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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Omg, you are a genius! Having the system kick the player for suicide is the ultimate method! Mhmm, mhmm!! It would also help to know internally how many times you were reported for de-threating and/or refusing to play missions......... You are probably a major Contributor as to why LO is yet to catch up with reports and tickets.. Get the ♥♣♦♠ outta here with your "inferior" nonsense.
  2. Disabling /abandonmission won't stop high-rank picky players from leaving missions as there are no real penalties to shutting APB down and restarting it. Moreover, this will become even easier and faster once the new engine hits as it loads faster. It is also important to note the mission title before judging as a lot of players /abandonmission because they don't like the mission itself or its last stage (e.g the somewhat lengthy Creme De La Crime or missions that end with VIP). Those people play with configs that modify mission descriptions. The descriptions either tell them to /abandonmission or what the last stage is going to be (you can easily find streamers with such configs on Twitch). Think of it as a cheat-paper on a test. I am not denying that high-rankers /abandonmission because they want to win, but don't let it get to you because not every /abandonmission you see is like that.
  3. State your server+nickname and I'll happily change that. #LTLMasterRace The most recent tournament announcement on the forums is this, which appears to be a fat joke: There are no APB tournaments currently going on Twitch or YouTube, so a reference would be appreciated as that tournament could be nothing more than a non-official tournament between a small group of people. Even if otherwise, my point stands. Tournaments in APB do not differ from the game itself. They are either regular missions or snubnose competitions like WitchQueen's tournament. They are nothing but a matter of who misses less. There aren't much tactics involved in APB.
  4. That is one interesting conclusion from the player who doesn't even arrest.... It is very possible when they are struggling in 1v1 against capable LTL-mains. There is not much to read in APB when you can just spotter-mod or tag the opposition, literally see their movement in real-time behind walls and time grenades or push accordingly... Spawn points are very predictable.. car-spawner has a cooldown restriction before it can be used again and it also shows on the map.. enemies driving vehicles also show on the map.. EVERYTHING in this game is given to you on a plate. There really isn't much to read regarding tactics in this game. It is simply rock-paper-scissors. Don't compare this game to other tournament games.. It has been well established before that APB is not E-Sport ready.
  5. "you're stupid if you think that" disabling heat-5 in missions will make 2v2 VIP missions balanced.. You may be more stupid because I told you a million times that spotter-mod exists.. Specifically for you and players like you, the outcome of your example WILL NOT CHANGE. And that's why you won't excel.. Your emphasis on your supportive-gameplay is too massive when APB is NOT that much of a tactical shooter. APB is arcadey and more aggressive tactics are the meta. If you really care about winning missions then be more aggressive and equip yourself for that purpose.
  6. That's perfectly fair, but objectives require killing/arresting. Players will not win missions if they don't out-farm their opposition. Even the strategy of running at last stage requires some killing, else the player won't even make it to that last stage. So if you need to win missions (which is intriguing since you don't need cash or roles, so you should be R255 already), you actually need to start farming people. All what I am saying is that things that are more unfair as well as more common than heat-5 exist. Not in "some" but in much more situations. Disabling heat-5 in missions will only make APB 2% more fair at best in exchange for making it twice as unfair for some players as well.
  7. Since you said "p5" instead of heat-5, it is safe to assume you are an Enforcer, perfect. I'll say the same thing to you, try arresting.. Moreover, that is from 1 opponent as well. Even with +20$, they'll stack overtime the more you play. Wonderful but balancing isn't about us who played long enough to be self-sufficient. We shouldn't modify the game in such a way that makes progression slower for newcomers. In what parallel universe does your under-performance has anything to do with getting more action? This is a team-driven game.. If your team can't hold off till you respawn (or at the very least wait to push together with you in your next life), you guys were meant to lose anyways.
