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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. sale bots can cause a ban as well..... did you do that?
  2. You bunch fags, I never said I spent 50k. Personally, I think I spent about 1700 last I checked. We had 50+ active paying players at one point, all spent many hundreds, many spent more than me personally, but I know it had to be over 50k for just 2014-2016 alone... but punk patootie kids will talk shit, and not deliver as per usual. Cause well, punk patootie bitches be just that. N ...E .......X ...........T
  3. yeah sure lets segregate the game even further which is how this started happening to begin with *facepalm*
  4. You are talking to a man, so, no kiddie. Pft yeah right Liar
  5. 50k ? 50,000 ??? Bank statements , G1 proof of purchase ,etc or it didn't happen
  6. Just covered that so yes you can and the thread didn't speak against the ones who are silver/gold like some of us are but how some are so painfully obvious like I mentioned As for evidence GeForce records so yeah it can be proven
  7. I've run into at least 2 or 3 each play session, each day. And they blatantly state it. Soo... if that's not deliberate, I don't know what is. when you see the ops of golds get lucky to get a single kill while the gold steam roll the district you might have a dethreater stay tuned for even more stating the obvious
  8. Just... how. Did they wipe their patootie with 1000$ bills or something? close to it the original guy had 400 staff and went nuts on it so it ate up the cash There's a news article online somewhere on how APB then shut down from it Come on bro, thats all the butt hurt talking. And it is not the way to fix things. Think how to include these people in a solution... MY SOLUTION IS A ROCKET TO THEIR FACE RAWRRRRR
  9. Except we were all referring to the rank 255 golds who intentionally do this to the bronzes and greens in bronze Not the ones who are bouncing between gold and silver who aren't trying to bully Two very different things
  10. You reminded me of one time a couple years ago someone told me that in waterfront so I grabbed my 4x4 to ram into them hit their car then drove up the side of a building jumped out to shoot at them.... only for my car to fall on me... *facepalm*
  11. The current threat system is complete trash. It doesnt properly reflect ur skill ability and as such doesnt mean jack. The only problem I have with the current threat system is how easily you can threat down. This ^^ is why Little Orbit is on this mess of a problem hope its soon
  12. That would only add more players but would not fix the dethreating at all Lets face it people the max rank golds who do this are not doing it to be away from other golds they play in bronze as well as silver regularly They do it because they're ^#*holes It is why threat and matchmaking must be fixed and why Little Orbit is working on it already I do..... districts were 50 enf 50 crim in Colby and no less than 3 of each of the districts were full at any given time of the day Between midnight and 6 am cali time you would still have a full district of each then another half full of each one Then they changed the graphics and people got ticked for how terrible it looks now compared to back then and formed a mass exodus And then all the other things happened that certainly did not help either....
  13. No there are max rank golds who are jerks like this and it has been like this for years from threat and matchmaking being broken..... That is why Little Orbit is working on fixing these since they are core parts of the game
  14. if u /report everyone u don’t have to worry about silly things like “remembering” and “being correct” exactly my point though so who would be able to say all got banned and know for sure?
  15. They would need a massive of new content for this to work for financial reasons so I don't know if its possible
  16. everyone i reported got banned !!! How can anyone truly remember who they reported and whom they didn't though? Just saying....that's all
  17. Fortune Runner


    I see BR's daily
  18. I am eating smoked salmon and rice
  19. I think the GM's are counted in district but not as any of us player slots so it wouldn't affect any of us joining Hard to remember since I don't really recall any G1 Gm's ever showing up
  20. Haven't we had a thread of this every week since BattleEye? Sure the title is slightly different but its a "bash on Battleeye somehow thread" yet again.... Answers were always the same too....
  21. I regret to inform you that I don't regret to inform you that I don't regret to inform you that your internet sucks? Sounds about right
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