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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Too many mistakes were made in there, I'm afraid. I'm determined at this point that you are just a casual-fan who doesn't know things too well to make proper connections. You actually used Dirty Bomb as an example of high-ttk & situational awareness, wow... is there a single shotgun on APB capable of downing an opponent in a single shot?! Dirty Bomb has that.. Dirty Bomb also comes with headshot multipliers and special abilities.. You also seem to forget that maps in Dirty Bomb are too linear to miss someone getting through. The game is pretty much a re-skinned Counter Strike with a twist and that's why it works. It doesn't support your point of view at all. The same can be said for Quake. Not only ttk isn't high for the game's layout but you also forget that THERE IS NO PASSIVE HEALING in that game, at all (unlike APB of course). Which is yet another reason as to why you don't just copy other games and expect that to work for APB. Here are examples of how devastating Quake Weapons can be: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A-2dlAx73hg Apex Legends ttk is high? Nonsense.. pure nonsense, just watch this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GM8ywIBMyro There are weapons in there that kill as fast as the better ones in APB do, some are even faster than current OCA. There are even 0.4s ttks in there! - Moreover, Apex features headshots (something APB clearly doesn't), so there are weapons that can kill instantly in that game that aren't just 'OSMAW'. - Apex's maps are also larger with less cover (WaterFront Haters will hate being there, no joke). This effectively makes the game more playable and dangerous with its given ttks. - Additionally, Apex's sole point is to kill and survive as it is a 3-squad BR so you are expected as a Player to be with your Squad at all times. APB is mission-based so it is possible to be separated when multiple-objectives demand so. So in Apex it is more likely to get fewer 1v1 fights - There is also less situational awareness in Apex as you can tag opponents without them knowing, something that changed APB forever the day Spotter-Mod got introduced.. Coincidence? Plus, I already thanked you for trying. You just proved that you can't read anything presented to you hence no wonder you got all your knowledge wrong, both in APB and in other games. I missed nothing, you simply didn't pay any attention to how things were done and failed for APB. LO's mistakes with RIOT were NOT the fault of the existing engine and it would've went down the same with the new engine... APB's BR RIOT was at its prime exactly before it didn't try to be "it's own thing". LO ignored all feedback and did exactly the opposite, every single round.. They made the BR 'APB' by doing everything APB does in a mission district, such as spawning with purchased weapons upon death, being allowed to buy them rather than hunt for them in the first place, etc... It is very clear what happens when APB tries to be itself, its death accelerates. Streamers quit streaming RIOT, Players stopped playing and adding 3-skins as prize for grinding RIOT clearly didn't change anything (yes, this required insane skill and grind as it was contact-based reward, it clearly paid off, hmm?). It got ultra-bad to the point where it was impossible to launch a BR-round, especially in Jericho as getting that 15-Player requirement was nothing but a dream. There is nothing as "proper air straffing and wall jumping" and I can judge because I know for a fact they won't work in APB. Ladders exist to be climbed.. any day-1 New Player can laugh at you for saying what you have said. What kind of a game APB would be if it just let you wall-jump all the way to the roof?! Are you thinking straight, Sir? What is there to run from here exactly, the fact that APB isn't the game for you? Please, I experienced and played all your 'favorite' games and copying them doesn't work for APB, if you like them that much, just play them, yes? plain and simple. They are guaranteed to do what you want better. And again, Epinephrine isn't a movement system nor a mechanic, it is simply a consumable that modifies existing stats for a set time. Kindly put some effort to understand this simple difference. You didn't really have any point there. What makes you sure about this? Are you trying to be a meme? Where is your source on this impossible claim? Did you miss all the people who asked for more content? The reason why they are dishing the new engine to make adding them easier? Yes and no. Chance is an aftermath of your loadout that you are 100% free to choose. Some weapons come with heavy-RNG yes (and hopefully that gets reduced), but for the time being others are extremely reliable. You always have the choice to pick something that doesn't add fatal-RNG after a couple of shots 'till the dream comes true'. And a lot of them happen to be meta weapons as well so you aren't losing much here other than your favorite weapons that could use a buff. They better not be your suggestions of wall-jumps and exaggerated air control as those aren't small nor positive QoL changes. Both WaterFront and Financial feature unbalanced mission areas. WaterFront is simply more range-based and therefore most players won't like it because most players also happen to be CA3-abusing short-mid range players who like to run around walls and stairs to heal the damage they received from running around in the open. They'll naturally play in Financial more as it lets them do that more often. I personally don't mind both maps as there do exist strategies to play in either. People whom are playing right now are either passionate Streamers, those who like to keep their aim from going rusty or simply mind-ill Players. Mind-ill as in enjoy dethreating to feast on weaker/new players or to simply behave wrong towards others because APB is the easiest game that lets them do that (if it wasn't caught on Stream or with unquestionable video evidence, they won't be touched). They'd be banned in other games (if they weren't already) and that's why they dwell here.
