 VAS options over the PR1 any day as they have more of a meaningful existence. Anyone who guides players towards the PR1 in the current state of balance is a Criminal.
  22. ---------------- VAS C2 Entente ---------------- This weapon has the potential to guarantee victories up close. It kills almost as fast as the nfas. JGs and PMGs won't stand a chance against you in a hug-distance fight. Its Extended Magazine 3 is a double edged sword however.. It gives a magazine capacity of 41 rounds. Since the weapon requires 7 shots to kill, that's enough to kill 5 players comfortably without reloading once (5.85, but rounding always goes down in this case). You have the potential to wipe an entire team, but its horrible reload time of 3.84 seconds can also guarantee your death if you don't have a reliable cover or secondary ready. The weapon is also sub-par at longer ranges, so you should only use it when going for generally close fights. To visualize, when marksmanned at full-fire, the Entente is 7% more accurate than a stock-STAR at full fire OUTSIDE marksman, this can help you decide if its accuracy is good enough for your current mission area or if you'll like to have the weapon in your collection. ----------------------- VAS C2 Trouble Maker ----------------------- Think of this as an Entente that is better at slightly longer ranges than pre-hugging distance. It is 20% more accurate than a marksman-aimed stock-STAR at full-fire. It still kills at a respectable 0.63 seconds and isn't pulled down by Extended Mag 3's reload time. In most situations (or if you don't change weapons often), this variant is more reliable than the Entente. ------------------------ OCA-626 'Whisper' PR1 ------------------------ Don't consider this. It equips just as fast as the Trouble Maker, kills incredibly slower and is far less accurate. Easily the worst option out of the three as it has nothing going for it nor a strong point to be incorporated in any meaningful play-style.
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