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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. Corona evolves and apparently so does DDoS.
  2. The chrome skin got indirectly redone (stolen) and upgraded to the Sugar Plum Fairy Weapon Skin. Much easier to obtain, much better looking. It completely overshadows the chrome skin. Shoulda got it when you had the chance if you did not already.
  3. Indeed. With this much careless thinking, the end could be near.
  4. Yep, the RFP-Fang enters the Joker Store AFTER the RFP nerf, makes perfect sense.. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Previously with the Corsair's JMB: "this is our first small step towards making sure Joker Mystery Boxes remain a compelling and exciting part of your APB gameplay" Now: "Added a guaranteed 100 JT to all JMB" → Here it is, as the prophecy foretold, their second small step.. Looks like JMBs will never go away. Can't also wait to see more people running around with Imperial Crowns just because they stole Mommy's credit card. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Most important of all though...:
  5. That's part of the problem. High burn fuel makes that dumbest Pio combo even more dumb as the mod's color doesn't conflict with the mods that make up that combo.
  6. LilyRain

    Arrest Not Counting

    Arresting is a reward for winning up-hill battles with under-powered loadouts. Occasionally rewarding player-excellence with nothing just because farming cop and saviour roles could happen is just forwarding nonsense (more sub-meta weapons from the former and a universal key from the latter that is never needed because freeing arrested criminals is as fast as cuffmate 4 due to half-assed game design). This is just completely uncalled for. On the other hand though, let us disable heat-5 in missions to 'not be unjust' towards PMG and meta-plebs.. FeelsFruitfullMan
  7. The most iconic stupid-mod that was added by G1 before it ♦♣♥♠ed off. A mod that should have never existed. Delete it and don't look back. Don't even try balancing it. One does not simply balance a wall hack, period. Anyone who argues against this is a little ♦♣♦♥♠ with no reflexes to rely upon. Nerf its repair rate by 40%. I'd consider making it a consumable rather than an infinite mod that recharges magically with solar power or body heat. Another prime G1 mod that should not have existed.. the only downside to this mod is the inability to equip other purple mods. Problem is that Pioneer-users have no use for explosives 3 or fast fix chassis, so nothing to miss out here. Straight out game breaking as stated. Just like spotter, delete this ♣♠♦♣♥. Don't even try fixing it. It is a stupid mod no matter what perspective you look at it with. Getting caught up by remote det can be annoying, but flak jacket is the answer. It isn't game breaking atm. +1, definitely patch this. These tanks are exceptionally fast. Considering their mass, ramming power (higher than vegas even, multiplier: 3.5 vs 2.5), total health, blast radius and cargo capacity, their top-speed on top of all of this is also ridiculous at 20.9 m/s, only 2.1 m/s slower than the fastest car in the game. Nitro makes them accelerate from a halt effortlessly. Considering the cooldown of nitro being 1 minute, the initial acceleration of these tanks is never a problem. Nerf those ♣♠♦♣ers.
  8. This would be a nice feature to have, but I fear it won't be utilizable due to APB's low server tick rate. Overwatch's servers tick twice as fast as APB's at 62.5 Hz. Since you have mentioned Diabotical, Diabotical's Devs are aiming for 125 Hz which is insanely good and completely out of current APB's league. Hopefully LO increases server tick rate at one point, else we'll just be using more CPU with minimal to no benefit from this feature.
  9. @MattScott It is delighting to see good progress on all fronts (engine, support and player counts). May LO continue to see further success. Thanks for the good work. I'll take this opportunity to inquire about/be_reminded of the current progress on the plan to make characters available globally rather than locally to a single server. Thanks in advance!
  10. MattScott: "We are only working on lighting and 8 remaining bugs at this point unless anything new comes up (which has tended to happen on this game a lot) " I can't wait to see what this is going to evolve into:
  11. I can't wait for Spotter-mod to be removed as well, since it is far more broken.
  12. Stabba-NL9 is not the Corsair, but indeed. A faster reload speed would be great as the weapon currently suffers without magpull
  13. This is treason. #LTLIsYourDestiny
  14. They might pull an Nvidia on us in the near future Keep an eye out for Corsair Ti, Corsair Titan and Corsair Super
  15. Yes the Strife's damage was nerfed, but the nerf was so small it changes nothing in this regard. Strife's damage was nerfed from 931 to 903, which can still easily 1-shot fragilers:
  16. I currently don't support nor object to this, perhaps at least add stun-counts to the scoreboard, but: Arresting should have its own version of blitzkrieg medals. Simply because giving a player blitzkrieg-medals and insane score for a mediocre-feat of killing more than a player with PMG/Euryale, is outright unfinished game-design when actually arresting multiple players in rapid-succession does not.
