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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. Then you get stuck with the ghetto pinto car and its game over for the same reason.... no not a good idea
  2. Canadian bacon and pineapple is bad ? I mean I prefer a combination pizza... Maybe this should be moved to off topic then...hmm
  3. Moving to Texas ASAP. Someones trying to sneak in someones bedroom? Sure It's just for the latency right? *wink*
  4. Since when are you nice? Why would I expect that from you? You're sitting here throwing a tantrum that the weapons as a whole are finally being worked on after so many threads as well as people in game saying they are broken . As well as complaining over a testing ground in It's very first stage of testing... As well as insulting anyone who doesn't agree with you (brown nosing as you called it - so do you expect us to brown nose you? hmm.) As a whole this entire sequence of posts from you are unsubstantiated.
  5. Welcome to the forums where open discussion threads exist !!!!
  6. My posts still stands regardless of your assumptions and opinion of me.
  7. Because many guns had broken aspects as well as largely were not balanced properly as a whole against each other and were crammed too close together to offer no real differences. When you have a bigger family you get a bigger house for more room hence the weapons being balanced and worked on in the testing area.
  8. Right go kiss their behinds all you want im sure you say the same thing about whoever has higher authority over you. Stop crying just because you aren't getting your way. A lot of people are open to seeing the guns fixed and balanced as well like they have needed You clearly do not understand how to do any of this. Please just stop....seriously stop
  9. You seek help i thought the shotguns were fine as is if anything you need to seek special ed help You started a thread saying look Little Orbit failed over a testing ground in its very first stage.... um yeaaaaaaaah
  10. I should clarify : I was referring to the majority of staff from back then when so many of them did not do their jobs properly. Some that do it properly like Beastie is completely different .
  11. You need the fruit more Yeah to throw at you for making an 'unrealistic expectation' thread That’s not what i mean if anything little orbit should of rehired the people who balanced weapons in realtime worlds. #$%$^ NO
  12. I never said i expected the balancing to be perfect in the first place but what i do expect is for the balancing to be realistic so please speak for yourself Go eat some fruit because you're full of it. Access denied
  13. It does not matter if anything they need to fix the servers first which should be a top priority before making big decisions on weapons don’t be a do*che Fixing the game is how the servers get funded to upgrade..... Are they supposed to pay for that with their good looks? Well MattScott does look good but still.... lol
  14. In all sincerity It's not a good idea to hop on a soapbox saying "see they failed" over A TESTING GROUND...... Especially one that is in its FIRST STAGES OF TESTING.....
  15. You first Only you are on a soapbox claiming what you did. I was never on one with you or I'd kick your butt off myself ;-P
  16. If they don’t get it right the first time what makes you think they are ever going to get it right it’s not my problem some players have bad experiences with shot guns maybe they are just bad with them Um...... Has anyone else for APB history ever done better than 2 months of Little Orbit? Can you do any better than them at their job? If not you might need to get off the soapbox.
  17. Yes running while 1 on 1 is annoying but that when I pull out anything to kill cars then try to take it and if I do I then go to a spot to camp to really annoy them. You can either camp somehow or run somehow that is about it. I do not tend to run unless outgunned by poor matchmaking however I do like to relocate to better team spots for us if we are outgunned.
  18. Joker tickets lets anyone have car surfer for a week I believe so anyone can if they work for it.
  19. Is it bad that I'm LMAO over how I was polite and nice about this and I was downvoted yet others are at best blunt and/or rude and you guys took it? I spit my drink everywhere laughing when I noticed this.
  20. If they added motorcycles I would practice jumping on peoples heads as they drive by lol
  21. If they go any slower you wouldn't be able to drive them *facepalm* This mission type is not hard..... If they run you get a car like a vegas and a car killer type weapon like OPGL or ALIG and blow them up. They are doing their job so why aren't you doing yours?
  22. I missed this one single post. I think I know who you are talking about and if so that person for the most part reports everybody for being better than them. *edit* Including their own team.
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