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Everything posted by Havana

  1. You cant, but test the FBWsd against the FBW its NOT the same. Maybe you wont notice the difference because you are good at both. But there is a extreme difference between mobility and firing if u dont have the perfect thythm.
  2. Nobody said that dude! I dont play easy guns. NEVER USE Rockets, Ogre, OCA, Oscar and all that cheap shit. I play for me to make myself better. AND, I usually die to bronze. If they dont get at least 2 kills they quit! I dont care about my ego and winning. I let them kill me ifits close. Notlike you guys that stomp that shot out of them even when the get thrust in the wrong district.
  3. BS, try it dude, its totally different! Because its the Starter Pistol, but there is NOTHING starter about it. Merged. Yes I AM! ITS STUPID! The mechanic shold be the same as I stated. A so called started pistol should not take years to master! Ok, yes, you get your cookies, but this is the starter PISTOL for gods sake. see how dumb that it. So the Starter pistol should take years to learn, see how dumb that is. Of course you don't because you and everyone else in this game is selfish.
  4. Does anyone remember Poindexter (Teletubby)and Chicken? I am sure I am wrong on the names on this. But there were a DUO that was only OCA and SNIPER and NO ONE and I mean NO ONE could ever beat them. The OCA chick ( and I think they were both really girls} They were sooooooo good! I hated them soo much I was a Noobie at the time. They NEVER made a move UNLESS the OCA CHICK had you with Sniper support. I to this day HAVE NEVER SEEN ANYONE, play with this much Coordination.] They were soo good the game got boring to them. In ALL the matches I ever faced them I ONLY got ONE kill, by luck using a OPGL! All of you GOLDS that hang onto your your pre NOOBIFIED tricks would not stand a chance by these 2 girls. They were soo good at REAL TEAMPLAY that the game was BORING to them . Especially with all the venom spewed. I know, I was there and Was a noob at the time.
  5. probably the cheats loading their CraP!
  6. So can I name the SQUAD? I honestly didn't read half of this crap. One part says to me if you are opposed, YOU might be part of the problem! i WILL GO BACK AT SOME POINT, BUT ITS REALLY JUST DEFENSE OF SHIT AND YOU KNOW IT! If someone is blatant and everyone knows it and is reported. ACTION shold be taken. OF course, noobies and hatred and juvenilism will take ppl to extremes. But, BE REAL! The ONLY people that will combat that are cheats anyway!
  7. Clothing Slots are way too low! If you have 6 or 7 characters, its just stupid low! You really can't make too much of anything distinguished. The amount of clothing allotted is just to damn low to make any Good looking character. You end up staying similar and boring! Enough with THe Shini wannabes PLEASE!~
  8. Why Silvers don't play in Silver. 1. So called Teammates Pop shotting you before each mission. 2. Jumping around on cars and and doing damage to you by jumping on your head 3. Premade GOLD teams.Usualy same clan and using Discord or TeamSpeak. 4. One is always P5 therefore they always know where you are or are coming from. Then it rotates with all of them going P5 so they always have an advantage 5. Oscar spammers 6. Osmaw & Volcano spammers 7. FBW and .45 never miss a shot dead in a millisecond. 8. Waaay more toxicity 9. Non mission players grief you and go out of their way to ram your car going between objectives. 10.They sit in their car on car spawn points just to NOT let you spawn yours. 11.Obsessed with egos and winning. 12.Almost only use a gun for the Absolutely Perfect area and change guns waay to much. Yea, yea I know, thats playing smart and all. But aren't you guys supposed to UBER pro? I would have more respect for the guy that goes in a close quarters area with an Obir or pistol rather than change loadout 3 or more times a mission! Talk about TRYHARD! 13.Always take a HOLD item to some cheesy rooftop spot that most newer players don't know how to get up to. 14.Use every 195 perc like Car Det,Spotter, etc., at every possible moment. 15.Say things like Get GUD. We can't because you are in our District. We get wrecked and toss onto the pile. But, if we go to bronze we get called dethreaters and cheats. Do GOLDS ever, EVER talk to the Bronze in Silver that don't know any better how to manually select bronze server? Hell NO! that's their feeding frenzy. Then go on forums and complain about how we can't fix anything because of low pop. Wonder WHY? 16.Then there ARE those Golds who do constantly dethreat and use Osmaw on legitimate Bronzes. Makes me nauseous.I have quit groups and unfriended many people for this. Also, these are the same guys that TK the Trainee because he is completing the objective before we get opposition. They don't try to communicate with them and explain things, they just kill them. And, I see many quit. 17. Drop their Gift Box on item Hold Point, so you dont pick up the item but their Gift Box! Both types are Cancer. In fact you encourage your horrible toxicity by your actions. You start to see very low level Bronzes get 1 Kill and TEABAG. That's the ONLY thing most GOLD players do is teach new players that to play APB you have to be as TOXIC possible. Please feel FREE to add more, I am sure I forgot some stuff. In reflection. I guess WHAT ALL of my posts are about is to ONE simple thing. And that is being a fair minded ADULT. ITs seems to be severely lacking on Jericho anyway. You cannot Promote the Game if your whole agenda is to just patootie stomp everyone that is NEW. ALL DAY EVERYDAy!