  8. Cash, faster role progression and actually less dead-time and more of playing the game.
  9. Name and Shame removed. - Azukii In case you haven't noticed, it is very easy for mission districts to get filled so APB is NOT "borderline dead"... Even Jericho's Financial is pretty much filled at the time of this post and it isn't even that server's prime time of day. You are the one who's lost because you simply DO NOT READ. Your own frustration is not a justification nor is objectively valid.. "Almost 10 years with 5000+ hours" apparently weren't enough for you to know that you can map a button to INSTANTLY look behind you, nor to even check your surroundings.. How do you not care about your exposure especially when you are at heat-5 status?! Most missions happen on and in buildings, behind walls or indoors so your example is awfully specific and hurts those who just stand in the streets but I guess that is how the bronze-district is anyways.. Once you graduate from that place and play against real premades, you'll see how they are well covered. Cover is so powerful in this game to the point where pushing corners with grenades is essential most of the time. It is very feasible to maintain heat-5 status for quite some time if you play the game properly. Your "almost 10 years" of experience should make this fairly easy, but you clearly didn't learn much. To make matters worse, some "people who play the game" also have their high-burn-fuel vehicles ready to protect them.. Car-gameplay is famous for being effective and is considered scummy. This is one of the reasons why we are getting EMP grenades with the upcoming contacts.. Getting shot in the back is your mistake and you should check all directions. Not only in APB but in any game. Good players never took this game seriously not because of the prestige system, but because the game in its entirety is "random crap". APB is currently rock-paper-scissors with huge emphasis on loadouts. Competitive players are made equal to bronze-district scrubs in terms of accuracy on a lot of weapons, notably SMGs.. There is no real recoil-control in this game.. just rng based on distance.. APB will never be fair nor competitive so long this fact stands. So tackle this first before trying to throw your "random crap" suggestions on other, non-problematic features of the game in the name of "good players". Do you really think suppressing prestige in missions would spark those "guaranteed" people to come back when it is awfully inferior to other existing sources of information? Once you play in the real-world, you'll see that "people who play the game" always run around with spotter-mod, which lets them see you VISUALLY EVEN BEHIND WALLS.. That completely renders your star on the map inferior and not needed for them to track you... Fine, we won't have a random player from an adjacent mission spawn 10 meters behind you and kill you, no problem... I didn't say "you are going to die anyways" just to piss you off but because it is the bald-truth. Suppressing heat-5 in missions changes nothing towards your frustration since YOUR OWN OPPOSITION WILL get a lovely spawn and just do the same because the root-cause lies there. It is the spawn-system that is broken here. The addition of the car-spawner mod changed things a bit years ago but spawning is still "random crap". Even LO itself promised to fix spawns in RIOT and couldn't, alternatively they increased the hazmat-suit time after spawning. The Firework launcher also exists amongst other things. I guarantee you, this change will not change what you are inside, someone who gets frustrated left and right in PvP games for dying, just like a good percentage of this community.. "5000+ hours" and you are yet to adjust for a system that has always existed.. You'll die regardless and you'll dish out your frustration on something else soon enough other than being heat-5. And what a way to run from a simple challenge when you actually have the best advantage there is, latency.. Your just like the others, they run around in circles when I ask them to prove their 'decency' by wielding Less Than Lethal weapons.. You didn't even try to show something average.. Just like the rest, you probably weren't destined for greatness.. #LTLMasterRace I have never mentioned the Engine Upgrade in this thread but I will play along. Yes, the Engine on its own won't change much. Refreshing new look, same old "random crap". Things indeed must change and that is unquestionable.. but what needs to be changed are root-causes, not what is immediately observable by players due to frustration. The level cap has been R255 for years.. there isn't much to work for other than self-enjoyment or chrome-skins that barely anyone would use. Players will naturally play other games till there are real expansions and things to work for in APB. Yes, we must make changes, but the prestige-system is not even close to being at the top of the chain for things that needs to be altered. All this does is mid-advertise the game and make people concerned even more about LO's priorities. The system is fine, spend your time thinking about other, already broken things that intersect with it such as the spawn system, because that "random crap" amongst other things MUST be visited anyways for this game to be 'fair'. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- lol, you did not state a single argument point in this thread.. neither valid nor flawed yet you speak as if you have brought something worthy of discussion to the thread.. I must give you some credit though, for "jellyfish don't have a brain or central nervous system, they do have a very basic set of nerves at the base of their tentacles". Your trolly-existence in the forums matches your avatar pretty well. At least you had that polished. Next time, try to see what is in the blue box and what was actually said in the thread before leaving your water. Can't wait to see you re-express your inability to read and discuss things objectively soon™ Adios, Troll. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Indeed, PvP should be made fair but being heat-5 is not a wallhack, spotter-mod is. That mod not being prioritised first is epicly concerning. It has every reason to go away in comparison to getting heat-5 in missions. At least the heat-system has its positives. Good players get rewarded by being heat-5, not punished. Why should good players be punished with less rewards for continued excellence? Why should imbalanced matches not receive a negligible 3% chance of external, few-seconds aid to help balance out the broken matchmaking? Why not simply remove the star-tracker on the map? Heat-5 actually reduces matchmaking imbalances. Furthermore, the game is full of other unfair mechanics that will guarantee the same frustration because they already override the negatives of heat-5. Whether by a player on an adjacent mission or not, being able to see someone in a mini-map is inferior to being able to see them behind walls or even getting grieved by players not in the mission. This change won't accomplish much.
