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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Ban them for what? Being gold? The scores? I don't see anything other than you posting gold names with average scores. Also I have not seen any cheaters since BattleEye. And finally please do not represent me saying I wont buy from Armas over what I see here because I don't see anything that counts as evidence of cheating only golds with average scores
  2. I drive up and blow us up into a fiery hell if possible So much more satisfying lol
  3. DDoS attacks comes from someone trying to intentionally flood log ons to the game - an intentional act of someone trying to bring the game down No single log on can do this nothing to do with join district you are safe
  4. The tickets are one of many reasons why They're working on it It's just that much to do since G1 left a major mess of things to sum it up
  5. Based solely on the info of this thread ( I missed the event for some reason probably bronze back then) I do not think this could be done correctly without changes to it. I only know what I have read so far. although if you guys think of a whole list of event ideas and make a thread for all of them in one (like the clothing thread) it might be more useful for future events
  6. Buying the usable items with G1C was suggested on the old forums but no one mentioned them yet on the new forums. Sounds like it could work to me but I am still undecided on pros and cons of this.
  7. Support tickets were over 1,000 weren't they?
  8. I do not sell alcohol to minors
  9. no you don't.... get a backhoe and dig a new path
  10. cookie is going to be sad if you don't cuddle
  11. To everyone complaining about Little Orbit on this thread Have some more patience next time and consider what hours something is happening may mean the maintenance team may simply be asleep and unable to do anything immediately. It's embarrassing to see so many of you not have any self control in the middle of the night when people are clearly asleep. They are human as well so please stop being abusive towards them (which you were)
  12. Tell me how to adapt against spotter while you don't even know when you are spotted? EH Try looking up sometime? Either you do not know how to play ( which is obviously a possibility with what you've said on this thread) or too lazy to actually try to learn new things. They are not that hard to beat.... So what if they see me its not like i'll be walking in the street out of cover anyways and if they come shooting ill know where they are and shoot back pretty much how APB is anyways it just means I don't need to hunt for them as much since they'll come to me Lieutenant General Lewis Burwell "Chesty" Puller, "They're on Our Right, They're on Our Left, They're in Front of Us, They're Behind Us; They Can't Get Away from Us This Time."
  13. You never did say what types of cake you prefer
  14. I didn't bother aiming and just spammed shots at them or ran into every car in sight with mine killing us all blew the whole area up
  15. ey yo, wanna buy a couple yukons? no but they want to touch you..... a lot
  16. What's G1 have to do with this ? We only have Little Orbit.
  17. Possible link up problem between steam and APB
  18. grab your car hit the Nos run them over (possibly car bomb) jump on point save the day done that a couple times but difficult to pull off unless opp is scattered its a nightmare move to do
  19. I always wondered why they did that since it was obvious you were teasing and not impersonating. wth is a Mussolini Pasta boi rofl I get that hes bad but what??? probably because the old staff was bad Yeah The person who was on the rampage was Tiggs, and it was my opinion that that is why they thankfully removed her from a position of community leadership. It was not just Tiggs banning that day but she was blamed because she was the main voice from everyone else dumping it on her. That whole staff was involved. nothing happens without a boss's permission right? And back then a few were vocal about it then went silent and posts of theirs disappeared left the baggage on Tiggs.
  20. APB is dead? 600+ on at any given moment in NA during the daylight hours is not dead. Now if it's the middle of the night yeah it's dead because people are asleep. But that doesn't make APB dead.
  21. Rain and snow that makes the road slippery like it doe sin real life could make things more challenging and fun. Plus a lot of us too lazy to drive good would have to practice to handle that or look like fools for not knowing how to lol
  22. Fortune Runner

    Out of the Box

    That would be the "out of bounds" thread where we already suggested that out of missions we be allowed to do this again like we used to.
  23. Wow did I read this right? You exclude yourself on being toxic yet making assumptions about the APB players that you can not even possibly know? The way you worded this implies that you don't care about APB either and possibly do not play. So why are you here with what seems like just another rant? By all means if I read this wrong enlighten us.
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