  17. 1 » Those pellets deal full damage all the way to 15 meters, a distance the PIG will never even reach. Strife still deals damage beyond 15 meters. Again, a Strifer or any lethal-user losing to a PIG-user is the Criminal's fault/incompetence. 2 » Strife is a main weapon, it should already be drawn before-hand. It is not a finisher-secondary. 3 » That's what makes strife unique. It sacrifices speed for more power. (Fun fact: It deals more stamina damage than percs for whatever reason) 4 » The bolt timer exists because the strife is too powerful. In addition to strife's range, it can also one-shot fragile users. The Strife is the ONLY weapon in APB capable of doing this. Not even HVR is allowed to do this. PIG on the other hand, doesn't 1-shot fragile users.. P.S: Gentle reminder that Strife on its own is also faster than PIG + perc as shown previously.. It would be nice if people would refrain from comparing apples to oranges.
  18. People can continue to share their opinions, but your claim has been busted.. pig+perc is not broken and won't make you win 2v2 missions against opposition of equal skill (and even slightly lower), period. Unless you can come up with proof that invalidates actual numbers from the game (which is outright impossible), you can never nerf less than lethal weapons any further as they are already below the floor. In fact, by calling stats "non-sense", you have just killed any chance you have at pushing your opinion forward when it comes weapon balancing, for "pigga", for HVR or literally another weapon. Your opinions will never be considered as you don't even have elementary knowledge and refuse to get it from the sources provided to even contribute towards balancing and you won't for a good while. Neither this thread nor any other thread will bring back HVR quick switching to the way it was nor mess with other weapons as this thread itself stems from misguided anger and failure to appeal properly to a change that happened. Get over this and actually improve your knowledge about APB.
  19. Says the person who can't measure from zero to 1.5 seconds. The numbers don't lie. I gave you proof. Whether you like it or not, that is your problem. Again, trying to put lies my mouth. This time, actually quote it or risk getting suspended from the forums. Lying in this manner only proves that you have failed and that this discussion is over. It is very clear that someone needs to git gud. Good luck getting any better at the game with that attitude. Or you can just main PMG. See you in San Paro jail.
  20. Excellent. Even though you don't really know me, you acknowledged that I am not messing around, so I will make your life a little bit easier. With pleasure. Since you are not bothered to learn APBDB and the Devs aren't bothered to replace bar-stats with actual numbers in-game, I will teach you once and for all why pig+perc is not overpowered and why any competitive LTLer should know better before thinking they can cheese any player with pig+perc. While doing this, this will also teach you why stats specifically dictate quick switching. The main stat here is "Equip time". Unless this time passes, you can NOT use a weapon/grenade. While calculating times in this way, the initial shot is never counted. So let us say the PIG already hit a criminal. Now how long does it take for the perc to hit the criminal? Let us find out: 1 » With reference to https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Grenade_Percussion, the equip time for percs is 0.7 seconds. 0.7 seconds will pass just to hold the perc in your hand, it isn't even thrown yet.. this is already enough time for a PMG, OCA, N-tec, jg, csg, tas20, shaw, euryale, FAR, colby m-1922, and many other weapons to kill the percer before they even throw the grenade.. This is why sometimes you see people dying and their own grenades fall down as they were killed before being able to throw them. 2 » To make it even less competitive, the flight-time for the perc must be added to the 0.7s, as the perc can never explode in mid air.. it has to hit something to blow up. Either the ground or the opponent directly. From the same link, a perc flies at a speed of 15.5 m/s. Best-case scenario is that the percer has perfect health so they throw the grenade straight at their feet, worst-case scenario is they percer PIGed from 10m and then follows with a perc. It is very clear that a pig-percer can stun in 0.82416 seconds AT FASTEST, all the way to the abysmally1.339 seconds.. Hell at the average 5 meter range, pig → perc is slower than the FBW even. These times assumes you are hosting the game.. you must also add to this your own latency, as switching is server-side thus affected by latency, while shooting the percer with the same weapon doesn't require the server to approve of switching weapons←→grenades. Ultimately, pig → perc can be annoying to lose to, but it is not overpowered, not even close. It is not even competitive. Not only it is slow but it also makes players unable to do anything to vehicles as well.. Any person who says pig + perc is overpowered should learn the game. Thx. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ As a bonus for you Tigrix, you should try 3 FBW shots + N-HVR 243 Scout PR1. 3 FBW shots require 0.4s, Scout PR1 equips at an astounding speed of 0.37s as seen here; https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Test_SniperRifle_Preset_FN1/ This combination is in fact faster than pig + perc and is also NOT limited to 10 meters. If anything Scout PR1 is 10 times much more worthy of a nerf.