  10. It is since the current, hopefully temporary 'change' according to Selali effectively reflects the 28%.
  11. I am sorry, but you guys are completely wrong..
  12. Precisely, LO didn't play the game enough and neither did you. Perhaps leave features that makes APB unique from other games out there untouched till the Dev-team is actually task-free & comes up with REAL plan(s) to improve upon said features in a timely, non half-@$$ed manner rather than just switch them off. Hell, half-@$$ed fixes for this one would be a million times better. Shutting down features with the false-promise of revisiting them months upon months later is nonsense since when the time comes, the abscence of said features would become the new norm. APB will lose its identity and will become a copy-paste of other 4x4 or 5x5 PvP games this way.. Fans of such team-confined gameplay should just play other games. San Paro is a city where mass chaos between Enforcers and Criminals is forever ongoing and SHOULD stay that way. Don't make APB even more of a false-advertisement than it already is (Yes, this is true. Look under "Key Features" at APB's store page on Steam as well as https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/). It is sad to see sudden approvals of changes that don't keep into consideration what APB actually is nor what it is advertised as. 'omg, I am gonna cry to mommy and all my friends because I died just 1 more time "almost every mission" in a PvP game where dying happens to be part of the game' is NOT a sound justification to pull the plug on a feature that actually allows people to KEEP THE PVP FLOWING. Especially when the game itself has no leaderboards for missions that publicly shows mission win-2-loss ratio. With all due respect, any player who complains about being heat-5 is nothing but a crybaby loser. If you don't like to die, don't play. You are going to die anyways, whether with heat-5 status or without it. "Any decent player" doesn't get triggered when called an nfas-child, actually can get Heat-5 multiple times in a mission and more importantly accepts and rises up to the added challenge of heat-5. Try Less Than Lethal weapons for once in your life and you will understand exactly how quickly heat-5 can be obtained in this game (you would've understood had you actually read what was discussed before, but oh well). I personally challenge you and any poster who speaks about 'decency' to demonstrate how good they are with underpowered weapons, fragile and 270 ms latency. Post those juicy scoreboards the game doesn't record that proves feats you can pull with all of these handicaps combined before you speak of decency or @ing me saying "you don't know how to play the game". #LTLMasterRace If you also actually read what was discussed in this thread, you would've spoken for yourself. "almost everyone involved" is a false claim as a lot of players actually find getting heat-5 pretty essential to the identity of this game and actually would rather it stay. Even this very thread speaks for itself. 12 different posters on this thread are unsupportive of this change and few of them asked about different ways of doing this while only mere 5 in comparison are happy about this sudden change... Shutting down a feature that makes APB APB without even holding an official poll is unquestionably a mistake, especially when it is advertised as a major feature next to its customization. Careless changes to APB that stem from players who rage in a PvP game that doesn't even care about winning/losing should NOT take place in this manner.
