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Everything posted by Havana

  1. Sounds like he is tired if getting screwed over by Joan....lol
  2. If they did post pics 90% of this community would just say it looks like shiitake anyway. Toxic Turds.
  3. I never complain about cheats because they are so rare. However, there seems to be a rise of extremely questionable ppl and some Trainees as of the last 2 weeks or so.
  4. RFP and OCA type weapons. Rfp everybody knows it needs a ne4f. And the Smgs, it's not really that I dislike smgs they have their place. But, when all they do is drive around in their car and do a jump out, I dunno it's just cheap to ONLY do that. But everything in APB is about playing cheap. Switching weapons 3,4 or more times in one mission. Taking items to rooftop spots. Putting down a mystery box on item hold pickup, is really cheap.
  5. Well, unfortunately my idea to educate Bronze and below to play in Green won't work. I was hoping this would help me players out without waiting for LO to do something. But, it won't work because the threshold to go from Trainee to Green and Bronze is completely ridiculous. I made a new account to try and promote the idea, and made shirts to giveaway and symbols. Even made a 3 slot Vegas to giveaway. I didn't even want to play at all on this account. Nobody would even accept my friend request as a Trainee. So, I figured I would play 1 match or 2 to become Bronze. Played 1 match and I was Silver! So STUPID.! So if I truly was new to the game with experience in shooters and did good. I go straight into playing against 7 year vets next time I log on. C'mon, this is just pathetic!
  6. That's how stuff works on APB forums I guess. Sad but they don't like truth very much.
  7. Yeah, they trying. A little more frequent updates would have reduced all the complaining about Riot.
  8. For the Love of all, PLEASE get rid of the District Select, Advanced tab to see the Districts. This has always been bad for new players. Just list it right there and make Fight club,Riot and Social smaller.
  9. Nobody uses the T25 Pickup Truck. How about a kit for it, like Monster truck tires.
  10. Should have been done years ago. We would have new maps and everything galore.There are lots of talented people who just enjoy doing it, let them and give them a little kickback.
  11. At least its something. You are right and I agree with you about the threat system and matchmaking. But that argument has gone on for years and nothing has happened. So we can fuzzy bunny and do nothing or try something.
  12. If all Bronze and lower would join the Green server everything would be fine. The problem is information. New Players just load the game and play and don't know how to manually select a district. If they did, No more Silver 255's that instantly go and stay Gold all day/night. This is the only thing that can be done. Golds sure as hell are not going to play in their district.! And have no real leaders. Can we please get together and form something. I have already been thinking about this. I want to teach New people how to join Green. I have made symbols and shirts on marketplace for 1$. I also want to promote a discord for Bronze only. I want to tag billboards all over Bronze District and use the Refer a friend sign. I need help. Maybe start off with a date for Bronze to move to Green. I want to make a Green District SkatePark Jump Contest for said date. And I will judge and personally giveaway a 3 slot Vegas car! This is for NA Jericho Bronze lvl or below. Would like other people help me formulate more plans. Its up to us!
  13. Havana

