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Everything posted by Havana

  1. Wait are we saying we need more room in Districts???????? How about Golds in the Gold Server!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also,!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I can't tell what's worse. The post being bragadocious or the typical toxic forum responses.
  3. Well my response was lost while typing on my phone.... Arghhh!
  4. Golds will never play in Gold tjey always have an excuse.
  5. I have been saying ecactly this for a long time! What would it hurt to just give it a try!
  6. 24 hrs is too short, at least 48.
  7. Nothing but haters here. I love the video and my son who doesn't play APB loved as well. Looking forward to the next. Awesome Job!
  8. That is what should happen. But the Golds on Jericho are to immature to even have an honest discussion about it! Merged. Wait wut, this from the guy with whom I am mostly agreeing with. But, has me in his ignore list for some unknown reason.
  9. If the Veterans vanished then Silvers could play in tje Silver District imagine that. Then Bronze would probably come alive and need more instances because actual bronze would have more fun. The Vets should be listened to. I agree, but from what I seen most aren't intellectually honest with themselves about what's best for the game. Most are only concerned with keeping their "earned" advantages. Just the facts, like it or don't like cuz you never do.
  10. That might work for NFAS But, usually doesn't for the True Ogre non skilled hopper with all those extra shots.
  11. Its probably not a hacker. Just a 7 year no lifer that always gets you with the starter pistol.
  12. Tutorial district? Please Elaborate.
  13. I think that's the best thing I have ever seen you post.
  14. RIOT definitely is NOT the answer. No one asked for it or wanted it. Engine uograde and new content. A new map, minor weapons tweaks. Better matchmaking. All the stuff we all cry about for years. Nope, lets do BR!, it's the fad that's about to die out!
  15. Get on the forums and crap on everything.
  16. Dual FBW? That's the day I uninstall with alot of others. Have fun all 30 of ya.
  17. Close All Districts except Gold and ONLY the same 30 Gold APB Lifers can play with themselvea forever. You don't have to think about anything but yourself. Kind of like now. No stupid noobs to suggest something dumb, or change your fav gun. Oh wait, that's how that is right now also. My bad...
  18. I don't really feel like anybody is owed anything for server downtime. However, this getting ridiculous. I can understand why dude is upset.
  19. Yea, nerf it! Cuz there are just soo many ppl running around with it. Almost nobody uses it, I say buff the range! A++ I agree 110%! Logical and unbiased. Heres someone that is thinking for the game and NOT just himself! That means you are about to be pooped on by the Forum community probably. I would include the FBW to have a shorter range and firing rate. They really like that! I agree fully with you on that RFP!
  20. Waste of time making any suggestion on the forums. Here is a player of 3 weeks that is obviously doing real good. He is Gold for a week already. And thrust into playing with Max rank 10k hour Golds with every weapon, grenade, car det, map knowledge, consumable and whatever else. I am surprised he's still here at all. Not too mention they all live on the forums and poop on anybody new. They don't want anything to really change. Most are happy to be a big fish in a small pond. BS on the the POP is too low for Golds to play in Gold. They are plenty of Silvers that would chose to. I have to wait alot to play in Silver because its full. There a quite a few people who ARE in Silver and really shouldn't be because they don't know they can manually select district. Sorry gurus, this guy is RIGHT! The progression from Trainee to Green is a milisecond, then to bronze and Silver is waaay too fast! So a guy like this is a decent shooter and understands awareness. So in like 3 missions or about a hour or less he is SILVER. Next time he logs in he goes to Silver district Where Golds play. How can you not see the problem with this.... Git Gud right....sounds like Another Silver getting trashed by Gold...blah, blah and all the other toxic garbage. I really don't see whats so hard about all this. Remove the Start screen with Social and the districts and ONLY have the the list of Districts. Make the ALWAYS USELESS GREEN SERVER for uhh,,,lets say Green players in every literal sense of the word actually used for NEW players. They are Green to the game. Sometimes and very likely a Trainee starts off in Silver District! This the most absurd thing ever! You might as well just flash a message to uninstall after character creation. Make a Trainee have at least 5 hours or 30 missions or whatever before he goes Green. He can join whatever he wants. (But Recommended Green District) Greens have another predetermined tier to go Bronze lvl. He can join whatever he wants. (But Recommended Green District) Bronze have another predetermined tier to go Silver lvl. Silvers CANNOT join Bronze! Now Silvers or dethreating Gold players CANNOT go to Green district where TRUE Green, Bonze and new Trainees play. Now you don't have the Ginormous Skill Gap as nearly as much. Trainees, Greens and True Bronzes playing against each other ONLY! Let them learn the game with their peers instead of against MAX ranked dethreaters. Basically make Green server useful by stretching out the time for the Early lvls from Trainee to Bronze. After that, for Silvers go back to whatever method of advancement. This won't affect Golds doing what they always do. But, let REAL NEW players play with others closer to their experience and skill. Seriously what in the HELL would this hurt! The most frustrating thing is this same talk for years and years. Same excuses of low pop, engine upgrade. I would rather see LO try something like this instead of the wait. Wait for what? After the Engine Upgrade this problem will still be the EXACT same thing! Even if it didnt work and I don't how it see how it could not. At least make attempt at a real issue. Fling all the doo you you want, I'm not coming back to read it. Its always the same.
  21. Again, and on a Friday night! ARRRGGGHHHH!!!!
  22. As the title says... I was getting a little bored so I thought I would spend a little money and crete a new look. Won't buy what I can't get a preview image of...
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