  21. With every post, you always end up digging your own grave and say what you should learn yourself. This wall of text you added does not help you. You said that I said that criminals have weapons enforcers do not have access to (which I did not say). You said you'll quote it for me and I challenged you to quote it. Your entire wall of text failed to quote that lie of yours. Great job. You're already finished. The only one who needs help with their lack of knowledge, ethics AND courage is you. The door is still open for you to quote that lie of yours. Good luck. That is you actually. My quotes are perfect in every way. The only person who brings their feelings and irrelevancy here is you. And no, LTL weaponry will NOT fit with the theme of the game for Criminals. Criminals do not arrest, they simply kill. Get your facts set straight. Yes, there is in fact an issue lore-wise and faction-wise for criminals to have access to Enforcer-only weapons, don't pretend that there is not. For the 4th time now, I have no issues with criminals using PIG, but you seem to be a radio-station and continue to say that I have problems with it. Let us do it this way then, say that I have problems with criminals getting a PIG just ONE more time and I guarantee you that I will actively start voting against this meritless idea. For your own hopeless-sake, you better read properly this time. Of course it IS about stats... stats are the numbers that allow or deny quick switching in the first place.. What drug did you take? Yes, PIG is currently only available for Enforcers. It is a LESS than lethal weapon and losing to it means you lack fundamental skills and knowledge to actually play this game. You will fail against "pigga", n-tecca, carbinaa, staraa, jgaa, pmgaa, csgaa, acessa, euryaleaa and pretty much almost all weapons in the game as you don't even know their names. Stats do not exist as numbers in game and therefore, someone like you will never know stats or how to interpret them in a an actual scenario at all. I know for a fact that you own an Enforcer character in NA. If pig+perc is cheesy, I challenge you to use it in Asylum and show me your final score. But again, you'll also fail to post one in the same fashion you lied and failed to quote things I did not say. I can't wait to see your 'cheesy' achievement'. Back away from this challenge and your entire argument fails, just like how you failed at lying earlier. Keep this in mind for your next hopeless reply. Speaking of "simple", I'll explain to you what "counter" really means with a very simple example.. In a game of rock, paper, scissors... rock counters scissor, scissor counters paper and paper counters rock.... If you weren't bullied and mis-raised as a child, you would know this game and basic reading abilities to understand this. What you are trying to hopelessly tell everyone is rock counters rock... Not at all. rock EQUALS rock, it doesn't counter it nor beats it. In APB, lethal weapons counter less than lethal weapons... simply because LESS than lethal weapons are not as strong, don't reload as fast, not equippable as fast and don't have as much range as lethal weapons. Some also have extra artificial bloom for no reason. Fun fact for you till you git gud: PIG→perc requires ~0.7 seconds to stun.. if the criminal knows what they are doing, they will kill you right before the perc hits them. They'll simply stand up as the Enforcer is sent back to the map screen.. Yes, losing to pig+perc can be annoying, but it is ultimately the criminal's fault for BOTH getting too close and being super slow. Any LTL Enforcer who's actually good uses combinations that are better than PIG+perc in every way, period. People like you who wish to have HVR quickswitching back or any sort of stats changed for weapons WILL NEVER BE HEARD as you don't even acknowledge that stats control this. You are free to say any opinion that you may have, but you simply can not partake in weapon balancing as you lack elementary knowledge to do so. There you have it Ladies and Gentlemen! The entire world now sees that the mighty Tigrix, who is trying to change how weapons function, says stats are nonsense. Yes, the topis IS about stats, the only person trying to change it here is you. How quick a player can get a weapon up and ready to fire IS A STAT IN ITSELF. It is funny how you think you are the only one here who knows what quick switching is while you know absolutely nothing. Try again in 500 years. And no, I am not dense at all. I am simply stating the truth, backed with facts and numbers. For someone like you who can't accept that they know nothing, failed to learn a thing and failed to lie, it is now impossible for you to convince anyone to make your meaningless, misguided "counter" wish come true. This is a forum, not your friend's chat and DMs. I am not dense, I am being formal. Something that you should start doing yourself to even hope to be successful at any point in your life.