    Car duplicate

    Go to your factions contact and get the slotted car you want. Design it and duplicate it.
  14. You killed every enemy team? TOUGH LUCK. This who bribed most auto-win! (The fuck was this shit? I won for FIRST time since 3 days. But game said I didn't. Why? Because they bribed driver HIGHER. How does it even make sense?! Corpses gonna drive out from zone?! And who gonna carry them?! Team which lost?! LMFAO!!!!!!!!
  15. That's what is so frustrating. There have been many dozens if not hundreds of good suggestions. But, none are considered and only crapped on by vets.
  16. Yeah, leys not try anything ever. Just keep sos posts, and crap excuses. Thats why I said Golds should organize only 1 day a week, Not an official LO change. But you won't even consider it. Not enough Pop. There will never be enough pop to play where you are supposed to. You think Silvers don't see the same silvers all the time as well. I'm simply offering suggestions the community could attempt. Do it consistently for awhile then come tell me how it didn't work. There's not enough different pop on the forums either.
  17. Most of us don't have the opportunity to try the New Glory. But, the 5 or 6 times I went against it, it seemed slightly OP.
  18. 110% Less Cringy, now get off the forums and go play. I would, but cant connect for the past half hour.
  19. Kinda Pathetic that you need your lil sig where Matt mentions you. But, whatever makes you feel fuzzy! no idea what u r talking about. Actions speak louder thatn words. Try organizing GOLDS to play where they are supposed to for even at least 1 night a week.
  20. Sounds like a GOLD Threat! I say take it. Or else what? You and others may quit to make room for NEW REAL PAYING CUSTOMERS! PLEASE!
  21. You bought out a company. You have ideas. AND you implement them and it doesnt go over all that well. OOPs You didnt know the Customer base and their needs and expectations. But, You did make a few positive changes. But your biggest problems is Joan, That Supreme fuzzy bunny in accounting, She's been there for years and KNOWS everything. What can you do? You need her, she has seen it ALL! And knows everything, She is Deceiving and manipulative. She doesnt teach NEW HIRES a damn thing! WHY, JOB Security! She has EVERYONE Convinced the Company will go under without her! Joan is a fuzzy bunny and everyone knows it, but they all put up with it because they are scared. She is holding everyone and the company hostage. The new Riot mode aint all bad. But, it was a bad move because no one asked for it. Joan told you so. Joan also has alot of afraid subordinates scared so they kiss her patootie and agree with her. I'm 52 and every company I have been a part of has a Joan in some capacity. In our case Joan is about half, just guessing of our GOLD player base. They are DOING NOTHING FOR APB. They hide behind the excuse of NOT enough Players to play where we SHOULD. Jericho is the WORST! EGO BOYS....listen up Who is the best in Jericho? What are you doing to HELP the game? Citadel has leaders that schedule events and do something positive. NOT in Jericho. They Just crap on people who have ideas in the forums. Citadel arranges nights they play in THEIR GOLD server. What are you doing PRO boys of Jericho beside running your mouth? Jericho GOLDS are Joan! They already bought everything, They don't promote or help anyone, They spread toxcity and egotism to lower Districts. Why do you need them? Instead of them dictating how things go for their best interest. How about make the game appeatling to a new customer base? Let them Play in SILVER and remove ALL STANDING. CRAP flows from the TOP to the bottom. Experiment with some levels. Lvl 9 to 50 Must stay in Green District. 51 to 100 must stay in Bronze. I don't have all the answers, but the most obvious solutions have never been tried cuz we are listening to Joan. Why would we not want to even try this and tweak it? New players should get to learn the game with their peers and not with dethreaters. Or thrown into Siver district. In all my years of playing I have NEVER once seen someone recommend a player go to Bronze District and how to do it. They all say they do it, but thats what JOAN would say. No matter what you try they will say the same thing. Not enough player base to support it. That way they can continue their Domination. Lets get a NEW Player Base. Send out emails to everyone that havent played the game for 3 months are more and tell them they got their OWN DISTRICT free from GOLD LIFERS! You can learn and play the game based upon people of your own skill lvl. SAME OLD discussion on the forums for years. And same OLD excuses! GOLD servers are Empty, Green are, will, and have always been empty. The whole thing is ridiculous, USE the GREEN servers! As it stands now a Trainee goes to GREEN, which is really Bronze in 2 missions at the most! IT's NONSENSIBLE! Stretch out the levels.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE WHAT YOU DID WITH the RIOT 3 steps intro. Maybe You could change up the District Seclect Screen. It's sometimes months or years before a player learns they can MANUALLY select their appropriate district. This a Huge issue. What JOAN doesnt address and ONLY says GIT GUD, is that when they started there WAS a bigger popualtion. And they did get the benefit of playing against like skilled peers. Instead of accidentally being thrust into Silver....WHICH is really GOLD or going up against cheap players. I'm sorry to say. RIOT even in the best case scenario will fail. WHY, it caters to JOAN! The New signups may be big with an ad campaign or something, But JOAN will run them off just as quick. All while saying Git GUD and meanwhile WE ARE ALL HELD HOSTAGE. Where are the LO inspired POLLS? Where are LO emails offering new accounts something and to play in a Fair District? So much potential, but nothing. That's why alot of people say its like G1. Promises, but afraid to do any REAL changes. If the GOLD pop stopped playing for a week. WHAT! Did you really lose any revenue? Maybe, the new Trainees and would actually get some kills and have some fun and stick around. And how knows SPEND SOME MONEY! The Dethreaters couldn't go to Green to harass them. Don't give them any standing whatsoever for playimg in Bronze either. Silvers could and would be able to play in the actual SILVER DISTRICT. What in the hell is the downside of trying??? I know.... Not enough POP to support it, VICIOUS TOXIC CYCLE of FAKE NEWS! Merged. 2 minutes and no JOAN response. I like this time of night! I'll respond for them. Put it on the pile. We like the game as it is and don't want it to grow for others. We want to maintain our Domination with our years experience head start and don't want others to have the same opportunity of playing.
  22. Agreed, Totally remove buy your weapon. And its really stupid that drops seem to be in the exact place every time. I see this whole thing being severely exploited if it survives.
  23. I'm the 13th gender. APB community seems like the types that would subscribe to this and they HAVE to accept my feelings.
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