  13. When taking what makes a criminal/enforcer into account, it makes sense. Enforcers are provoking Criminals but at the same time should be doing good deeds to the city. Killing Criminals is something positive, but arresting them is the better deal. Arresting about 6 criminals at heat-4 is enough to reach heat-5. Additionally, joining the district fresh (heat-2.5) and arresting a heat-5 Criminal would instantly make the Enforcer heat-5 (something I personally like and gives decent cash). By doing what an Enforcer should be doing (arresting), Enforcers are in fact much faster than Criminals at reaching Heat-5. An Enforcer shouldn't actively seek losing prestige. If LO removes the map-tracker and confines heat-5 players to their missions, there would be no need to further pursue prestige-loss by those who don't like being P5. Indeed, confining heat-5 players to their missions would be a good place to start. It mitigates LO having to think about how much faster/slower prestige should be gained for both factions then pushing that to a test district. We know that the latter won't begin nor end any time soon. Having heat reset at the end of every mission is an okay idea but I see it bringing in undesirable, biased-effects to those who like to be heat-5. Why would a player who played well and just got heat-5 at the end of the mission not be allowed to carry that over to the next mission? Why render bribing contacts by criminals a dead feature? etc. The point is to make APB feel more alive, not dull. That is exactly what I wish to see, but only in the form of heat-6. Simply because heat-5 is easy to obtain and will be somewhat even easier to keep once players are confined to their own missions. There is barely anything remarkable that qualifies heat-5 at that point for more rewards. (And I will personally not support any NFAS-child to get easy cash for using a busted, no-skill oriented weapon. Let them earn cash with real-skill..... #LTLMasterRace).
  14. This is exactly why feedback that originates from frustration should not be unquestionably implemented. The bounty system is a once-in-a-blue-moon rewarding feature for continued sustained excellence (e.g arresting NFAS children). Instead of completely disabling it (killing several identities of the game and players alike) to an unknown length of time that we all know is going to be eternal, all it needs are 2 already feasible minor tweaks to make it fair for everyone: 1 » Remove the indicator on the mini and large maps that tracks Heat-5 players in real time. You B@$t@rd$ are disabling heat-5 but not spotter-mod, okay... 2 » Disable inner-2-outsider interference: Players whom are not already engaged in the mission where the Heat-5 player is currently playing should not be able to engage and vice versa as Heat-5 is fairly easy to obtain. They say you can't please everyone but that is all there is to it. Those who can maintain Heat-5 for some time will reap its benefits and self-satisfaction as it is now something personal. Those who want the system gone will not unfairly die once in a mission because of it. These two changes will fairly take as much time as disabling the system as a whole. There is no excuse to not doing as such. ------------------------------------------ - bonus - ------------------------------------------ The community already expressed what it wants. They don't hate the heat-5 system in itself, they hate the fact that its somewhat high-frequency interferes with ongoing missions. The extra development time to make this system better was already done before. What needs to be done is putting some pieces together. Of course, the real-time map tracker should be gone for good. It is one of the main reasons why those who dislike the bounty-system are voting for its removal. Even some of those who like the bonus features don't like this tracker. What may be altered is inner-2-outsider interference. I propose that inner-2-outsider interference to be enabled once the Heat-bar is maxed at heat-5 as if the player obtained heat level 6 (which isn't functional at this point). This is already almost remotely impossible to achieve as players are bound to die and go all the way back to heat-4 during the mission itself. Those who object at this point are nothing but crybaby kids... But in the once-in-a-week rare-occasion someone does reach heat-6, simply make their block in the map flash in yellow in a similar fashion to how activated RIOT-devices would. Just salvage that part of the code and hook it to heat-6 players instead of RIOT-devices and make heat-6 actually rewarding in cash and standing. This will ensure that: 1 » Development time in RIOT didn't go to total waste (according to MattScott, RIOT existed to train LO Devs. Let us appreciate what they have already learned and done in a prosperous way). 2 » It will actually make those waiting for a mission and interested hunt in the last known region of the bounty rather than it being given to them so easily on the map. 3 » It will preserve identities and a feature of the game that make it indeed open-world and alive. Making heat-6 alive in this way might actually make top-players actively pursue getting heat-6 for its glory instead of hating on dying because of the current cheap-implementation of heat-5. Heat-5 will no longer mean anything on the big picture. It will simply be a harmless-barrier that only few will be able to rarely overcome to reach heat-6, which won't even destroy their missions nor last either.