  2. Epinephrine is not a better "movement system", it is simply a consumable. Plus, there is no "skill" in a panic button that doesn't work well with maps that were designed years before it ever surfaced, the same goes for Med Spray. I mean if you had skill you wouldn't desperately need & vouch for them. You must also understand that there is no RNG in Epinephrine... It always gives the same effects upon use... you either use it or you don't. The main reason why people quit is the lack of new content. We've been at R255 for years. People simply play other things and progress there. Currently, there is no reason to play APB. Catering towards the competitive crowd would be nice but not in the ways you are suggesting. APB changed drastically by simply introducing the Mobile Cover consumable (now an orange mod). The last thing we need is a system that lets you spam literal buildings out of them, no thanks Fortnite-fan. For Airstraffing, APB already has an Air Control blue mod that is not enabled for obvious reasons. Airstraffing and Walljumping also do not fit APB. Attacking the BR market was already attempted in the form of RIOT... did you even see how that went? Were you even present?! No, just no.. I'll keep this one very simple based on what you yourself put forward. You don't simply cater towards "competitive" play with higher-ttk. You'd only be doing the opposite, catering to players who lack competitive-level reflexes and situational awareness. Your first step from now is to stop contradicting yourself before questioning what people are on about, thanks for trying.
  3. Epinephrine isn't best used to engage in such a manner face-2-face or to traverse high-grounds. That is simply suicidal. Plus, straffing doesn't matter when you can literally sprint at 150% of your original speed. Epinephrine is best used to flank an enemy that is engaging a teammate, finish off a player you got the jump on & attempted to retreat, or to retreat yourself. When used like this or in any other strategically-viable manner, the vulnerability it gives wouldn't matter. The problem is that the spatial-design of APB maps doesn't really best accommodate 150% sprint speed and is a major factor as to why consumables changed if not destroyed APB. Consumables would've been fine if they were just an added small-layer on top with marginal stat-multipliers but they ended up being too potent. They got worse when their potency increased after LO attempted to adjust them. Rather than reducing Epinephrine's x1.5 speed-boost that should've never happened, they kept it but increased the cooldown instead. It doesn't matter if it is usable once every hour, 150% sprint speed is simply not presentable. It fails even on the comical-level to fit APB's gameplay and map design. It got even worse when they reduced the health damage penalty from 50% to 25% as an excuse to make the longer cooldown look okay. Currently, 25% health is a VERY generous amount to pay in order to gain 150% sprint speed. The previous Epinephrine was objectively better as using it was a duality, it would go either way as the User would get the kill or a 50/50 chance at escaping but people disliked having 50% HP chipped away.. They wanted a panic button that guarantees things go in their favor for as little as 400 $APB per press and this is the result. Now one can't go wrong when using Epinephrine at all.. it always works and when it doesn't, the User simply used it in a certain-death situation. The same thing can be said for Med Spray but that thing is even worse because it kept its cooldown of 45s and is borderline an alpha-presentation without Clotting Agent equipped. As I personally vouch for weapons to be buffed, consumables should be nerfed irrespective of their cooldowns (the exception would be Boombox but there is nothing to nerf there, perhaps rig it to actually Boom, that would make it more useful). Now as fun as APEX Legends can be, it has larger maps that support what it is doing. APB's maps simply do not allow for faster movement or higher-ttk. Clotting Agent 3 is the dominant norm because one can simply tank all bullets as they go from one place to an adjacent cover, passively-utilize CA3 to heal it off as it never even happened then go out again. It works wonders at supporting the abuse that is 3rd-person shooters and the decline in the player base shows. APB's relatively high-ttk for what it can accommodate as a shooter allows this and any higher would make the game even less functional in certain mission areas. APB isn't built to copy Apex or a similar shooter and work off that. Let us keep Apex unique to Apex as that would be best for both games.
  4. You clearly do not have a good-grasp of what Epinephrine was, what it is now and where it should be for a proper balance.
  5. "we are looking at Med Spray" May the Bees continue to make pure honey. Your effort are most appreciated. Best of luck to LO-Staff
  6. You just won the forums till the end of this year
  7. LilyRain

    Petition: Fight Club

    But why? They aren't difficult to deal with
  8. If your opponents aren't beginners or with low-consistency, virtually impossible in the open with Stabba alone. You'll have to make use of walls and grenades.
  9. Xiphos answered the core pretty nicely Firebomb's Meteor also cools down in 90 seconds but the game's interface only shows seconds when the remaining timer is less than 60 seconds. So if you activate and cancel meteor, it will display 2 minutes when the timer is actually at 1.5 minutes
  10. Yes. Remote Detonator had a cooldown of 1 second, so you could activate it whenever you spawn a car It got toned down to 90 seconds as well
  11. While it is nice to be optimistic, they have failed to get even Med Spray right. They also buffed OCA and nerfed LTL. If you knew the roster of weapons this game has then these are all the clues you'd need (there are more of course). So my answer is a hard-no till the Angels descend on them & buff their balancing-insights in order to prove me wrong. At best, the Firebomb deals 1400 health damage (to players) and only 680.4 hard damage (to player vehicles), with these facts in hand: 1- You'd only manage to blow up a vehicle that was already pretty damaged with it. 2- You won't be able to insta-kill a player who has Kevlar equipped (fun fact: you can with a Pioneer because it deals 2,000 health damage on explosion for whatever reason & is yet to be changed down to 1,400... top-tier balancing at its finest).