  9. Yea, You know its TRUE! So why in the F@$K is the FBWsd soo much manageable ? That should be the gun that is stock, OR FBW stock should be changed to match that firing mechanic. If you disagree, be intellectually honest with yourself, and just admit, You want a seriously BS unfair advantage! This is such a EASY fix, MAKE the FUCKING GUN work like the FBWsd! PERIOD END of story! How smart is making a STOCK STARTER PISTOL, A huge LEARNING curve ?????????????? For NEW PEOPLE! How in the HELL CAN YOU JUSTIFY, THAT A rhythmic firing pattern, that takes YEARS to master ( BY alot of you guys own accord) be THE Starter pistol for the game??? All of your arguments for hanging on to your Big Fish in Small Pond are really getting OLD! Can you really afford to let your 5000 hour ego actually let a NEW player learn the game and actually have a chance, YOUR ALL PATHETIC! I make alot of controversial posts, that people blow off. But, notice they are all in favor of the New Player experience and NOT just the Elite.
  10. So yeah, I'm a POS lowly Silver. But, I will always be that way. WHy, Dethreaters, of who I so want to name but cant. I'm not talking about the average run of the mill dethreater. There are some Serious SHIT HEADS on Bronze. There is a specific clan and a particular individual; that rapes Bronze every other night! I dont get how this is allowed so blatantly! His name is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2 letters, and 3 numbers. He only plays in Bronze. I guess he must dethreat under another character name. Because I can't get how he could be back in Bronze sooo fast after raping the Bronze District for 6 hours everyother night He seems to have a pattern of about 4 to 5 weapons. ALL cheap as F:"K. Usually, Ogre, then Oscar, then Sniper, then Volcano. Thats the MO. All in the dame mission everytime! Yea, OK..IM crying...BUT on BRONZE..............................Really? We got ppl trying to learn the game, and this TRYHARD everyother night???????????? oF COURSE, bRAZILAN. SpongeBob inspired if that helps with out helping.. I REALLY WANT TO NAME AND SHAME THIS POS!
  11. I Love it when this happens. If I happen to be on Bronze it gets rid of the Premade Gold teams in Bronze. There's always a positive side!
  12. I disagree, I have seen many questionable things in the last 2 weeks. And, I have been hackusated alot more myself! Merged. No greater truth ever spoken on these forums.
  13. That's Funny, amazing some of the things you see.
  14. Oh well so much for others funny examples.
  15. That was a message I sent Yood. I guess his translator thinks it was a Evil Message. And thanks once again for broadcasting my conversation. I feel so ashamed of trying to talk to you now. My bad. Lesson learned. Its National Hate day folks. Get in here and be a butt. I think Glaciers and Yood could be Great friends!
  16. Perplexing Pedantic, that's the newest hippest one right?
  17. You win again, damn you and your newly learned word!
  18. No, it sucks. But, Sounds like your game to me. I'd do a full uninstall and re install.
  19. Proof, people can't comprehend. I said I am bored because I have 3 hours of Downtime. NOT, it took me 3 hours to post something. God we're in trouble. I'm saying it's funny. Geez you can't even have a silly discussion without being lectured. How to APB forums. Step one. Ignore the main point of post. Step 2. Focus on attacking person for something else.
  20. I don't know a lot about this. However if you can configure to hear footsteps better. That's a MAJOR CHEAT!
  21. As usual Yood, your reply doesn't even have anything to do with the topic. I play solo, don't have Gold friends. Sadly, kinda like you. No friends.
  22. You win, don't know what you're implying but you win. Don't feel like a forum hate contest. Try to have a good day!
  23. I have 3 hours of downtime at work and very bored. APB only game I know of where you can be the Worst piece of Garbage that ever existed. And told to you're awesome and uninstall (in that order I might add). Next, round told you have been reported because your a cheating hack #*@$!*^$@, mother $@@&, patootie. I recently joined a mission in progress 2 Crims vs 1 cop. So now it's 2 vs. 2. I only got 1 kill. But the one I didn't kill said I was cheating. Next mission, was the same mission in the exact same place vs. The same 2 people! The same guy says I hacked the game to get the same mission! Lol! Just cut I'm bored what craziness have you received?
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