  15. Every mod in this game has a downside called color-code. By using a mod that has no immediate negatives, a player will still miss out on opportunities where certain-advantage of another mod of the same color could've been taken. Therefore, As long as a mod is not severely abusable, it doesn't need to have immediate negatives. What makes or breaks a mod is how practical and competitive it is against other mods under the umbrella of core-game values. Even if some mods were adjusted now, some core-gameplay values are still busted. For example, since fast-fix-chassis was mentioned, even without immediate negatives no one is going to miss fast fix chassis if it happens to be patched out of the game overnight. Simply because the repair-rate of ga5 stations is insane. It is very feasable for a scummy-runaway last-stage vehicle to just drive through ga5 stations to win. Additionally, the out-of-this-world blowtorches exist. Also usable from a passenger-window, 1 blowtorch can turn tides in a mission. Combine that with the possibility that a coordinated-team can have more than 1 blowtorcher.. At this point, fast-fix-chassis has no reason to exist in the game. Not only at the competitive-level but also at the mediocre level. Even without immediate-negatives, it is simply outclassed by everything and that by itself speaks of the half-@$$ed work that was done on this game... If for instance, the repair-rates on ga5 stations and blowtorches were nerfed to something like the hack-rate of a satellite-dish, then fast-fix-chassis would become more attractive and we will see more people use it as it would be the equivalent of the netbook character-equipment. At THAT point and only that point, if fast-fix-chassis appears to be game-breaking then giving it an immediate-negative should be sought after.
  16. The FBW requires exactly 1 full second to kill at perfect execution. With the assumption an opponent is macroing with an FBW, there are numerous weapons that can kill much faster than that. I personally arrest FBW-only players, 1 second is plentiful. #LTLMasterRace
  17. Baylan activities would become more fair if they get updated to reward by contribution rather than occasionally stealing kills. I said "updated" because the code was already implemented in epidemic as seen here, all what needs to be done is to repurpose it in Baylan: So for example, instead of having to kill 10 players (silver-tier activities), dealing 10,000 damage should clear the activity. The quicker option would be to reward players by cash like in Asylum, but that would take away Baylan's twist of requiring variety in gameplay, so I'd rather they don't do that instead when the option above exists.
  18. Real Bronzes are in fact busy staring at the city and scanning in-game scenery. They won't even come to the forums because they don't care about the outcome of a match. Only a de-threater who got used to feasting on newbies would start such a thread.. De-threaters abused the system for far too long that to them, going back is simply unthinkable. Get in the habit of fighting uphill battles every now and then, just like everybody else.. It will help you out in the long run, no joke. git gud
  19. Dual Stabba-PIG, thx #LTLMasterRace
  20. Looking great so far! I might arrest some more de-threaters. Put 'em in jail where they belong... Actual scumbags of the game feasting on newbies.. It is about time they experience the real world and get weeded the @$#% out. Pathetic Maggots
  21. Any change from your sweet-hands is correct and appreciated by default I see where you are coming from though. Thanks for clarifying
  22. Dear Selali & LO, thanks for the heads up Regarding shotgun stat changes. With reference to the supplied link and I quote: - "After extensive community feedback, it was pretty clear that a vast majority thought that shotguns were more balanced back before we made our first round of changes in the summer of 2018". - "So, for this first set of stats, we are going to be reverting shotguns back to their pre Little Orbit stats. The stats should reflect how shotguns behaved and performed in 2017". Since both LO and Players are already in agreement for shotguns and wish to go back in time to start fresh from there. Is there any chance of immediately pushing shotgun changes to live rather than test district A? This test would be redundant and you will end up receiving the exact same feedback. P.S: The current nfas being busted needs to go away immediately. We don't need to say good-bye to current nfas for another week or two. It already overstayed its presence.
  23. LilyRain


    That is one side of the coin. The other side shows that this prevents de-threaters from feasting on newbies, which on its own leads to the same result. At least this way, de-threaters get to play in the real world without abusing the threat-system for cheap matches.
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