  12. Weapon Balance is already heavily skewed against solo-play due to APB's somewhat high-ttk for a shooter. Removing friendly-damage will guarantee things to be MUCH worse.
  13. Thanks for relaying the situation, it is very understandable, no worries But similarly, I urge you to understand that some recent changes to the gameplay aspect defy all theoretical and practical logic & offer zero benefits to the game, a glaring example is Med Spray. Kindly revert Med Spray, thank you in advance for making the game better
  14. LO did announce on a patch note by SakeBee that they will in fact rebuff PIG slightly up to 750 Stamina Damage. They applied everything on the list but that. It seems the direction is to buff the strongest things that don't need to be buffed (e.g OCA & Med Spray) & nerf the weak weapons, LTL included. Welcome to the genius, incomplete transient-state of weapon balancing towards the yet-to-be-disclosed "baseline" that clearly doesn't exist & will never succeed.
  15. LO wasn't close to owning APB back in 2012, the Developers are different but you make valid points. Yes, the Engine Upgrade on its own won't save the game but it'll save the wills of those who do not wish to start over with a new character in another server. The integration of Global Merge is real and was verified in the series of open beta tests. Those who downloaded the client saw it. It should be up day 1 with the client update. Hopefully they pull some good game balancing by then or at least admit to their faults and revert some of the recent changes they've been doing 'just because they can'.
  16. "play" is the problem. OCA-meta was done before, player counts declined and was reverted. And now, history is repeating itself again. APB is a distance-loadout dominated game, which makes OCA 'Whisper' variant at the sweetest spot despite it being objectively the easiest weapon to use and subjectively the most boring. It works most of the time and where it doesn't, one can simply car-gameplay to get within range. Gentle reminder that this is effective since Nov. 25, 2020 (over half a year ago). Add to that the fact that most players are at max rank (many have multiple characters as well)... The game-balance is at a state where anyone who has something better to do (or simply another game where they have some progression to do) won't login to APB, period. Most people won't "play" when the game 75% literally plays itself out. They went too hard on the ideal 'every weapon must have its role and absolutely nothing else (also nerfed some weak weapons, funnily enough LTL included)' and this is the result. In any serious-mission, you choose a meta-loadout and once you do, you are only in control of your distance [and bloom in some weapons], the panic button that is the unnecessarily buffed Med Spray and simply enjoy the show. Moreover, players would abandon missions that are relatively long or severely unbalanced in offensive/defensive areas... There are simply too many gates of bother to deal with even Kempington (SPCT AND most viewed APB-streamer) quit. They made the game more bland & comical than it was and surprisingly they think it is okay to keep it like this with the excuse of 'working on New Engine' (which is currently declared that ONLY MattScott the C.E.O is solely working on it, so there are in fact free hands to work on balancing the game alongside SPCTs). Additionally, objectively speaking, game balance is as important as the New Engine (and even slightly more in some perspectives). Balancing is on a parallel line & must be visited, regardless of whether it happens before/after the client update. If LO was intelligent, it would increase game balance priority as there is no better time to do it than now, they're literally doing nothing but waiting on MattScott's progress (else, they'll do it after the new client goes live with marketing, then most people would be disappointed with the better-looking-but-still-bad state of the game). So while indeed it would be nice, your optimism is higher than your realism. You'd be lucky to play once or twice a week in NA's Fightclub or whatever because with the current mindsets, changes to make people "play" (or at least communicate a description of the new "baseline" of weapon balance) aren't foreseeable very soon.
  17. Globalization is integrated into the upcoming New Client.
  18. This is a Mobile Cover induced bug: https://streamable.com/fyrr2x What Happens Deploying Mobile Cover after deploying a tangible consumable will visually cause the consumable to disappear from the map, but in reality, the consumable attempts to go back to Player hands. The consumable going back to Player-hands fails because the player at the time is holding Mobile Cover. This overlapping causes the 'next-life consumable-weapon bug'. Ultimately, after respawning, the consumable will be held by the Player in an unheld-but-equipped state. Recommended Action for Devs Trace the Mobile Cover & Consumables code(s) and attempt to remove the line(s) that causes consumables to be returned upon deploying Mobile Cover. Temporary Measure for Players Simply press Left-Mouse-Button to release the Consumable (in the case of Satchel Charge, the Player must respawn immediately to be able to have Satchel Charge on the next life because it only lasts for 15 seconds. You can hear it chime and even explode in your belly if not released, fun stuff)
  19. APB is a shooter and for that, its ttk is rather a bit too high. It got worse through the series of nerfs the game went through all this time. Current-ttk is a glaring reason for all current and future issues. There is no way higher-ttk would ever work in APB and if you see a way, please share it. Because If anything, general-ttk should go down.
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