  22. You dug your grave from the first line, just like most uninformed people do. I give you from now till judgement-day to show where I have said that Criminals have access to weapons that Enforcers do not. Best of luck with this. I answered the arguments clearly and directly. You have already proven that you can't read. Now you made it worse, you can't read and you ALSO do not acknowledge that weapon stats matter. I believe your case is already closed by now. You claimed that pig+perc is "very strong in 2v2 missions. I have shown you WITH stat-boundaries why 2 criminals against someone or even a full team trying to "abuse" pig+perc would win. In your beloved 2v2 missions, it is physically impossible for a pig+percer to arrest 2 criminals at once unless they are completely pathetic. Weapon stats matter and they always will. You shouldn't be stunned nor arrested in the first place to even worry about few additional seconds per arrest. And yes, you failed to read that these extra seconds exist so your fellow criminal would free you to work on their "savior" role. For real this time, actually read what is being written to you (if you can that is). You are discussing an "abusable" combo? THIS COMBO IS BOTH SLOW AND RANGE-LIMITED. HVR quickswitching works at ALL ranges, PIG won't even touch you beyond 9 meters. Don't push every corner thinking you are Superman.. You will get destroyed, whether by pig+perc or ANYTHING else. By the way, it is "PIG", it is not "pigga" or whatever broken names you have for it. I see you have switched your stance, just like anyone in here who can't argue with facts. If this is no longer about roleplay, then what you have said here has no place in this discussion, just like the majority of the things you aimlessly wrote: For the millionth time, if the timer did not exist and arrested criminals immediately respawned, criminals will never finish the "savior" role. This role is the opposite of the cop-role that arresting advances.. If you can't carve this fact in your head, you are either trolling or simply hopeless. Either or, God help you. For your information, stunned people do not sit on their knees... they lie down on the floor either shaking or unconscious. Yes, please quote my 'original text again' that shows where I stated this. I honestly would like to see who is really shooting themselves in the foot here. This is epic.. you are the only person who is editing here: You just screwed yourself twice beyond 'fix'. Great job! Fix yourself and your uninformed, misguided spelling, tone and information before trying to 'fix' "pigga" or the game. You have made my job much easier. I truly mean it.. Speaking of English, ability to read and wanting to permit PIG for criminals.. I have already given you my answer: "BY ALL MEANS". You think your English is great but you don't even know what "by all means" means, joke of the century. Once again, if Criminals get access to PIG, it will make my life easier. The point here is that PIG is not a miracle and neither is pig+perc, especially in missions. PIG+perc is the newbie's way of arresting that only takes them so far. It could work 2 times at most then the player becomes completely unable to arrest as they no longer have percs, ultimately putting the mission more at risk over the fact that they are also unable to deal with vehicles.. Arresting is something to be approached by players looking for an added challenge. Half-assed loadouts aren't great at all as LTL is already competitively under-powered. If you let criminals handicap themselves with LTL, then enforcers seeking the extra challenge won't find that challenge since criminals went down in effectiveness as well... If that is your wish, it doesn't matter. They will be arrested anyways. Discussing ram raiding will not make you any less misinformed. You still lack critical information to discuss weapon changes. You don't even approve of weapon stats to begin with. This is simply something beyond you. For the 3rd time, I don't mind going against a criminal with a PIG, they are going to jail anyways. When I play as an Enforcer, I simply want a "challenge". There is no challenge when a criminal who gets arrested with a PMG tries to fight me with LTL, they don't even know their stats and limits to begin with and this completely reflects someone taking your stance. Once again I tell you, if you can't beat an LTLer with lethal weapons, YOU CAN NEVER DO SO when you go LTL yourself. And no, HVR quick switching was ridiculous. It will not come back the way it ever was unless a global-buff across the board takes place, something I personally would like to see. Trying to compare HVR quick switching with another weapon that doesn't come close to the HVR won't bring the old HVR quick switching back, so don't even bother.
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